Ne-Yo again talks about MJ

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Good post. You gotta watch for the quotations...and even then, sometimes it can be total crap. lol

I just wanted to add that I believe Ne-Yo met MJ some time ago. He's mentioned meeting Michael before as well as speaking to MJ on the phone. What he last said (interview before this one) was that he hadn't been in the studio with Michael yet...that the majority of what they were doing "work-wise" was via phone and mp3s.

Thanks for posting the article. :flowers:

Yeah, I think Ne-Yo said that before about his meeting with Michael. He just said that he didn't met him in the studio. I think he said that in People magazine last year. I can barely remember. LOL. Anyway, it was a nice little article. It would have been good if the media wouldn't go there with the comment about MJ being this so called "freak" to the public when most of the public probably don't care what the media says about anyone anyway. LOL.

Its not that BIG a deal because he didn't exactly say it and even if he did, it still wouldn't have been, just unprofessional

I've seen what you stated but Ne-Yo said what he had to say. The way it is percieved, people know more about Mike's personal life and not really focusing on the music. The media is to blame for most of it because the media is about reporting people's personal lives and not reporting the facts. I think Ne-Yo was professional and stated the facts about Michael. I mean, what do you want the man to say about Michael? That he is this "magical creature that is senstive and blah, blah, blah" that really has nothing to do with him as a person? I mean, come on. First impression is what matters and I am glad that Ne-Yo said the truth about the man. This media believes their own hype and when it is shown that Mike is not this crazy man, then the media start to be either in denial or starts to backtrack. Typical, laughable media. That is why we have to read these articles closely.
thanks for those qoutes.. nice to see a little different thing said.. lol!
lets hope ne-yo doesnt make the album because the way hes talking is that hes basically done jack with Mj.saying in the other interview that he hadnt even been in the studio with him if hes gonna be involved heck knows how long its gonna be.
The concept for the album is to try to turn the focus back on Michael Jackson musician rather than public freak.
what does he mean. :-/

:heart:Michael's personality is alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot moreee beautiful than his songs.
and if people cant see it, its their weakness and problem not :heart:Michael's.

Neyo sounds as if he only likes his songs and respect him as a entertainer not a person. :-/
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is that neyos actual wording?.cause no wonder he aint got in the studio with mj if hes talking like that
My understanding of it is.. making great music as if the 'crazy' image the media created never exhisted.. Like Thriller and Off The Wall.. U know by the time BAD came out he was addressing rumors etc. through songs.. while they are great songs.. I think at this point after decades of the attack, he just wants to move on and past it..
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I've seen what you stated but Ne-Yo said what he had to say. The way it is percieved, people know more about Mike's personal life and not really focusing on the music. The media is to blame for most of it because the media is about reporting people's personal lives and not reporting the facts. I think Ne-Yo was professional and stated the facts about Michael. I mean, what do you want the man to say about Michael? That he is this "magical creature that is senstive and blah, blah, blah" that really has nothing to do with him as a person? I mean, come on. First impression is what matters and I am glad that Ne-Yo said the truth about the man. This media believes their own hype and when it is shown that Mike is not this crazy man, then the media start to be either in denial or starts to backtrack. Typical, laughable media. That is why we have to read these articles closely.

lol For like the third time I admitted that I mis read the article... To be honest, I really don't care if Neyo says or doesn't say anything about Michael. lol I really don't. All I said was if he had of said the public freak comment it would have been unprofessional because there better choice of words. That was just my little input if he HAD of said that but its not the end of the world lol I was clarified of the mistake and corrected it like three times already lol

All some of you do is speculate and make assumptions off of information which doesn't actually tell us anything. It's so boring. Why don't you just wait and see what happens instead of stressing over Michael getting left with an "outdated sound". That's actually insulting to Michael's own input and part in his own album, as though he has no control over it's direction or sound. Michael's never sounded outdated because his music has never sounded like anybody's. And don't talk about "Invincible". The album isn't outdated, you just didn't like it.

Ain't that the truth?
Michael's music will never be left with an outdated sound because Michael makes great music and great music lives on forever
Real nice ne-yo. I'm surprised he didn't say "pedophile" while he was at it. :smilerolleyes:

That's some ignorant shit to say Victory.
YES, it's true, alot of people do think Michael is a tabloid freak and a "pedophile".
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
What you gonna do everytime somebody pokes fun at MJ or makes a degrading statement about him, cry?
Ne-Yo said absolutely nothing bad about Michael and you know it. I mean, it wasn't even a slight diss. It was just Ne-Yo speaking his mind, god forbid. As usual, it's another Jackson fanatic losing their marbles for no reason at all.

I love what neyo said bout mike! :)
Neyo is such a big mj fan and there is no way he would EVER AND I MEAN NEVER EVER diss mj.

And if people diss mj to u, just do what i do ignore them! let them think they no everything...when in truth THEY DONT!!!!
That's some ignorant shit to say Victory.
YES, it's true, alot of people do think Michael is a tabloid freak and a "pedophile".
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
What you gonna do everytime somebody pokes fun at MJ or makes a degrading statement about him, cry?
Ne-Yo said absolutely nothing bad about Michael and you know it. I mean, it wasn't even a slight diss. It was just Ne-Yo speaking his mind, god forbid. As usual, it's another Jackson fanatic losing their marbles for no reason at all.

You know it's funny your saying this crap since mjcarousal was agreeing with me at the time but after I made those comments I hadn't said anything else and had looked at the right comments that people were pointing to but that didn't seem to matter to you so there you were losing your own marbles for no reason aswell.
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what does he mean. :-/

:heart:Michael's personality is alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot moreee beautiful than his songs.
and if people cant see it, its their weakness and problem not :heart:Michael's.

Neyo sounds as if he only likes his songs and respect him as a entertainer not a person. :-/

Why are people complaining about Neyo's respect? I have BOLDED what NEYO SAID, and left in un-bold what NEWS.COM.AU wrote.....

Ne-Yo says he met the superstar to discuss the project. "It was very exciting," he says. "Michael Jackson is one of the reasons why I sing. When we met he was really cool people. He was really regular people. Everyone expects Michael Jackson to be this weird guy and he's not. He had a regular suit on. There was nothing weird about him. We talked about music, where he wanted to go direction-wise, how we'd get the records to one another. It was a very calm, regular meeting."

The concept for the album is to try to turn the focus back on Michael Jackson musician rather than public freak.

"We're trying to get people to ignore the rumours about his personal life and get back to the reason why we loved Michael Jackson in the first place, the entertainment value," Ne-Yo says. "We want to get the music right. He's still dancing, doing his thing; it should be good."

I dont see a single problem at all.. do you?
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You know it's funny your saying this crap since mjcarousal was agreeing with me at the time but after I made those comments I hadn't said anything else and had looked at the right comments that people were pointing to but that didn't seem to matter to you so there you were losing your own marbles for no reason aswell.
lol don't sweat it...
Some people here need to chill the f*@# out. Some folks mis read the comments including myself and corrected it. That should be it. THE END, its not all of that
Man.. You guys are attacking Ne-Yo for no reason.. He is just saying that TOGETHER (with MJ) they will focus of on music why everybody loves MJ's music in the first place. Personally, I think that these songs will be top notch. I have heard a couple of new Ne-Yo tracks.. Man, I will buy his album tooo!! "The Year of the Gentlemen".
You know it's funny your saying this crap since mjcarousal was agreeing with me at the time but after I made those comments I hadn't said anything else and had looked at the right comments that people were pointing to but that didn't seem to matter to you so there you were losing your own marbles for no reason aswell.

LOL, sure dude.
I wasn't the one who misquoted a Ne-Yo comment, used the word "pedophile" and turned an otherwise positive thread negative. You must be real proud of yourself.

Obviously Shaffer didn't say the "pedophile/public freak" comments. That was media quotes, lol.

And of course Shaffer is singing the same old song, lol. Let us know when you've gotten into the studio with him. :)
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MJ is still dancing!!! :w00t: great to hear made me real happy :D

We been knowing that. :mellow: :lol:

EBONY said he still got "the movement of a dancer"...or something like that.

Even Mike himself said "I dance a lot in the house", lol.

What Ne-Yo said is NOT a revelation. R. Kelly also said the same thing about his fashion sense, lol. "He came in with casual clothing", lol.
Neyo didn't even diss Michael. Fans want people to talk about MJ the way Elzabeth Taylor does or like some fanatic fan does. Some fans can't seem to read and understand that Neyo never said the damn comment. It was the damn "writer" of the article that said it. Damn. I mean, there are no quotes there so what are some people flipping over about? Get mad at the "writer" that said it, not Neyo, who didn't say it. Let's face it, Mike contacted this man and wanted him to do some work for him. Mike didn't contact some producer or writer some of y'all want him to work with. He contacted Neyo. Get over it. And get over the fact that MJ is not gonna do a cd all by himself. It is not gonna happened. If MJ wanted to do that, then he would be doing that now. He likes what Neyo put on the table and that is that.

lol For like the third time I admitted that I mis read the article... To be honest, I really don't care if Neyo says or doesn't say anything about Michael. lol I really don't. All I said was if he had of said the public freak comment it would have been unprofessional because there better choice of words. That was just my little input if he HAD of said that but its not the end of the world lol I was clarified of the mistake and corrected it like three times already lol

If you don't care what Neyo say about Mike, why are you posting on this thread? Well, he didn't say the silly comment so there is no "ifs". Just accept the fact that MJ is working with more urban type artists and that some people feel what they feel about Mike. I am "glad" that you clarified the mistake.

Ne-Yo said absolutely nothing bad about Michael and you know it. I mean, it wasn't even a slight diss. It was just Ne-Yo speaking his mind, god forbid. As usual, it's another Jackson fanatic losing their marbles for no reason at all

Exactly. Some fans expect people to just kiss Mike's rear when they are in the presence of Mike. Neyo told the truth about Michael, the things that was quoted. I do not know what the fans want to read. LOL.

Man, I will buy his album tooo!! "The Year of the Gentlemen".

Same here. :) I cannot WAIT to see what Neyo in store for Mike.
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Neyo didn't even diss Michael. Fans want people to talk about MJ the way Elzabeth Taylor does or like some fanatic fan does. Some fans can't seem to read and understand that Neyo never said the damn comment. It was the damn "writer" of the article that said it. Damn. I mean, there are no quotes there so what are some people flipping over about? Get mad at the "writer" that said it, not Neyo, who didn't say it. Let's face it, Mike contacted this man and wanted him to do some work for him. Mike didn't contact some producer or writer some of y'all want him to work with. He contacted Neyo. Get over it. And get over the fact that MJ is not gonna do a cd all by himself. It is not gonna happened. If MJ wanted to do that, then he would be doing that now. He likes what Neyo put on the table and that is that.

If you don't care what Neyo say about Mike, why are you posting on this thread? Well, he didn't say the silly comment so there is no "ifs". Just accept the fact that MJ is working with more urban type artists and that some people feel what they feel about Mike. I am "glad" that you clarified the mistake.

Exactly. Some fans expect people to just kiss Mike's rear when they are in the presence of Mike. Neyo told the truth about Michael, the things that was quoted. I do not know what the fans want to read. LOL.
Same here. :) I cannot WAIT to see what Neyo in store for Mike.

If your glad that I clarified the mistake, why are you still trying to correct me on other things?Those other things being "opinions" which you or anybody else can't change. It should be done, there should be no reason to continue to reply to me, analyzing the comments associated with the mistake that I made, and tell me what you think was wrong about anything I said when I clearly corrected myself a multiple of times already.

Its nobodys fault the mood of this thread has change because the folks that made the mistake CORRECTED themselves and are trying to MOVE on to the original topic of this thread. So people harboring the original mistake has the problem.

We know Neyo didn't diss MJ, why continue to bring that up to prove a point? You already did and people including myself corrected it. It should be really done and over with because it was JUST an error in reading(which everyone including urself has made in life were human), so you alluding to other things about how fans this and that doesnt label anybody of having a certain outlook when it comes to Michael because it was MISREAD. It really shouldn't be a issue because its not. People corrected themselves so I don't know why people are still talking about it and still trying to correct people...
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LOL, sure dude.
I wasn't the one who misquoted a Ne-Yo comment, used the word "pedophile" and turned an otherwise positive thread negative. You must be real proud of yourself.

LOL Whatever dude I already explained the whole situation to you in my last post if you can't understand that well that's not my problem. You wanna keep correcting me knock yourself out if it makes ya feel better.
Can someone point to me where the bad is in his quote??
Can someone point to me where the bad is in his quote??

The sentence talkin about trying to get the focus back on the music instead of the public freak, which Neyo didn't say, it was the journalists' own comment. Everyone's just getting their knickers caught in a twist about it :lol:
wow!! that's what the big fuss is all about??

Even if Neyo said it.. ok and??

How would someone explain his public image?? I know you would not use the word 'freak'.. But honestly what do you think a great number of people think of him???

Yes many people love him, but he has not yet fully overcame the IMAGE the media has protrayed to the public.. MANY in the public would call him a 'freak'.

I am in no way saying he is.. Most of you know how much I love the guy... But I as you guys do have heard people talk about, him.. And how often do u hear 'strange', 'freak', 'wierd'.. etc..

I could even imagine Michael saying something along the lines..

Interviewer: "So what was your goal with your new album.. Why did you go down this direction?"

Michael: "Well I wanted to focus on my music, my art.. Get rid of that image the media has protrayed me as.. You know this public freak.. They have made me look like a nut.. But that I am not. I just wanted people to appreciate the art, not who was I with last night, who I am dating.. That's not important.. It's the art you know?"

They are just talking about the IMAGE the PUBLIC has seen.. And YES because of the media, that is what they've seen.. And I bet if we only knew what the media would tell us, we'd think he's a 'freak' too.. We just know a little better NOT to trust the media, and find out ourselves.