Name all the little things in life that make you happy :)

- good music
- watching movies
- I have a friend and I can tell her everything
- When I look good and I feel confident
- Talking in English
- When I go for a walk with my friend
- when I make people happy [I cheer them up, give them a gift, take them somewhere etc.]
- when God is with me [so always I guess :ninja:]
- sunset
- reading poetry

why you can notice so many good things in life and I can't?
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This is gonna be a really random list.I'll just list things as they come into my mind...

-someone saying they like you (as a friend) and sensing they mean it (I've given up on the "i love yous"...)
-seeing a child get better and smiling at work after having beed VERY sick...
-smiling kids in general, when you interact with them and they smile....that makes me happy.
-having a great, meaningful conversation with someone
-meeting someone who "gets" you...who understands you...
-LAUGHING...and people with a great sense of humor!!
-making others laugh makes me happy too
-seeing MJ somewhere
-hearing good things about MJ
-MUSIC...especially MJ's
-SINGING IN THE RAIN...I could BUST from happiness while watching that movie...I love it SO MUCH!
-kind, genuine people
-getting a hug
-letters and cards from grandma
-amusement parks
-zoos and animals in general (I love dogs, seals and orangutangs)
-warm shower after a long day at work
-sleeping when I have been working like crazy and am dead tired
-fun chats with MJ fans
-loooooooong phone calls
-going to a hockey game and your team wins...:lol:
-travelling and seeing and learning something new
-going to my favorite park during a warm, sunny day
-sitting by a lake

I guess that's it for now...
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1. The sunset
2. The sunrise
3. The moonlight
4. Summer time
5. Spring
6. Christmas
7, Family
8. Friends
9. Music
10. Dancing
11. Songwritting
12. Singing
13. Acting
15. Talking on the phone
16. Watching movies
17. Chocolate
18. Flowers
19. Travelling
20. Stunning paintings
21. Children
22. Babies
23. Joy on someone else's face
24. A comedy movie
25. Hugs
26. Poetry
27. Reading a poem a friend wrote for me!
28. Completing a task
29. Laughter
30. Games
31. Parties
32. Doing charities

I'm gonna stop because i'm gonna be here forever!!!!!
Clearing my head and starting something new makes me happy :)
-Dancing to good music makes me happy. :)

-Listening to my niece play the violin or viola makes me happy...and spending time with my niece makes me happy. We always (well, when she isn't acting liek a bratty teenager at least...:lol:) have such a great time together. :yes:
just wanted to bump this after looking back on all the threads in this section :lol: it's a really nice thread, and i'm feeling happy right now, so it's a good time to write my list :D

Staying in and having a takeaway and watching TV with my family
my cats - i adore them.
hanging out with my closest friends - love them :wub:
dancing :D
chinese food :lol:
getting on an aeroplane that is leaving the country :lol:
seeing different cultures
taking photographs
helping others who are less fortunate than myself
being surrounded my nature and animals
seeing the sunrise and sunset
lying on the grass and staring up at a cloudless night, watching the stars
watching my favourite films
site seeing in another country
going for walks at night
cooking :wild:
drawing and painting
when you're engrossed in a good book
going for family meals
and lastly
~Being inspired to write and paint :)

~Loving and being loved :)

~My family and my animals, make my heart laugh and smile every day :)

~Overcoming so many things in my life that would have broken down most people but I survived them all :)

~Knowing when something isn't right in my life and having the courage to walk away :)

~My weekend plans :)
1. mj.
2. anthony callea music
5. dancing
6 friends....well the ones that actually call me or text me!
7....oh and did i mention mj....? :lol:
Someone giving me a new nickname and calling me by it. :)

A good and succesful day at work.
~Taking my morning walk at 6:00am with my dog and the songbirds were singing, geese flew overhead talking and I saw a beautiful white crane flying so gracefully :wub: I love when nature comes to life in the spring :wub:

~I'll be really happy when my bagel is done toasting so I can start on my yardwork early and be able to get some other things done after that :lol:
*bump* This is a nice thread. :) :flowers:

(I was going through the threads that I've subscribed to and found this :) )
~ My family
~ Being loved and cared about
~ Creating my Art
~ Writing (whether it's blogging, poetry, or what-have-you)
~ Taking trips that are by the water
~ A beautiful sunset
~ Reading
~ Watching movies
~ Listening to MJ's music or watching his short films
~ My home
~ Good memories
- my family, love doing things with my mum.
- my lovely friends
- just enjoying myself on the couch with a big mug of hot chocolat when it's cold and rainy outside. That can make me so happy.
- when i walk over street and people give me a laugh, and just being nice even if you don't know them and will never see them again.
- the first sunshines.
- but I can also enjoy walking in the rain with my dog.
- my dog and budgies. Just watching them and cuddling them.
- being with the horses.
- just sitting somewhere on a bench, watching people, seeing them having fun.
- watching Michael and Johnny Depp films.

and there must be a lot more! ;D I think it's so important to love and notice all the small and beautiful things in life.
-Crisp, dry fall weather.
-Changing color of the leaves.
-Snow, snowstorms, blizzards.
-The end of summer
-When my boss tells me to go home early.
-Cotton candy.
-Michael Jackson music.
-Finding clothes that actually fit.
-Being home.
-Hamburgers or pizza.
-Birthday cake.
-Babies (especially newborns).
-Taking a mental health day from work.
-When the office is closed due to inclement weather.