New El DeBarge interview

^^^^Blah, blah, blah. So go out and protest. Griping about it in a Michael Jackson or music forum isn't going to help you. Those who can do, those who can't talk. It doesn't bother me, and I've heard these types of terms my whole life. I didn't even pay any attention to it. It's not like they were using the N word, which can be heard in many rap songs and hip hop music sells mostly to whites. Next you're going to be complaining about this.
^^^^Blah, blah, blah. So go out and protest. Griping about it in a Michael Jackson or music forum isn't going to help you. Those who can do, those who can't talk. It doesn't bother me, and I've heard these types of terms my whole life. I didn't even pay any attention to it. It's not like they were using the N word, which can be heard in many rap songs and hip hop music sells mostly to whites. Next you're going to be complaining about this.

it doesn't hurt to talk about it. Spike Lee did, in a movie. so it's a federal crime to want harmony in a community, where people don't differentiate because of how dark they are or how light they are? for your information, i was watching the interview and never thought for a moment about the features of el debarge. i was thinking about how he was talking about Chris Brown and performances he liked. and when the woman brought up Debarge's skin tone..suddenly, my eyes were opened, and i noticed that he was a light skinned black man, whereas, before she said anything, all i saw was El Debarge. so she made me notice something that it was embarrassing to have to pay attention to. suddenly i was thinking about dark skiinned vs. light skinned. and that vibe shouldn't even be put up in the air. so, it roughened an otherwise smooth interview, and it bothered me, so i said something about it. and like i said, El Debarge acted like that comment came out of nowhere, and out of the blue, and he looked really uncomfortable, all of a sudden. as uncomfortable as i suddenly felt. and i didn't like it. so i expressed something about it. in the year 2010, the subject simply should NOT come up. it's one thing to be proud of your's totally something else to make a comment that makes a person self conscious of their appearance. perhaps, if you have a problem with differing opinions, this place is not for you.
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There were movies long before School Daze by Spike Lee that are about the same thing like Pinky and Imitation of Life. Again, go out and protest if you don't like it. How are you bringing any harmony by talking about it in some random music thread that no one is going to see? Write to Brian McKnight, Twana Tells, BET, whoever and tell them. Write to El DeBarge and ask him does it bother him. Write a pamplet and pass it out in the black neighborhoods or have community meetings. Rent some televison airtime. Nobody accomplishes anything by griping. Did Abraham Lincoln stop slavery by talking and complaining? No, he went to war against the Confederates. John Lennon wanted peace, so he had a Bed-in about it, rented billboards, went on talk shows, recorded songs about it. He didn't sit in a room and type on a computer. Anybody can talk, but not anybody can do. If you don't want to go out and fight for what you want, it's a waste of time.
There were movies long before School Daze by Spike Lee that are about the same thing like Pinky and Imitation of Life. Again, go out and protest if you don't like it. How are you bringing any harmony by talking about it in some random music thread that no one is going to see? Write to Brian McKnight, Twana Tells, BET, whoever and tell them. Write to El DeBarge and ask him does it bother him. Write a pamplet and pass it out in the black neighborhoods or have community meetings. Rent some televison airtime. Nobody accomplishes anything by griping. Did Abraham Lincoln stop slavery by talking and complaining? No, he went to war against the Confederates. Anybody can talk, but not anybody can do. If you don't want to go out and fight for what you want, it's a waste of time.

in case you haven't heard, the internet is a powerful thing. people join these sites everyday, and what somebody says on them can make a difference. Abraham Lincoln didn't have the internet. and i don't want to shoot a gun.

by simply using the internet, MJ fans have accomplished much against anti MJ people. and they didn't have to lift a finger to war.

i can put a post on here, that millions can see, and among them, people of color who have made other people of color think about their skin tone. so you never know what this easy step can do. that's what i choose to do.
if i argued against taking advantage of technology, then you'd call me 'stuck in the past'. now, i take advantage of it, and you want me to live in the past.

everybody has a different way of doing things. some protest. some make movies, some post on the internet. variety is the spice of life.
in case you haven't heard, the internet is a powerful thing. people join these sites everyday, and what somebody says on them can make a difference. Abraham Lincoln didn't have the internet. and i don't want to shoot a gun.
The politicians today do have the internet, and yet they still wage war.

by simply using the internet, MJ fans have accomplished much against anti MJ people.
Like what? Did they magically disappear or get banished to another planet? :rofl:

i can put a post on here, that millions can see, and among them, people of color who have made other people of color think about their skin tone. so you never know what this easy step can do. that's what i choose to do.
if i argued against taking advantage of technology, then you'd call me 'stuck in the past'. now, i take advantage of it, and you want me to live in the past.
The KKK, Nation Of Islam, New Black Panthers, Nazis, terrorists, anti-homosexual, etc. also have websites and can post their views or recruit people. Your point is what?

everybody has a different way of doing things. some protest. some make movies, some post on the internet. variety is the spice of life.
You're contradicting yourself. If variety is the spice of life, then you should have no problem with anything that was said in the interviews.
I don't think I got the chance to read the rest of this thread. I'll try later this week. In the mean time, just wanted to let you know that Ebony magazine (Oct edition) has a Debarge cover story. I bought it yesterday but haven't had a chance to read it yet.

I've read the Ebony interview now. It's quite good. Quite interesting when he said that drug dealers were trying to stop him from being able to have access to drug, because they were looking out for him. I was surprised by his end comment: "I'm bringing light skin back." :lol: I've been listening to my Debarge greatest hits CD this past week & I love the music & the lyrics; there quite thoughtful. We could do w/some songs like this now. We'll see how it goes.