Nanny Grace on Extra! (Longer video)


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Jul 25, 2011

Jackson Nanny Breaks Silence
Posted by ExtraTV Staff on August 4, 2009 9:28 AM
Grace Rwaramba, the elusive nanny to Michael Jackson's kids, is speaking out for the first time since the pop star's death. From her relationship with the brood, to her unexpected dismissal just weeks before Michael's death, Grace tells all in this interview with celebrity journalist Daphne Barak.


Awwwww shiiiiiizzzzz! More to come....unfortunately. :ph34r:
Should be interesting to see just how much she purged about her years working for Michael. I guess that pesky confidentiality agreement went out the window after she was let go for the final time. I just can't believe she finally opened up to anyone about him on tape...for ANY reason. Had he lived to see this, it prolly woulda killed him.

I'm curious as to how far she went with this interview. And to think this ish would have been coming out now while the London concerts would have been in full swing is just....damn. He would have been devastated....even if she didn't reveal too much. He didn't even want LMP to talk about him after their divorce. One can only imagine he wouldn't have wanted the woman who spent so many years in the inner sanctum of his life and his children's lives to say a mumbling word.

Seems like something really hurt her this time, unlike before, and she was compelled to strike back. :worried:
I don't like her vibe AT ALL. Her obsession and stalker behavior towards Michael was creepy and scary and my initial thoughts about her were validated by the stories that have been shared here in other threads. *blah* Her like so many of these other people need to crawl back under the rock from which they came. I'm getting sick of all these talkers, just leave Michael alone already! -_-
lol i keep editing my post

ok, this footage is old. it was recorded a couple days before mike's passing not after. :)

this is the YT vid of her speaking about her 'termination'

It's not the same. The one on Extra's site is longer. She talks about being hurt and angry about Michael firing her and that she tried to write to the kids and call them to say goodbye but Michael wouldn't take her calls; the phone number got changed. She also talks about having lupus and how she was sick before Prince was born but the joy of his birth got her into remission.
its a bit hard to understand what she's sayting cos u cant hear the questions but shes not saying anything that i s that big a deal.

no mention of stomach pumping yet.
It's not the same. The one on Extra's site is longer. She talks about being hurt and angry about Michael firing her and that she tried to write to the kids and call them to say goodbye but Michael wouldn't take her calls; the phone number got changed.

o right, fsho, fsho. i was just reading the blurb and extra is claiming she recorded this after mike's passing when it was actually before. i got confused because i thought grace recently did an interview and was seriously :wtf2
its a bit hard to understand what she's sayting cos u cant hear the questions but shes not saying anything that i s that big a deal.

no mention of stomach pumping yet.

I don't think you'll hear about stomach pumping. She specifically denied that. She didn't deny speaking to Daphne tho so it was clear she said "some things". Only a matter of time before it comes out. If she gets Bashired, then she has no one to blame but herself, imo. HOW could she ever have trusted this woman, I do not know. The woman claimed she wanted to talk to Grace about her foundation yet kept asking her about Michael. Big friggin red flag alert, imo! If Grace had made it known from question number one that she was not there to discuss Michael and wouldn't be answering any questions related to him, that would have been the end of it. If not, it would have showed her that this woman had zero interest in her foundation and only Michael...and that should have been her cue to end the interview.

Maybe I'm being too hard on her, but I just don't understand how she allowed herself to get duped like this...after everything that's happened to Michael. Maybe this was more about her anger and hurt than being duped? I don't know, but like I said before, had he lived to see this, it prolly woulda killed him. :(
She was a nanny.....there for the long did she expect to be working for him-taking care of the kids? Until they were driving? LOL...sorry, but I think that's a bit silly. Frank Dileo was fired too back in the 80s and he didn't get all nasty about it.
I don't see that she said anything here that sounds incriminating at all.

Guess I'll have to wait to hear the full story.

I have to give Grace some credit though. She was working for him for 17 years and she just said something (that doesn't seem like much). For someone who was so close to him and his family I think that's commendable.

If it comes out that she just wanted to trash talk him then that's another story...but somehow I don't think so.

Time will tell.
[sarcasm]yayyy another person doing an interview about Michael[/sarcasm]

They werent talking when he was alive, makes you wonder why they are now...
He didn't even want LMP to talk about him after their divorce. One can only imagine he wouldn't have wanted the woman who spent so many years in the inner sanctum of his life and his children's lives to say a mumbling word.


how do you know this about LMP? what was said about this?
how do you know this about LMP? what was said about this?

That was according to LMP. She said he told her not to talk about him after the divorce. (Then they hooked up again) Then he called her sweet in an interview. (Then they broke up again) And Michael told TV Guide in 1999 that Lisa told him Elvis had a nose job. (which had been rumored for over 30 years) Lisa got upset, claimed she never told him that, and felt all bets were off. Then (in 2002? 2003? when her album came out) she started talking about him.

That video doesn't say much. She was fired but she says it was by someone in Camp Jackson, not Michael himself. Am I hearing right?
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She was a nanny.....there for the long did she expect to be working for him-taking care of the kids? Until they were driving?

Well if she'd been looking after them since they were born, it wouldn't be unreasonable to want to say goodbye to them.
She should have been allowed that.
Wow! That's right Grace, spill your guts out to a tabloid journalist...beautiful.
I'm not sure if I heard right, but isn't she saying she didn't know Debbie was pregnant until January, and Prince was born in February? How could this be possible, wasn't the pregnancy public news before that? o_O I thought it was...

How was she working for Michael before the kids were born, what was she doing? Anyone know?
I think she was invited to be the children's nanny one month before the birth of Prince.

She was MJ's personal assistant at his office i think. Either MJJprod or MiJac. Or I could be wrong
for a sec. I thought the title said "Nancy Grace", I was about be like what does that bi*ch want.
if you go back to the one interview Tohme Tohme made since Michael's death.. seems he was the one firing everybody...
Where's the full interview? Her body language is a little weird. Her eyes move away a lot but she could just be camera shy. But she also could be like the "obsessed employee" that killed Selena.

I want to know who was in the house when the surveillance tape disappeared???Why? What happened? It stinks! Fishy, fishy.

Katherine, sic your private dicks on that one.
oooooooh she seems bitter and twisted and jealous of Debbie Rowe's involvement with Michael and she shows no real sadness at all, michael is dead and all she comes across as caring about is money! another fake in michaels life.