Ne-Yo in O2 on 11.July 2009 - WTF?

You know what I meant with "relatively small artist" - it ain't like he drive crowds like Metallica or those big boys.
Well, to me he's also an "relatively small artist" and I'm actually shocked that he plays such big venues... but it's reality... so he has his own stage! ;)

But hey, I'm not into events management and since you're so absolutely sure about it I'm gonna take your word for that they will put up Michaels entire stage before Ne-yo's concert to reherse, then tear the entire stage down again to put up Ne-yo's stage... and then put up Michael's stage again, and then tear down Michael's entire stage for the Ne-yo concert the 19'th, to put up Michael's stage again for the rest of the shows :)
Yeah, I'm absolutely sure... like I said, economically it doesn't really make sense and you'd think they would have tried to avoid to have to move their stuff out, just for one show (they will have to move it out later anyways, since there are more concerts and shows happening in the summer), but that's also reality! I guess they are saving that much money, by not touring, that they don't really mind to tear down and re-erect the stage just for one show! ;)
The good thing about residencies is that you can have larger teams of people working on the stage, whereas with michaels previous tours you can only take a certain ammount of people arround the world with you, so the stage(s) would take longer to dissassemble/reassemble
At every show they hire local stage hands to help build up and tear down the stage... so that's not really an issue! I was a stage hand at Michael's HIStory show in Munich!
If they reschedule again I won't be able to make it! :(
Omg they can't do it. During the press conference, they clearly stated that the rescheduling they already made is the only one time and that is it.

I hope you are right!
I think they have taken it into consideration when the first rescheduled the concerts.
I think they have taken it into consideration when the first rescheduled the concerts.

Of course they's impossible not to have. I know they didn't with the others and all but I'm sure they wouldn't make the same mistakes twice.
the funny thing about this is that Madonna was on the 5th right. Michael was supposed to start on the 8th so thats leaving the 6th and 7th part of the 8th to set up so 3 days.
And neyo has always been scheduled for the 11th (and also now the 18th if i remember correctly they had to add another date)
So now we have neyo on the 11th leaving the 12th and part of the 13th and..... Michaels on the 13th yeah um aint that like less? like 2 days.....
So yeah as for their 5 day excuse. the only things that could effect this is IF
- they move Neyo into one of the other sections of the O2 (like the Indigo)
- or Neyo uses MJ's stage and set up
cant believe people are just picking up this now. but yeah
the funny thing about this is that Madonna was on the 5th right. Michael was supposed to start on the 8th so thats leaving the 6th and 7th part of the 8th to set up so 3 days.
And neyo has always been scheduled for the 11th (and also now the 18th if i remember correctly they had to add another date)
So now we have neyo on the 11th leaving the 12th and part of the 13th and..... Michaels on the 13th yeah um aint that like less? like 2 days.....
So yeah as for their 5 day excuse. the only things that could effect this is IF
- they move Neyo into one of the other sections of the O2 (like the Indigo)
- or Neyo uses MJ's stage and set up
cant believe people are just picking up this now. but yeah
Geez... why don't people get it thru their heads that Madonna was on the 4th and the 5th and James Taylor on the 6th!? They always only had 1 day! They are not going to rehearse on show day! But now they have part of the 7th (depending on how long it takes to set up the stage) and full days on 8th/9th/10th and then again part of the 12th! It's not that hard to realize that now they have around 5 days in the venue! And for the other 2 points, no, Ne-Yo is not moving from a 20.000 seater to 1.200 seater and no, he's not using MJ's stage!
So they will change the stage for ONE night just for Ne-Yo? LOL.
No they will change it many times during MJs residency they change
stages all the time_ there are many different shows in between MJs performance dates _

Also the O2 stated on MJs forum that all rigging and lights etc
stay in place all thet needs assembled is the sets and stage
platforms in between shows and that it is done over night after
the shows into the next day if necessary. They have people just
for that purpose.
Maybe MJ will reherse in the the daytime and Neyo will be on in the evening. They cannot afford to reschedule again.
AEG are promoting Akon's tour so will be aware of the date.

Also, it's not as if MJ will be the only act in The O2 for the months of July, August and September. There will be other concerts taking place throughout that time.

Therefore, MJ's stage is gonna have to be easy to be erected and dismantled. The stage at The O2 is used for all acts, it's the backdrops and sets they'll have to change, that's all.

The schedule will be simple, something like:

July 7th - set moved in
July 8th - rehearsals
July 9th - rehearsals
July 10th - rehearsals
July 11th - rehearsals off site, Ne-Yo moves in
July 12th - rehearsals
July 13th - rehearsals/first show
July 14th - set taken down again for Nine Inch Nails on 15th
July 15th - Nine Inch Nails
July 16th - MJ

Other events taking place throughout MJ's residency include Walking with Dinosaurs, Basketball, Pearl Jam, Andrea Bocelli, Cliff Richard, Strictly Come Dancing and Elvis the Concert.
Yeah, I don't think they rescheduled because it takes so LONG to BUILD the stage...The way I understood it was that they have so much "technical" stuff and "stunts" and stuff that they need to be able to rehearse those at the venue in order to make sure it all works. You know, maybe some aerial stuff and they need to make sure it's all secured and it works in the arena, big light shows...stuff like that. At least that's how I understood it...but I could be wrong?
Yeah, I don't think they rescheduled because it takes so LONG to BUILD the stage...The way I understood it was that they have so much "technical" stuff and "stunts" and stuff that they need to be able to rehearse those at the venue in order to make sure it all works. You know, maybe some aerial stuff and they need to make sure it's all secured and it works in the arena, big light shows...stuff like that. At least that's how I understood it...but I could be wrong?

No I think you're right, that's the impression I got too.
Ha will have the time he needs.

Do you think it may be possible to get a glimpse of MJ if I go to the O2 the 11th and 12th july?
^^Yeah... if you're lucky... but then again, if he can drive right into the venue then you probably don't! ;)
You can hear the noise from the arena while walking around The O2. Here's an example. The band performing is Keane with their song "The Frog Prince":

u think they can remove neyos stage and build MJs stage AND rehearse within 2 days??
it takes hours to take down stages not days. this isnt a stadium stage where the whole thing has to be built the core of the stage is already in place

there really is no issue. it was changed because it gave mj only one day to do a rehearsal b4 the opening night. now he has everyday after the 6th but not including the 11th cause of neyo. how is that the same as b4? its not
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You can hear the noise from the arena while walking around The O2. Here's an example. The band performing is Keane with their song "The Frog Prince":

no way are they gonna let anyone in when mjs doing rehearsals. can u imagine it lol
no way are they gonna let anyone in when mjs doing rehearsals. can u imagine it lol

That's just from the main O2 centre. They'll let people in there to go to restaurants etc, otherwise the whole centre would lose a lot of money.

The centre will still be open throughout the time MJ is rehearsing.
That's just from the main O2 centre. They'll let people in there to go to restaurants etc, otherwise the whole centre would lose a lot of money.

The centre will still be open throughout the time MJ is rehearsing.

seriouisly i cant see how they will going by that video. u can hear it clearly. not to mention fans trying to sneak in and all the secuirty issues lol. i i doubt they make that much money during the day. it was pretty dead when we were there for the P.C