Nanny Grace on Extra! (Longer video)

its not impossible to be duped by a journo....Michael was duped by Bashir

if i say that trish is a poo head...there's no way that u can dupe me into sayingthat. unless we playing some wack twisted ass game of repeat.

ur comparing spoken words to edited footage and added commentary

bashir met gavin the first day he met mj. he was at the ranch, al lthat footage was taken in november. yet he makes it seem he didn't meet gavin until the end.
oooooooh she seems bitter and twisted and jealous of Debbie Rowe's involvement with Michael and she shows no real sadness at all, michael is dead and all she comes across as caring about is money! another fake in michaels life.
um the interview was literally done days before mj's death so im glad he never got to see her betray him. just add her in the 'i knew it' pile w/ all the others

and if tohme was firing did he get fired? frank perhaps? :doh:
um the interview was literally done days before mj's death so im glad he never got to see her betray him. just add her in the 'i knew it' pile w/ all the others

and if tohme was firing did he get fired? frank perhaps? :doh:

yeah how was Tohme firing people when he was supposed to be no longer working for him?

if i say that trish is a poo head...there's no way that u can dupe me into sayingthat. unless we playing some wack twisted ass game of repeat.

ur comparing spoken words to edited footage and added commentary

bashir met gavin the first day he met mj. he was at the ranch, al lthat footage was taken in november. yet he makes it seem he didn't meet gavin until the end.

michael put a certain trust in Bashir, he was wrong because bashir was out for his own interests. Bashir got certain things out of Michael because of this false trust, such as being "beaten" by his father, access to the arvizo kid, time in his inner sactum, things that perhaps would not have come out had MJ viewed Bashir as hostile. Apparently something similar happend with Grace and Daphne. A certain trust was developed and Grace opened her big mouth. Daphne used it against her. I don't know if what Grace said was true or just out of spite, but someone questioned why she would trust a journo, that she should know better and truth is Michael Jackson knows better than most, and even he let his guard down, so it's not impossible to believe it can happen.
When was the last time Grace did an interview? I can't remember ever seeing one. Funny how as soon as she's fired she felt like doing one.

I'd say she went there to specifically talk about Michael, not her "company" that I'm sure is going to lead nowhere. Whatever Grace, you screwed up and you know it. I hope the family cut her off soon, wasn't she with them at the JW church?

Obsessed fan.
William Congreve, in The mourning bride, 1697:
As you'll answer it, take heed
This Slave commit no Violence upon
Himself. I've been deceiv'd. The Publick Safety
Requires he should be more confin'd; and none,
No not the Princes self, permitted to
Confer with him. I'll quit you to the King.
Vile and ingrate! too late thou shalt repent
The base Injustice thou hast done my Love:
Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress,
And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn'd;
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.

"um the interview was literally done days before mj's death so im glad he never got to see her betray him. just add her in the 'i knew it' pile w/ all the others"

Thanks i didn't realise it was done days before he died.
wow i think ur reaching. grace had no reason to feel trust w/ daphne. it was the family that knew her, not grace.

and again, u don't pour ur heart out or talk shit when there's a camera and ur talking to a journalist.

mj didn't say anything wrong. he had nothing to hide. he felt sharing a bed was ok and all he said was he took the floor. it was the editing and the added commentary that made it seem salacious