Nancy grace CNN 3 warrents issued


Proud Member
Feb 28, 2009
The 4 guest lawyers on nancy grace,,,cnn are saying that these warrants are for homicide charges. They did'nt give names of Doctors though. The shit is starting to hit the fan guys. we just all have to sit tight.
I don't trust anything that comes out of that piece of crap's mouth, I'll wait for another source. No disrespect to you, xthunderx2, I just can not accept Nancy Grace as a credible journalist.
i hate that she-hitler is covering MJ..!

didn't the crow taste good the last time?
I agree I am no fan of Nancy grace....I cannot stand the ground she walks on personally. The talk was about the oxygen tanks that were found in Michael s house and the fact that lapd and homicide detectives have mounting evidence on a doc or doctors who have prescribed the drug deprovin for Michael and how it was a crime to have it administered at home. also the talk was about that dr Murry who stayed with Michael 5 days a week. I dont know I guess we will just have to wait and see.

somebody is bout to sh*t their pants...homicide

We all new this from the very beginning though.....I know that this is all I kept saying. I think we new it we just need someone to confirm it. We know that Michael was not a junkie. we know alot of things, we just dont get the credit we deserve as fans. Michael was always so under appreciated. Makes me so sad.
Relax guys lets wait for another more reliable source please before we overreact. Ok?
I heard the warrants are SEARCH warrants. What are you talking about?
if that crony can help prove or enlighten the public to the fact that Mike was killed ... more power to her crusty azz. mike did not kill himself ... and AEG wants everyone to think that he did so they can collect on their insurance policy.
Relax guys lets wait for another more reliable source please before we overreact. Ok?

I totally agree with you Ebony.. I only posted this because I have seen and read it from several sources. you know what they say "where there is smoke there is fire"... I am a strong believer in this theory. as i have already stated. we need to see where it goes. But I know in my heart of hearts this is somewhat a version of the truth.
I heard the warrants are SEARCH warrants. What are you talking about?

I specifically heard homicide warrants and then they said that the docs that prescribed this drug to Michael can be changed with homicide if not manslaughter.
Nevermind. I found it myself.

3 search warrants executed in Michael Jackson investigation
3:40 PM | July 5, 2009

LAPD detectives have executed at least three search warrants in their attempt to determine whether prescription medication played a role in Michael Jackson's death.
Sources familiar with the investigation told the Times that the warrants were part of an effort to reconstruct the performer's medical history, a task made difficult by the number of physicians who treated Jackson over the years.

At least five physicians who prescribed medication to him are under investigation, sources have told The Times. The searches by detectives of the Robbery-Homicide Division were dated Wednesday, indicating they had been completed in the week after his death.

A Superior Court spokesman confirmed that Judge Charlaine Olmedo signed off on three searches, but said information about what detectives were looking for and whether they found it was sealed from public view.

"Everything about them is sealed, but they do exist," spokesman Allan Parachini said.

Police seized prescription drugs from Jackson's rented Holmby Hills home June 25, the day he died, and returned four days later and retrieved two bags of medical evidence.

It remains unknown whether prescription drugs played any role in Jackson's death. The Los Angeles County coroner's office is awaiting the results of toxicology testing before determining a cause of death.

The coroner and the Los Angeles Police Department are being aided in their probe by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

One source told The Times that "numerous bottles" of the powerful sedative Diprivan were found at Jackson's home. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because it is an ongoing investigation, said some of the bottles were full and others were empty. None had prescription labels, and investigators are trying to determine how Jackson got the drugs.

-- Harriet Ryan, Richard Winton and Andrew Blankstein

It is standard procedure for a homicide division of any police department to investigate deaths, especially under these circumstances. When they issue ARREST WARRANTS, I'll buy more into the conspiracy theories fans are weaving.
I believe that if the doctor(s) acted illegally in any way they could be charged with homicide or manslaughter regardless of whether or not they intended harm.

I know I am just glad they are investigating and am going to try my best to wait out the results. I hope the truth will come out whatever it is and that we will all be able to believe it when it does.

I think we should all do our best to sit tight at least for now. Not all government or all law enforcement is corrupt. It is only a reflection of society as a whole. I think generally people who are assigned to determining the truth in an investigation are ardent about doing just that. As hard as it is we need to give them time.
Nevermind. I found it myself.

3 search warrants executed in Michael Jackson investigation
3:40 PM | July 5, 2009

LAPD detectives have executed at least three search warrants in their attempt to determine whether prescription medication played a role in Michael Jackson's death.
Sources familiar with the investigation told the Times that the warrants were part of an effort to reconstruct the performer's medical history, a task made difficult by the number of physicians who treated Jackson over the years.

At least five physicians who prescribed medication to him are under investigation, sources have told The Times. The searches by detectives of the Robbery-Homicide Division were dated Wednesday, indicating they had been completed in the week after his death.

A Superior Court spokesman confirmed that Judge Charlaine Olmedo signed off on three searches, but said information about what detectives were looking for and whether they found it was sealed from public view.

"Everything about them is sealed, but they do exist," spokesman Allan Parachini said.

Police seized prescription drugs from Jackson's rented Holmby Hills home June 25, the day he died, and returned four days later and retrieved two bags of medical evidence.

It remains unknown whether prescription drugs played any role in Jackson's death. The Los Angeles County coroner's office is awaiting the results of toxicology testing before determining a cause of death.

The coroner and the Los Angeles Police Department are being aided in their probe by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

One source told The Times that "numerous bottles" of the powerful sedative Diprivan were found at Jackson's home. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because it is an ongoing investigation, said some of the bottles were full and others were empty. None had prescription labels, and investigators are trying to determine how Jackson got the drugs.

-- Harriet Ryan, Richard Winton and Andrew Blankstein

It is standard procedure for a homicide division of any police department to investigate deaths, especially under these circumstances. When they issue ARREST WARRANTS, I'll buy more into the conspiracy theories fans are weaving.

I don't know why they think fans are creating conspiracy basically know the person far better than anyone else. If we think...wait..If we know that Michael would never of done anything too hurt himself and the evidence is pointing in the direction of someone else doing something to him then police and whoever else is involved need to pay close attention sometimes a person with valuable credible information in deemed incredible. It all depends on how they meaning the people doing the investigation want this whole things to play out. If this comes out to be accidental overdose from prescription drugs then this whole investigation stinks.
Thank God Sneddon is not the D.A. anymore. I wouldn't want him in charge of prosecuting this case...
Did Sneddon step down after the trial? Im sure he said that he would resign his post as D.A. if he lost the case.
I hate the way everyone tried to paint him as a suicidal, self-destructive druggie who needed pills to get through the day Michael only used them if he needed them. he looked fragile but that's the way he was and yes he did not eat enough but that was because of the stress, they drove him insane, he used to say when he's upset he takes it out on himself by not eating but that doesn't make him addicted to drugs
and these people who say they were trying to "save"him - what people? what friends? he didn't have any friends they were never there for him
Michael did not do this to himself not even accidentally, he loved life too much and he hated drugs he always said that. others were involved too and they did not indulge in MJ's requests they way they try to convince us, they knew what they were doing, I always worried about Michael everyone could see how vulnerable he was :no:
the simple fact that his doctor was so negligent when he found MJ and didn't do the most simplest things to save him make him guilty of manslaughter at least in my eyes
sorry I don't have peace of mind I had to write it down
What good are search warrants now??

Now?? after the LAPD didn't even secure the area as a possible crime scene like they should have in the first place? The doc was allowed to clean house, the siblings allowed to move furniture and everything...

the LAPD dropped the ball with this one from the get-go...