new article on et...paints sad picture

Btw, I think someone else was living in the house too, so they were not necessarily "Michael's vans"... Probably some of his staff lived there and had their own stuff there..?
Technically they arent in line to decide about anything. His lawyers will tell what to do... That's how it goes.
no that's NOT how it goes. the stuff wasn't the staff's, it was janet getting mj's things out of the house before his 'staff' comes and takes it.

getting the children's things etc...

as for the family not being able to decide things...who will? his lawyers? the ones who may have had a hand in hurting him?

his family is taking care of his kids, they need to put their brother/uncle/cousin/son to rest and this is preventing them from doing that....the whole will thing, mj might have wishes for his funeral etc...

so that's y they wanna c it so they can make sure they fullfill what he wanted. the service type, where to be buried. does that make sense?
I understand. But there is a certain procedure to the unveiling of wills that have to be followed. it shud be read after the interment (unless Cali's laws are different).

Also bear in mind that there r alot of false news being disseminated right now. Even in that article.
I understand. But there is a certain procedure to the unveiling of wills that have to be followed. it shud be read after the interment (unless Cali's laws are different).

Also bear in mind that there r alot of false news being disseminated right now. Even in that article.

But if MJ left his wishes on how he wants to be buried or anything related to that in a legal document, the family needs to have access to it before the interment. It's a catch 22 situation. I just hope they don't bury him in a boring blue suit. :worried:
how can they be sure they're following his wishes unless they can read the will or have it 'read' to them. it's not up to the lawyers on what happens. it's teh family.

im an organ donor. registerd and everything but it' sup to my husband to decide if he wants to honour my wishes. even if i have given legal permission. same w/ a DNR.

the family now has precedence. this is only if there's a debate about the will or the contents or if they feel it's not a real will or there was a newer version
I don't think that request would be in his will but if it is, I'm sure it will be made public. Maybe he doesn't even want a burial.
this just looks like his people trying to control it alltill the very end and no one benefits from that. i can see not revealing who gets what but at least his wishes. that's the most important thing right now
No, no. Once you write a WILL, your family has no decision to honor your wishes; you've already made it known. Likewise if you signed a DNR order in a competent state of mind, your family has no grounds to do anything different. The problem is different if you DIDN'T sign a DNR, then your spouse in NYC law can make the decision etc.

Again, there are certain procedures to unveiling a will, and it is usually after the interment.
This is messed up.

Everyone should just get the hell out of their way!
how can u have made it known if no one has read it?

and a dnr can be overruled. it happens all the time. it's up to the spouse, if ur married.

it must be a state by state basis.

but they can ask for the will to be read only pertaining to and if his wishes for his remains is included
Oh god why did Mike have all these horrible people surrounding him!? I just hope his stuff is intact, I hope we can get like a museum or a Graceland type thing.

I hope his assets remain intact so his kids can have them!
where he at then? Get in touch please man. This family is going through. I hope he gets in touch like now.

where is randy at? where is he? Why are key figures and players so quiet right now?
There is a statement on tmz saying randy will take over michael estate for the family and rowe michael former manager will assist randy in the transistion the statment is at the end of tito article.