Nancy grace CNN 3 warrents issued

there is no way Mike would do anything to harm himself, he loved his children too much to do that to them.

Lets face it if I had pain and then hired top docs to take care of me and alleviate that then I am really in their hands and trust in them.

This is all terribly sad and shocking, to take away the childrens father.
I have a few questions and comments, and would love some clarification.

1) What if Dr. Conrad Murray is found to have given Mike Diprivan before he passed...but says that MJ asked for it? If it can ever be proved MJ asked for it - then where does the blame lie?

2) Mike would not (at least not at this moment in time preceding the concerts he was himself looking forward to) want to harm himself..but from what i understand about overdoses - they are accidental correct? Just the wrong combo of meds at the wrong time?

3) I have a feeling that there will be several doctors involved after the LAPD search...but that none of them would know about each they think that they're the only one prescribing anything....and not too much. What happens if this is the case...who is to blame then?

Thank you in advance for answering these questions - I am not familiar with how these laws work.
I think that if this was drugs, and it really is looking like that, then it was murder. I do not believe he was so addicted, or so stupid that he would knowingly take a massive risk to his life and his kids that he would ask or take something that was so risky. If he took something he would have believed he was safe, and any doctor giving him Diprivin who told him it was safe lied to him.

I hope LAPD are investigating this nurse practitioner and her possible link to people, especially doctors who were around Michael at the time of his death. And the way that Michael's critical moments he had an incompetent doctor at best, at worst he had one who deliberatly left it to late to either save Michael's life or save him from disabling brain or major organ damage.

I want to be wrong, I want it to be an unforseen systemic failure. My gut feeling is that this has a rotton smell about it.
I believe that if the doctor(s) acted illegally in any way they could be charged with homicide or manslaughter regardless of whether or not they intended harm.

I know I am just glad they are investigating and am going to try my best to wait out the results. I hope the truth will come out whatever it is and that we will all be able to believe it when it does.

I think we should all do our best to sit tight at least for now. Not all government or all law enforcement is corrupt. It is only a reflection of society as a whole. I think generally people who are assigned to determining the truth in an investigation are ardent about doing just that. As hard as it is we need to give them time.

If it could be shown that Michael requested a drug for whatever purpose, then murder is out of the picture. To be murder, the act would have to be premeditated with the intent to take his life. Then you have to show motive and all that. This would be very difficult to prove.

The real issue would be manslaughter and negligence because someone should have told Jackson "no". The DEA is involved for a reason.
You know it wouldnt surprise me if it was murder!

I mean look at it this way: mike was bout 2 make his HUGE COMEBACK...and im sure there were plenty of ppl who were hoping that there would be no comeback for him.

Not sure
I have a few questions and comments, and would love some clarification.

1) What if Dr. Conrad Murray is found to have given Mike Diprivan before he passed...but says that MJ asked for it? If it can ever be proved MJ asked for it - then where does the blame lie?

2) Mike would not (at least not at this moment in time preceding the concerts he was himself looking forward to) want to harm himself..but from what i understand about overdoses - they are accidental correct? Just the wrong combo of meds at the wrong time?

that's what I'm saying - if that turns out to be the case they're going to say it was Michael who asked for it, but I'm sure Michael trusted his doctor and put his life in his hands. He wanted to be in good shape for these concerts that's why he hired him not because he was a drug addict and needed someone to supply him with drugs. The lack of sleep was a problem for him because we know he was always traveling from place to place, he loved to stay up at night, I'm sure there was a lot of stress too, his sleep patterns were messed up and this time he needed to follow a strict schedule
as for the accidental overdose, wasn't the doctor who administered the drug? in that case he should've known what he was doing
this is all wrong, so wrong. i just watched a 20/20 special which had a segment of a guy who has been photographing Michael every day basically forever. He said there was NO indication of this. something went terribly, terribly wrong :(
If it could be shown that Michael requested a drug for whatever purpose, then murder is out of the picture.

I agree with this. But I'm also thinking that if any of these doctors are backed into a corner when stuff starts coming out about their involvement in what happened that led to Michael's death, that's going to be their defense. Ever since he passed away, the main thing in how has centered around pills and injections. And everyone around him who has been interviewed in regards to this has been saying, "I tried to tell Michael and keep this from happening. But he wouldn't listen." So they're already setting the stage for this to all be his fault. What bothers me about this is that with the situation being so complex and with all these doctors being involved with him, of course nobody is going to want to admit responsibility for their part in how this mess ended up killing Michael. And in the end they're going to lay this all on him too. And if anyone else is to blame, they're going to get away with it. I hope not. But unfortunately, that's how it seems to work nowadays.
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