Never before seen footage from interview with Mtv


Proud Member
Mar 6, 2008
The Netherlands
I was on and saw that they have the interview on there that Michael gave in 1999. As I started watching it, I noticed there are parts of this interview that I haven't seen before. There used to be a part of it on youtube but not the whole thing like it can be seen on the site.
It brought a smile on my face to see him laugh so I thought I should let you guys know...
I saw parts of this interview in another program, here it is in full length, thanks
I can't see this, so if someone could get the whole interview and upload it somewhere, I'd really appreciate it.
Could someone please put it on YouTube please! I want it stored with all my other favs!
This made me cry again, I miss him so much. :(
Wow he seemed kinda nervous and uncomfortable here. Lol
Never seen this one before though!
Looking sexy... as usual!
This is the around the TV Guide interview when Thriller was picked as the #1 Video of all time by MTV.
Wow I've never seen the whole interview before! Thanx a lot. He smiles a lot reminiscing all the fun moments he had working on the videos and songs...His voice is so calm and soothing...

I hope someone will upload it on youtube soon, so many other fans can watch.
can someone download it and put on megaupload or rapidshare?
thanks so much for the link. that was a great interview of mike, even though much of the stuff that he said i've read elsewhere, its fantastic to hear him say it himself. Great to hear him laugh, and i didnt realise he could click so loud with his fingers lol

miss you mike
is it on youtube yetr?
If it ends up on YouTube, it will probably be gone within 24 hours. As soon as Michael passed away I started getting one after the other "copyright infringement" warnings from Youtube (mostly Viacom going after MTV clips). I mean I got like 10 of them in one day on like Monday/Tuesday. My whole account was suspended then. Everything gone. I've run into a lot of others "this video has been removed for terms violation" this week. They're going after everything now, even poor quality 30 second clips from 30 years ago. Seems so unfair. If it's not released and not aired, who's actually losing anything. Sorry, just venting a bit. I'm still sad about this. I had so many beautiful comments and it's all gone.
If it ends up on YouTube, it will probably be gone within 24 hours. As soon as Michael passed away I started getting one after the other "copyright infringement" warnings from Youtube (mostly Viacom going after MTV clips). I mean I got like 10 of them in one day on like Monday/Tuesday. My whole account was suspended then. Everything gone. I've run into a lot of others "this video has been removed for terms violation" this week. They're going after everything now, even poor quality 30 second clips from 30 years ago. Seems so unfair. If it's not released and not aired, who's actually losing anything. Sorry, just venting a bit. I'm still sad about this. I had so many beautiful comments and it's all gone.

tell me about it! the same thing happened to me...all of a sudden on the day that he passed away like 10 of my vids were taken down at the same time for copyright and they deleted my account without warning. It was mostly for Jackson 5 interviews and performance vids which were was so fustrating! I had alot of friends, subscribers and I have to start from scratch...stupid youtube...everything that is uploaded is copyright infringement somehow, so they might as well take down the whole site...I don't understand why they pick on some accounts and not others..
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tell me about it! the same thing happened to me...all of a sudden on the day that he passed away like 10 of my vids were taken down at the same time for copyright and they deleted my account without warning. It was mostly for Jackson 5 interviews and performance vids which were was so fustrating! I had alot of friends, subscribers and I have to start from scratch...stupid youtube...everything that is uploaded is copyright infringement somehow, so they might as well take down the whole site...I don't understand why they pick on some accounts and not others..
Yeah, it's really fun when your whole account is gone. I had friends and had comments all over my page, rare videos from my old VHS tapes with lots of views and all kinds of wonderful comments... in additon to a bunch of other stuff that had no copyright infringement claims on them (because it was my own stuff!!!) And now everything is gone because the whole account was disabled. Worst thing is... I had another account using the same email address with NO videos uploaded at all (!) and now it says that one's disabled as well! WTH? It went from one day everything is ok then suddenly I couldn't even log into my account. And they didn't do this to my account until after Michael passed. It was like suddenly the greed kicked in full force, "Oh! We could actually sell some of that old footage that no one's seen for years now, like on a DVD release this Christmas! Get 'em all off youtube! Haha, we've got ya now, fans!" I mean, that's what it felt like to me. As I said, no one is losing money if a 30 second clip from 20 years ago is up there in crappy quality. Something otherwise unseen. They're not selling it, they're not airing it (so not losing advertising revenue), they're just not losing anything. A**holes.
Yeah, it's really fun when your whole account is gone. I had friends and had comments all over my page, rare videos from my old VHS tapes with lots of views and all kinds of wonderful comments... in additon to a bunch of other stuff that had no copyright infringement claims on them (because it was my own stuff!!!) And now everything is gone because the whole account was disabled. Worst thing is... I had another account using the same email address with NO videos uploaded at all (!) and now it says that one's disabled as well! WTH? It went from one day everything is ok then suddenly I couldn't even log into my account. And they didn't do this to my account until after Michael passed. It was like suddenly the greed kicked in full force, "Oh! We could actually sell some of that old footage that no one's seen for years now, like on a DVD release this Christmas! Get 'em all off youtube! Haha, we've got ya now, fans!" I mean, that's what it felt like to me. As I said, no one is losing money if a 30 second clip from 20 years ago is up there in crappy quality. Something otherwise unseen. They're not selling it, they're not airing it (so not losing advertising revenue), they're just not losing anything. A**holes.

They deleted my account months ago because I had Dangerous rehearsals :(

Anyway I thought this interview was for TV guide? I have it named like that. But I can't remember if it's a full version. I have to check.