Narrow minded people


Proud Member
Sep 20, 2009
Ok guys, I need to tell you something that happened to me today, I just have to let it out cuz I feel really bad about it.

Today, my sister in law started to talk about Michael because she was reading at the news that dr evil blames Michael for his death. Anyway, my brother opened his big mouth and said that Michael was a loony and not a normal person..I tried to explain that he’s not a loony like the media portrayed him but he continued to say, 'no he’s a loony, don’t you remember how he dangled his baby out of the window?' Again, I tried to say that the TV showed it in a slow motion.. he said: so what? anyway, I didn’t know what to answer and I giggled a little from nervousness..I feel really bad about it. (what do you say when people mention the baby incident?) And then, he started with the child accusations least my sister in law stood by my side in that case. I'm really sick of people who trashing Michael non stop! I think this man was the most misunderstood person in the world. Just because he was different , he is a loony? WTF is wrong with people? narrow minded and ignorant, that's all I can say. Sorry for rambling too much.
well my father the other day brought up the baby dangling incident,and i basically said to him,we all make mistakes,
even michael said himself on the footage we were never meant to see,he said he wasn,t happy that he did it,but he was happy the fans got a chance to see the baby,
and then i said,you have to look at all the good thing he has done,they far outweigh things like that,like all the millions of dollars he,s given to charity,
after that my father didn,t say anything,
i don,t think anyone will ever change their opinions,epecially when they are stuck in their ways,but atleast if you plant that seed in their minds it will make them think,i think then you have done your job as a fan,thats all we can do,keep his legacy,
Its not just non fans who are Narrow minded, I've came across some Michael fans who are narrow minded also :), but for the Baby thing i just Say he was stupid to do it and made himself look bad in the process :).
Thanks for your replies everyone.

I guess I just wanted to defend him so much that I've lost my words. People usually call me Michael's lawyer lol because I really get into it when I defend him, I can't stand when people trash him. I don't know what happened to me today, that's why I feel bad about myself cuz I could have say more and I didn't. I also think that it was a huge mistake when he dangled his baby but to non fans, Michael is just a loony..they won't change their opinions, some people don't want to hear the truth, I've noticed that. Sad but true.
You can't really defend the baby incident though. When people bring it up with me, I just tell them that everyone does stupid things that they regret, it's part of being human. The only difference with MJ was, every time he did something stupid, it was captured on video and replayed over and over for the entire world to see.
Agree with Steph. The baby incident is a mistake. A very big one if you ask me. Mike got caught up in the moment, but he could have and should have dealt with it better for the safety of the child in case something goes wrong. However, We all make mistakes. It is our nature to do so. Therefore, it is better to focus on ourselves. Like I can point out someone's flaws, someone can easily point out mine. We didn't see Mike for instance dangling babies at every hotel he's been to which means it was a mistake and he was not a loony. Thank god I don't have cameras following my every move.
sweet I know how it is. You are not alone on this one, as MJ fans all around the globe struggles with ignorant people!
Whats important is that YOU know the truth in your heart.

You can't really defend the baby incident though. When people bring it up with me, I just tell them that everyone does stupid things that they regret, it's part of being human. The only difference with MJ was, every time he did something stupid, it was captured on video and replayed over and over for the entire world to see.

thats it!
sweet I know how it is. You are not alone on this one, as MJ fans all around the globe struggles with ignorant people!
Whats important is that YOU know the truth in your heart.

thats it!

Thank for your reply and for everyone else. Its important for me to know that I'm not alone on this. Only other fans can understand me.
i have a hard time condemning the baby 'incident', when there are shows on tv with people fighting wild animals with their children, in tow. and quite frankly, holding a baby over a balcony is not a sin. and that is a fact. and if someone is looking for that, in particular, to condemn Michael...if they are looking at that closely, and supersizing that,(compared to his 50 years of enormous humanitarianism) then they should be looking in their own closet.
People act like Michael was such a freak for the baby dangling incident. I admit it was a huge mistake and Michael knew that but people forget that Steve Irwin was dangling his son in front of a crocodile. TV slowed it down. Yes I admit it never should have happened but Michael got caught up in the moment and realised what a mistake it was. Plus there are so many parents out there who arent perfect. Parents throwing their babys in the air and placing them in water where the current is ridiculously fast-people aren't perfect in the end of the day. Michael made a mistake and apologised. End of.
i have a hard time condemning the baby 'incident', when there are shows on tv with people fighting wild animals with their children, in tow. and quite frankly, holding a baby over a balcony is not a sin. and that is a fact. and if someone is looking for that, in particular, to condemn Michael...if they are looking at that closely, and supersizing that,(compared to his 50 years of enormous humanitarianism) then they should be looking in their own closet.

I think you are very right in this vncwilliam. every little thing Michael did seems to be supersized and cut into pieces.
People act like Michael was such a freak for the baby dangling incident. I admit it was a huge mistake and Michael knew that but people forget that Steve Irwin was dangling his son in front of a crocodile. TV slowed it down. Yes I admit it never should have happened but Michael got caught up in the moment and realised what a mistake it was. Plus there are so many parents out there who arent perfect. Parents throwing their babys in the air and placing them in water where the current is ridiculously fast-people aren't perfect in the end of the day. Michael made a mistake and apologised. End of.

You're absolutely right. Many parents doing much worse than what Michael did and no one says anything..just because it was Michael Jackson, they turned him into a lunatic, more than they already did.

You have to ignore. No use you talk and explain to people, they will never understand, unfortunately. The most important is that we fans know the truth about Michael. That's what really matters. :)

100% correct. Its a waste of time.
You have to ignore. No use you talk and explain to people, they will never understand, unfortunately. The most important is that we fans know the truth about Michael. That's what really matters. :)

Yes, I agree. :yes:

Hun, you aren't alone in this. :hug: I also hear stupid comments made by people, including members of my own family and friends. These people are ignorant and will follow what the media tells them, they just don't want to learn. Michael was a human being and yes, he made mistakes but apologised and learned from them. Some people just don't wanna see that.
Everytime the media would show a clips of MJ the balcony incident will always be included. It's almost coming up to 10 years now since that happend and the media still wants to bring up that mistake that MJ made. Now if it had been someone else who had done that it would have been reported about for maybe a day or two but then it would be forgotten about but because Michael Jackson did it the media just has to hammer it into the ground.
I know how you feel. Yesterday I felt really angry with my mother because she was tellin me how stupid I am for not referrin about Michael in past. Talkin about him in present isn't gonna bring Michael to life again.
She doesn't understand usin past to me (many of you as well) is heartbreakin and it doesn't mean I don't wanna accept "the facts."
I hate when my family thinks me as an idiot or naive just because I'm still believin wearin make up doesn't make a man gay.
Fortunately they stopped bashin him about the child acussations.

It's hard tryin to change people's mind, tabloaids have won that battle. but we had won the war: our L.O.V.E. for Michael is even bigger and ever lastin, as well as his beautiful legacy.
Yep have to face people speaking bad about Mike everyday.
The other day was kind of a revelation. This lad aked me why i love Michael so much and i said 'Whats not to love! Hes the hotest thing to ever grace this earth!' Normally people tend to write me off as a freak as soon as i say something like that but not this time. He asked me all the horrible questions like wasnt he a pedofile :( and a bad dad for the balcony thing, but he asked me them ,like he wanted those media lies and the bullsh** to not be true. And after i told him all i knew about Mike, and the lies and the media, he was happy.
I wondered, why cant everyone who is thinking the evil things the media sprout and so on about him are true, like this guy, just want to know the facts and dont just soak up the bad they hear ! Why the hell do so many people need to be so cruel and narrow minded!!
Whats most annoying is when you argue/discuss with someone about things like the dangling incident, or the extortion cases or the surgeries and when you win each battle, in the end they always go "well he's a freak anyway."

Sorry, has everyone outside the fans forgotten little things like Thriller, Motown 25, moonwalking, 750 million in sales, J5, etc....?
Michael was above the haters so much yet they never see it....
If you know the person you are arguing with, then you bring up an embarrassing mistake that they had made in their life. Then give them this scenario, what if everyone in the world knew about said mistake(s)? Would it be ok with them if people defined them as a person from that past mistake? If no one knows about it, tell them that if you told everyone they knew about it some might hold it against them or many might forgive them for it since it was a past mistake. If this can be true for them, why can't it be true for MJ?

People are able to comprehend better once they are put into another's persons shoes.
MJ was Human and made mistakes and he caught even more heat for being a public figure, however though he brought some things on himself, there are a whole lot of negative spins that the media pushed on MJ that was uncalled for and not found.

come to find out despite being a public figure and the fact he was one of the emulated figures ever in Pop culture that the dude was a Joe oridinary in alot of ways. MJ was misunderstood.
I know how you feel. Yesterday I felt really angry with my mother because she was tellin me how stupid I am for not referrin about Michael in past. Talkin about him in present isn't gonna bring Michael to life again.
She doesn't understand usin past to me (many of you as well) is heartbreakin and it doesn't mean I don't wanna accept "the facts."
I hate when my family thinks me as an idiot or naive just because I'm still believin wearin make up doesn't make a man gay.
Fortunately they stopped bashin him about the child acussations.

It's hard tryin to change people's mind, tabloaids have won that battle. but we had won the war: our L.O.V.E. for Michael is even bigger and ever lastin, as well as his beautiful legacy.

Yeah, I also hate when you mention Michael and then people say: but he's dead! so what? then I have to stop loving him or talking about him?
And a small advice, don't listen to what everyone has to say (I should listen to my own advice lol) what you think is the best for you. Wearing makeup doesn't make you gay.

Whats most annoying is when you argue/discuss with someone about things like the dangling incident, or the extortion cases or the surgeries and when you win each battle, in the end they always go "well he's a freak anyway."

Sorry, has everyone outside the fans forgotten little things like Thriller, Motown 25, moonwalking, 750 million in sales, J5, etc....?
Michael was above the haters so much yet they never see it....

Exactly. They won't change their mind anyway.for them he's a freak and always will be. so I came to conclusion that I'm wasting my time trying to convince them that they are wrong. People can't stand to see someone that is not like them..and Michael is really different (that's why we love him so much). I feel sorry for them, they are missing out a great human being.
Yep have to face people speaking bad about Mike everyday.
The other day was kind of a revelation. This lad aked me why i love Michael so much and i said 'Whats not to love! Hes the hotest thing to ever grace this earth!' Normally people tend to write me off as a freak as soon as i say something like that but not this time. He asked me all the horrible questions like wasnt he a pedofile :( and a bad dad for the balcony thing, but he asked me them ,like he wanted those media lies and the bullsh** to not be true. And after i told him all i knew about Mike, and the lies and the media, he was happy.
I wondered, why cant everyone who is thinking the evil things the media sprout and so on about him are true, like this guy, just want to know the facts and dont just soak up the bad they hear ! Why the hell do so many people need to be so cruel and narrow minded!!

I wish everyone was like this guy. You did a great job!
We can't argue and defend MJ all the time...what is important is what he means to us and how we feel and think of him....that's what matters to HIM I think.......
The only difference with MJ was, every time he did something stupid, it was captured on video and replayed over and over for the entire world to see.
And edited in slow motion so it appears that MJ was just waving his baby randomly for minutes off a balcony pfft when in reality it was for a split half second.

I think Michael mentioned his frustration in the LWMJ doc Take Two. He said something to the effect of; "And they replay it in slow motion so it looks like I'm some nut dangling this baby off a balcony". I'll try and find it and post it.
When people see these things in the media so much, they start to believe it, and then its hard to get the record set straight with them... My cousins and things are the same. My siblings and parents tend to agree with me, however my dad can be a little akward, but you have to just ignore them if after you have enlightened them with the truth, they don't want to hear it.
"The bigger the star, the bigger the target"