New Album Bigger Than Thriller?

Nope. Nothing will ever top Thriller in regards to sales. So forget about it.
Maybe... bigger than Thriller in some ways but in sales No...Nobody is buying music anymore like that.I think it will sale more than 30 milion and it will became the most succesfull album of the millenium!

Having worked in royalties at a major record label I agree with you on this.
I'm just so happy that it happened in OUR time, you know? Never again will that ever be possible. I'm so sad he's gone but so happy that I was around to see it happen.

Yeah definitely. If I lived in a different time and didn't have his music obviously I wouldn't miss it because I never had it but it's such a big part of me that I don't think I'd be the same person.
I think I remember Quincy Jones being in China a little before MJ died, and he said they were trying to figure out new ways of distributing music and saving the industry. In my opinion, only if some new format came out in the future, MJ's album would be possible to beat Thriller.
Maybe... bigger than Thriller in some ways but in sales No...Nobody is buying music anymore like that.I think it will sale more than 30 milion and it will became the most succesfull album of the millenium!

Yeah with bootlegging it might not go no more than 10 million worldwide
Thriller didn't just get big because of the album. In fact most of Thriller's success is because of the videos, Motown 25th and Michael changing MTV and pop culture in general.

The album has 5 really strong singles and the rest is Ok compared. The three heavyweights are Billie Jean, Beat It and Thriller. Then you have Human Nature and WBBS.

Thriller didn't take off on sales before the Billie Jean video came out. That was Michaels first groundbraking work from the album. Beat It and Thriller videos also did its job on MTV. And when MJ did the moonwalk was when he became the superstar we know him as. All of it was brand new back then. It was after all those things that Michael reached his peak, and that is the reason why Thriller has this reputation. To top Thriller, you have to do all that again and it has to be equally fresh. That is why Michael could never outdo Thriller, and that is why any new material released now after he is dead will never top Thriller. And all this is without considering the Internet and downloading. Take that and downloading and you know why Thriller will always forever be the biggest selling album of all time.

I disagree! Did you listen to Human Nature! It is out of this world! The songs are too good to be ture the Album did have great hits like Bellie Jean, Beat It, Thriller, but that dosen't make other songs sound less, actually when you listen to the songs, one after the other you will love the way the songs are listed on the album, many success factors will be not just videos also the length of the album, the way it is organized, the type of music, etc... Thriller is just beyond success IMO
Many facts and activities essentially contribute to album sales is the artist to promote the album himself such as events and attendance, such as photo shots, interviews, award show performances, different appearances, music videos (new ones not clips from old videos), etc… So I donno how they will do all of that without Michael! To me this all doesn’t matter anymore…
In this day and age of illegal downloading, not possible. Perhaps if we were still in the 80's and/or 90's, but in the 00's? Nah. Thriller was the epitiome of success in the music industry. The only person who could top that was Michael himself, and he tried with Bad and Dangerous. I believe Michael even knew he'd never achieve that much success again.
dont forget 1 billion people around the world watched the MJ memorial service, thats how big his level of interest is. in like a sales ratio in comparison with other albums, i think it could beat thrillers sales ratio, but in pure numbers shifted, i doubt it
dont forget 1 billion people around the world watched the MJ memorial service, thats how big his level of interest is. in like a sales ratio in comparison with other albums, i think it could beat thrillers sales ratio, but in pure numbers shifted, i doubt it

i mean thriller sales ratio with other albums of the 80s and the new albums with other albums now, just to clear that up
10 million would be massive in todays environment where everyone steals music instead of buying it. Hard to say how big it could be before we've actually heard the album though.