Name all the little things in life that make you happy :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In an igloo in a land far away
What little things in life make you much more happier?

Mine are.....

1. watching the sun rise and set
2. the moon and stars
3. listening to my children play
and laugh
4. getting hugs and kisses from my children
5. when a friend says they care
6. having someone tell you they love you
when youve had a terribly bad day
7. my family and how they care
8. animals
9. Birds singing
10. all of nature
11. seeing someone survive cancer and telling
others of it
12. being able to just wake up each morning
13. when someone does something nice for you
for no good reason just because
14. Puppy Breath :wub:
15. New born babies awwww :wub:
16. Kitten toes
17. Antique shopping
18. watching old films
19. listening to your fave music
20. listening to nature
21. being told youre a good Father
22. being loved
23. having good friends
24. Books! I love my books!

and much much more....... :)
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Aww beautiful thread!

1. When a day goes well seems like everything is perfect
2. When someone can make me laugh when I am feeling terrible.
3. when people change their ways for the better.
4. When I can come here and relax with great people
5. Just hearing laughter from someone else can make my day :)
6. Play with kids, they are so cute! So easy to make them smile
7. Staring through my telescope at a full moon.
8. Telling people I love them
9. When people are so polite and caring toward you.
10. When I can help out someone in time of need.
11. Writing poetry on a summer night (talk about relaxing)
12. Just seeing someone smile
13. looking at my family interact.
14. Cartoons
15. Aunt Jemima
16. Monster powerchairs
17. This thread, very enlightening!

LOL thats all I can think of for now! I'll be back :ninja:
Thank you Poe! Likewise! :lol: :flowers:! Gotta have my Aunt Jemima she family.. :ninja:
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my animals
my family
my art work
the person that's been my sounding board and made me smile when I needed it
my good friend that I trust Marisa
Nature, feeding the birds, squirrels, etc...
my job

still thinking:ermm:
listening to music while riding a bike
holiday mornings

and many more..
This is a nice thread idea.

My happy things:
1. talking to my kids.
2. watching my kids play with each other and doing something nice for each other.
3. when I talk to a friend of mine.
4. seeing the birds fly in the sky.
5. hearing them sing.
6. looking at a clear nighttime sky, the stars and a full moon, or any moon because you still can see the silhouette. Especially last week when it shone on the lake so beautifully. I still have the image in my mind clearly.
7. fireworks but even more watching a lightening show.
9. aurora borialis (northern lights)
10. phosphorescence in the ocean at night, very cool.
11. watching a butterfly fly by.
12. getting a book in the mail from a friend of mine and reading the inscription they wrote in the inside cover. :)
13. remembering special moments.
14. baby feet and hands.
15. watching my baby girl's eyes light up when she sees animals, especially dogs.
16. seeing her try to imitate my speech, and when she wants to play patty cake.
17. skipping rocks into the lake.
18. going for a drive somewhere where I could get lost, and finding my way out eventually.
19. family.
20. reading a poem that touches me.
21. hearing a song that keeps giving more each time you hear it. (layered)
22. getting lost in someone.
23. really connecting with someone.
24. being appreciated.
25. appreciating someone.
26. feeling loved.
27. loving.
28. not seeing an end in sight for this list.
29. learning something new.
30. being excited about something.
31. accomplishing a goal
32. feeling proud of myself for a job well done on something.
33. seeing something that I just know God wanted me to see, and feeling like we have our own communication and our own special relationship. Knowing He really does love me.
34. when one of my parents expresses pride in something I have done, and they let me know.
35. when I give someone the opportunity to take advantage of me (mind out of gutter) in some way and they don't.
36. when I lend someone money and they actually pay me back without being asked even though I never expected it back. (rarely happens though sadly)
37. when someone shows me that they appreciate me by not taking advantage.
38. when someone I love does something nice for me to show they were thinking of me.
39. when I do something for someone I love and they let me know how much it was appreciated.
40. when I tuck my kids in at night, and I get the biggest hug that lasts extra long and they tell me they love me.
41. When I tell them I love them and they already know.
42. When I come online at a time when I don't expect my friend on, and she comes on :)
43. finding a patch of delicious wild strawberries or blueberries or raspberries on a hiking trip and getting to stop to eat them.
44. laying down in a soft patch of grass watching the clouds with a friend or my kids.
45. family get togethers.
46. not running out of things to put here.
47. to be continued...
^^and I thought I had alot on my mind, you got me beat:lol:
yeah it's a good thread.

48. my baby daughter doing something totally unexpected and hilarious.
49. her working on something so diligently and quietly and you can see her mind working figuring it out.
50. rain .. quiet rain or the heavy heavy downpours that create their own little streams.
51. a squirrel coming up to take a nut from you.
52. seeing wildlife thriving.
53. seeing a wild rare flower sprout up in in some random place.
54. When a neighbour stops to talk to you and is really genuinely nice.
55. people helping others.
56. smiles
57. PMs (not to be confused with pms)
58. laughter
59. a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
60. hummingbirds.
1) First and formost my children :wub:
2) My family.. I love them all.
3) Having good friends
4) Babies :heart:
5) Getting lost in good music
6) Giving hugs
7) Receiving hugs
8) Hearing the words I love you
9) Telling someone I love them
10) The beauty of dolphins.. they really make me smile
11) Small gestures people do for you
12) Sitting on park bench taking in the beauty of nature all around me
13) Feeding ducks in a pond
14) Good movies
15) Doing good deeds for others
16) Finding a kindred spirit
17) Having someone tell you they care about you
18) The sound of birds singing
19) Clouds :)
20) The sound of the ocean
21) Hearing babies first words
22) Making someone laugh
23) Having someone make me laugh
24) Being grateful I have a roof over my head and food to eat every day
25) Butterflies ( so pretty )
26) My bed :lol:
27) Caring for others
28) Giving and receiving flowers
30) Chocolate :p
31) Hearing a baby giggle
32) My children leaving me little notes around the house... so sweet
33) giving things to charity knowing the money is going to good use
34) Donating blood

I'll think of more :)
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sitting inside an empty theatre where plays are normally performed
sitting inside an empty old church
the comic page of the newspaper
the smell of fresh ink on paper
the sound of ballet dancers practicing on the floor overhead (places I've worked)
an old theatre trunk full of all kinds of good stuff
wardrobe chests
frothy rootbeer
fresh crushed or chipped ice
the smell of Pine Sol on a Saturday morning
Krystals' milkshakes
finding things that I'd lost in the past, in a thrift store
being in a sleeper byrth on a long train trip (rocks you like a baby)
being at the top of a roof terrace or a terrace with an ocean view
writing in my journal
watching my kids passionately support eachother in some way
kodak moments
a piece of art I can't take my eyes off of
a piece of music so beautiful it reminds me there's a God
a room full of people in agreement over something purely positive
a room full of creative people collaborating to create something wonderful
when a bird lands on a window ledge in front of my face
a black sky with bright white stars or the sky any other time really
rain and/or thunder and mild lightning
the energy of children (i like to breathe their 'air' )
elderly people (i like to hear their wisdom)
watching someone passionate in their work
Mrs. Potato Head
the Berenstein Bears
the Little Mermaid
William Inge plays
nearly every kind of ice cream, especially home made
the smell of movie theatre popcorn
dream catchers
wind chimes
sun catchers
Lucille Ball movies, I Love Lucy, everything Lucy
Old movies with Ida Lupino or Tallulah Bankhead, Katherine Hepburn, Lauren Becall, Bogey - all of them
Peyton Place
downtown anywhere
Roseau Minnasota and other smaller kuntry towns

just stuff off the top...

oh and 4 o'clocks in bloom, they bloom only in the evening and smell purely amazing
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^I loved reading that of yours SOS :)

Actually I loved reading everyones.
Very nice, uplifting thread. Some truly great things have been listed here.
1,my mom
2,my dad
3,my sis
4,my dogs
5,my cat
6,michael jackson
7,my best friend
11,my sister inlaw
12,my future niece
1. :heart:Michael
2. loving :heart:Michael
3. listening to :heart:Michael
4. watching :heart:Michael
5. gazing stars - I LOVE IT.
6. playing with children
7. writting my story
8. eating my fav foods or junk foods
9. watching my fav movies
10. learning English
11. going to amusement park
12. colors
13. my cat
14. dreaming of :heart:Michael

to be continued..... !
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continued from my first post.....

~when my dog is happy to see me at lunchtime:wub:
~when I talk to this 1 faculty member here, she always cheers me up and sets my attitude straight :D
~when people try to test my patience and don't win:zformation: :lol:
~talking to my Grandma:D
~when someone makes me smile even though I didn't want to:D
~when I get the answers right on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader :crackingup:
~reading greeting cards in Target:tease:
~finishing one of my painted boxes:artist:

let me think of more...I'll be back:cheeky:
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my baby's cuddles before bed..and her chattering away. And her kisses.... :wub: nothing beats that... well..that from all of them.
-watching nature
-climb in a tree and look around(I'm serious!)
-run very fast for a while, then fall in the grass and think about ... everything
-reading a good book
-playing with my little nieces
-when I draw something, there's a moment when the drawing seems to come alive, I love that moment:D
-the smell of bread in the oven
-birds singing in the morning
-thunder and lighting and a lot of rain after a long hot period!
-observing my fish
-watch my vegetables grow
-eat vegetables you've grown yourself and feel proud because you made this with your own hand and you only payed 1 euro for enough pumpkins for a whole winter
- Listen to Michael
- observe baby animals when they're playing
-light a candle
-having fun with my friends

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-watching old disney movies OR charlie chaplin movies
-wash my hair:D
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Helping to Heal The World~~~

Knowledge Is Growth~~~"Education IS The Key"
When I am feeling angry or down, coming in here instead of stewing or going to a grumpy thread, and being uplifted somewhat.
Happiness for ME is...Having a nice hot shower in the morning...seeing a little puppy having his first walk in the street....smelling freshly mowed lawns in the summer...waking up and having my health....
Going home to see my dog will make me happy today :D :lol:

Going on a date with a guy every now and then would make me happy :lol:

Leaving work a few minutes early today is going to make me happy :D

Having a vacation planned for September makes me happy:beach:

let me keep thinking.........:lol:
being alive
feeling the breeze blow on my face
watching nature (like the sun shining watching trees swaying in the wind)
the moon and stars
my mom
my dog
being able to meet people from all over the world (on the net)
chatting with my dear friends(on here and on the phone)
waking up
this is a good thread... and thanks to Linda posting something similar in GD.V 3 I've only found it so this goes to you Linda.... :give_flowers:

It will make me very happy to get my boyfriend out of hospital at least for this weekend and just spend some time with him. Looking into his sweet eyes and feeling all this love...