New Album Bigger Than Thriller?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Cardiff, UK
Could it be possible for a new MJ album to become bigger than Thriller?
I would like to think so. Shame Michael won't be here to celebrate it.
Maybe... bigger than Thriller in some ways but in sales No...Nobody is buying music anymore like that.I think it will sale more than 30 milion and it will became the most succesfull album of the millenium!
I don't reckon anything could top off Thriller ever, Not even himself! That album is absolutley in its own league.
I am sure it is going to be big, for our time, but nothing can compare record sales in the 90s and 80s, because piracy and warez will play a major effect in sales these days. I am personally against piracy, it is stealing.
Remember that quote, not sure who/what it was exactly but it went something along the lines of "the only person who can top thriller is michael jackson"
I don't reckon anything could top off Thriller ever, Not even himself! That album is absolutley in its own league.

material wise i dont think its any better than most of his other albums, its just all the songs on thriller kind of bounce off each other, if you get what i mean, when you get to the end of lady in my life, it feels like whilst listening to the album, youve gone on a journey. its sounds are so nostalgic whilst timeless at the same time. but the actual songs themselves arnt much better than any of his others, i mean on singles performance alone, bad was much stronger, but thriller had that feel about it, like i said, it felt like an album in the true sense, rather than a compilation of songs he'd been working on, like the others did.

thats me trying to explain it, but there is just something about that album, something no other album has.

MJ has long since equaled or bettered thriller in material, but hes never again created that magical feel the album has, and in that sense its in a league of its own
Although that would be great, it will never happen. Music buying habits are totally different then in the 1980's. With downloading and the tendency to just download singles off I-tunes, it's impossible to have global sales even coming close to Thriller.

If Michael's new album goes 4-5X platinum in the US then that would be phenomenal! Global sales of 15-16 million would be unheard of in today's environment. That would probably be a bit more realistic.
I highly doubt it.

Biggest album of this millenium is nothing to be ashamed of though......;)

Biggest album of this millenium and last millenium. Michael will live on forever. It actually scares me how big he is sometimes.
Probably not but i do think that the new album will out sell Invincible
I'm just so happy that it happened in OUR time, you know? Never again will that ever be possible. I'm so sad he's gone but so happy that I was around to see it happen.
I doubt we will see album sales like that ever again. There are just too many ways to get music, legally and illegally, today. In the 1980's you pretty much had a few different ways to hear your favorite artist: Concert, radio, music television station, and actually buying the artist's record. The only certain way of hearing your favorite song at any moment you wanted was by buying a record. With the Internet, all of those things have changed.
Not gonna happen. The music industry has changed too much for that.
Also, Sony or whoever releases it can easily ruin it with unnecessary starpower and poor production. Michael is not here to call the shots anymore.
Still, hopefully it will be big :)
I'm just so happy that it happened in OUR time, you know? Never again will that ever be possible. I'm so sad he's gone but so happy that I was around to see it happen.

the ONLY thing that makes it easier... Michael made my childhood the happiest ever. and I love him forever for that and will salute him till the day I join him!
when was the last time aul McCartney had a hit??? when was the last time Bruce Springsteen had a hit.... why is it always only expected to top his biggest
hit in order to be validated...

it is not fair!
i think 20mio would get sold
if there are 2 albums 30mio for both together (same time release nearly)

or they release ever 2nd year a new album each will get sold around 20mio times
Well, I'm gonna go against the consensus. I think a new MJ album will sell more than Thriller. Actually, I'm almost certain that it will happen.
Well, I'm gonna go against the consensus. I think a new MJ album will sell more than Thriller. Actually, I'm almost certain that it will happen.

Its not possible.......people dont buy music like that anymore. Things have changed.

Theres illegal downloading.
No...because Thriller has had 25 years on the new album. Apparently it was still selling 1million copies a year up until 15years after it's release. Thriller was phenominal and no one will top tht in this generation. Especially as many people will get it for free through piracy etc...It's sad though. I do think it'll be huge though!!
Nothing's ever going to be as big as 'Thriller'.
When you ask if the new album will be bigger, I'm guessing you're basing it on the idea that most of the sales will be driven by the inevitable hype and curiosity. But that won't be enough to reach 'Thriller'...even if the album is full of #1 quality hits.
well to be honest i dont really belive the " new " album will come out untill i see it i have been waiting scince 2001 ( when i became a hardcre fan ) for a follow up to invincible to 8 years later i can only pray it happens
It isn't even possible anymore for Michael to beat Thriller in sales because the industry has changed so much since that was released and there is a lot of illegal downloading. However, Michael could set a record of having the biggest selling album of the digital era though.
Nothing's ever going to be as big as 'Thriller'.
When you ask if the new album will be bigger, I'm guessing you're basing it on the idea that most of the sales will be driven by the inevitable hype and curiosity. But that won't be enough to reach 'Thriller'...even if the album is full of #1 quality hits.

Indeed, I'm basing my opinion due to the hype. I would go as far as stating that it will surpass Thriller even if the album is not full of quality hits.

People will sleep on the streets the day before its launch as if the newest Playstation came out.

Unlike Thriller people will buy due to the emotional aspect. Ok, there are the illegal downloads now. Nevertheless...

Only Michael can beat his own record.Watch and see.
Indeed, I'm basing my opinion due to the hype. I would go as far as stating that it will surpass Thriller even if the album is not full of quality hits.

People will sleep on the streets the day before its launch as if the newest Playstation came out.

Unlike Thriller people will buy due to the emotional aspect. Ok, there are the illegal downloads now. Nevertheless...

Only Michael can beat his own record.Watch and see.
Don't get me wrong...I'd love to be proved wrong here. ;)
But if we're talking about the emotional aspect...I'm sure all those people who will get his new album have no doubt got themselves a copy of 'Thriller' during the past few weeks. So, as 'Thriller' is basically a must-have album when it comes to MJ, it also benefits from the emotional aspect.
over time this new album which we will all be buying before christmas 09 will top thriller over a long period of time.
My sister asked me to make her a copy of Thriller and Bad since of course I own both of them.
I lied and said sure. I bought her a copy of each off of and sent them to her.
I can't cheat Michael out of a paycheck. I download his unreleased songs sure, but when they're put on an album I buy it, even if it means having 50 copies of Thriller to do so.

I'd like to hope that more people buy the new album. I know that I'll be getting two or three copies just in case my kids break one.