My Unique relationship with the king of pop.

Everyone, i assure you, it even seems strange to still descovering the depth of my ability, but i have not been certified or anything.

HOWEVER: I am only doing what i genuinely believe is a service to he people here--letting them comunicate whith who i genuinely and honestly within my heart believe is mike. I would NEVER capitalize on ths forums Grief, EVER!! you are too nice a comunity for me to do anything of the kind. i am only trying to give people strength in whay i seem to be able to do.

But make no mistake: this did NOT happen due to jacksons death, i have had paranormal experiances all my life. and i truely believe i have this gift. as i am not the only one who has been able to experiance this even BEFORE mike died...

i ask you all to please keep an open mind. i do not claim to know all the answers. i only wish to let others find comfort in what i have experianced.
I'm not really talking about this poster in particular, but why do I get the feeling that we'll be seeing a lot of people on here praising Michael who just two weeks ago called him a freak, a monster and a pedophile? Must be the shift in the always hypocritical media. God, people are such sheep...
Please leave Michael's soul ALONE. Please don't attempt to make contact with him.

...Even in Death they REFUSE to leave Michael the hell alone.
Can I just speak in general and not about this poster particularly?

I would like to warn every single member on this forum about psychics that come out of the woodworks now. I think Michael is going to be more busy than in life if he was indeed talking to/with everyone that's claiming to make contact with him now.

It may sound like your opportunity to get in touch with Mike, but believe me: the majority of people claiming to be psychic say that for one reason only: money.

And if it's not for money, it's for their joy of playing with peoples emotions.

I believe there are a few psychics walking around on this earth who are genuine and very talented. But don't take every 'rocking robin's' word on their claims to be in touch with Michael. And I would advise staff here at MJJC to keep a lid on stuff like this, because many people will get hurt, emotionally, financially or both.
Can I just speak in general and not about this poster particularly?

I would like to warn every single member on this forum about psychics that come out of the woodworks now. I think Michael is going to be more busy than in life if he was indeed talking to/with everyone that's claiming to make contact with him now.

It may sound like your opportunity to get in touch with Mike, but believe me: the majority of people claiming to be psychic say that for one reason only: money.

And if it's not for money, it's for their joy of playing with peoples emotions.

I believe there are a few psychics walking around on this earth who are genuine and very talented. But don't take every 'rocking robin's' word on their claims to be in touch with Michael. And I would advise staff here at MJJC to keep a lid on stuff like this, because many people will get hurt, emotionally, financially or both.
I would also like to stress this. i am a person who hates frauds...even though i have this ability, i am still a human. i have feelings like the rest of you..why would i, a person who is very laid back mostly, take advantage of you all especialy in a time of mourning? it isnt about MONEY! i do this wanting to HELP people here who are GRIEVING on this forum contemplaiting SUICIDE! nothing more..besides, im not here to just advertise this! i am an MJ fan like every person here! look over my posts! not all of them are just "LOL I KAN CONTACTS T3H KING OF P0P!" i started a classic rock thread in the music discussion! i commented about news i heard about mikes burial! im probably going to post my favorite MJ quote in the quote thread after this....

Please, i beg of you all, if you must doubt me, doubt me. but do not deny me your friendship. thats all i ask.
yeah whatever LOL

You are not in contact with Michael, you are delusional. Maybe you should look for some help?

i believe i am also a pyschic...after i graduate, i will look into this..but i strongly believe.....


infact, i have had a paranormal experiance with him....i heard his voice, i closed my eyes, and whispered "Michael...?" and there was a flash of light, a white light...i opened my eyes because it frightened me, but then he started speaking to me.....he tells me tat he is greatly worried about you, the fans, and hopes that his passing will not do you any real harm, for he is alive. very much so--in heaven.

i doubt you'll believe me, but i have read that many of you here believe in ghosts/the supernatural....

so heres what i ask:

if any of you have any questions, i will try to contact him for you and give an answer...he has been very stressed as of late, ever since the memorial, over his children. so i hope you will not say anything offensive...

nice too meet you all, and thanks for listening! im glad i joined. :3

Welcome to the board, I believe you when you say you have a gift.....but I have one request:

Please leave Michael alone.
Hello SMC, is it okay if I ask you a question about your abbility? I too had some expiriences, and I have done years of reading about the subject. :) It doesn't make me a specialist or anything like that on the matter.

Can you 'call' for someone or try to tune into them, and they come? How does it work for you?

Even if he came to you once, why ask fans for questions you then can contact Michael with? He gives you 1 finger, you take the whole hand.
well now i wouldnt say that, he seems to be enjoying putting people at ease to me. ive had alot of pms, and he seems very happy to talk to them.

but if he WAS uncomfterble, im sure he'd let me know, he's very honest and friendly...he told me he may not do this forever, but as of now, i think hes fine with it.

i appreciate your concern though, and i'lll be sure to be carefull. =3
well now i wouldnt say that, he seems to be enjoying putting people at ease to me. ive had alot of pms, and he seems very happy to talk to them.

but if he WAS uncomfterble, im sure he'd let me know, he's very honest and friendly...he told me he may not do this forever, but as of now, i think hes fine with it.

i appreciate your concern though, and i'lll be sure to be carefull. =3

Okay well, you know my opinion.
If Michael's fine with it, then I am happy for you.
Okay well, you know my opinion.
If Michael's fine with it, then I am happy for you.
i've come to understand the people here as being very sensitive about MJ and how he is treated/dealt with/percieved. so your concern is certanly understandable. ^_^ Please know that i would never hurt michael. he's become my friend throughout this and i love him very much. :3
infact, i have had a paranormal experiance with him....i heard his voice, i closed my eyes, and whispered "Michael...?" and there was a flash of light, a white light...i opened my eyes because it frightened me, but then he started speaking to me.....he tells me tat he is greatly worried about you, the fans, and hopes that his passing will not do you any real harm, for he is alive. very much so--in heaven.

i doubt you'll believe me, but i have read that many of you here believe in ghosts/the supernatural....

so heres what i ask:

if any of you have any questions, i will try to contact him for you and give an answer...he has been very stressed as of late, ever since the memorial, over his children. so i hope you will not say anything offensive...

Hi there, and welcome to our community. I too wish you lucky with developing your psychic/mediumistic abilities, and that is a great start. :) What you said up there about Michael's message - I hope you understand that we have to take things like this with a pinch of salt - but for what it's worth it sounds like something Michael WOULD say to his fans at this time. So thank you for contributing this.

I am a "senstive" in this area. Although I'm not a natural medium, I do have experiences from time to time. I haven't had a psychic experience from Michael yet - apart from an omen from a blackbird on the 23rd of June :( (I didn't know the news was about Michael though.) Anyway, while he was still on the Earth, I have felt a deep connection with him, like many fans. And it's as if we could "communicate" on a spiritual level with him, deep down, if we wanted to.

The grief has made it hard for me to feel that open for a while, but one day it will come back. :) And I'm sure Michael needs a lot of "sleep state" at the moment, to fully heal/recover after his Earth experiences. So I'm happy to leave him alone for now.

The way I describe the connection between Michael and fans now, is he is like a galaxy that gave us all a star to keep forever, and that star - if we speak to it and listen, we can pray to Michael that way.

Thanks again for a positive thought. xx
i've come to understand the people here as being very sensitive about MJ and how he is treated/dealt with/percieved. so your concern is certanly understandable. ^_^ Please know that i would never hurt michael. he's become my friend throughout this and i love him very much. :3

That's the thing I find too about Michael's fans. :) Whether they consider themselves senstive or not... they are the most spiritual people I have ever met, in the true sense of the word.
Some people that claim to be spiritual suddenly drop all that when it comes to Michael Jackson, and then they show their true colours. So that's hypocrisy. You don't have to consider yourself spiritual, to BE it.

Michael is a bit like a mirror - people treat him and talk about him behind his back according to what is inside their heart. To judge Michael is to judge yourself. He's not the ONLY example :p but he's a very good one!
Hi there, and welcome to our community. I too wish you lucky with developing your psychic/mediumistic abilities, and that is a great start. :) What you said up there about Michael's message - I hope you understand that we have to take things like this with a pinch of salt - but for what it's worth it sounds like something Michael WOULD say to his fans at this time. So thank you for contributing this.

I am a "senstive" in this area. Although I'm not a natural medium, I do have experiences from time to time. I haven't had a psychic experience from Michael yet - apart from an omen from a blackbird on the 23rd of June :( (I didn't know the news was about Michael though.) Anyway, while he was still on the Earth, I have felt a deep connection with him, like many fans. And it's as if we could "communicate" on a spiritual level with him, deep down, if we wanted to.

The grief has made it hard for me to feel that open for a while, but one day it will come back. :) And I'm sure Michael needs a lot of "sleep state" at the moment, to fully heal/recover after his Earth experiences. So I'm happy to leave him alone for now.

The way I describe the connection between Michael and fans now, is he is like a galaxy that gave us all a star to keep forever, and that star - if we speak to it and listen, we can pray to Michael that way.

Thanks again for a positive thought. xx

what was that about the blackbird? :bugeyed
Hoo boy, you talk about hypocracy....and i might make a thread on this later--but, you know Gavin from LWMJ? i didnt realise till just now that he was the same gavin who sued him in 05!! He defended him SO well in LWMJ!! even his FATHER defended him in take two! (the maury version) Why would gavin do that now? =/

wow, that was off topic XD
what was that about the blackbird? :bugeyed

Hi Luke,

I don't usually share personal experiences of this nature, because I believe they are just that - personal. But since we are on the subject... it's so hard to describe in words... I was just about to stand up after lunch (VERY sunny day outside) to go back inside the office, but before I stood up, I heard a rustling and then a blackbird literally came up under the table I was sat at and jumped up to my seat - right beside me! He didn't wanna go near anyone else. I was wearing shades cos of the sun, but he cocked his head to one side and gazed at me, I mean with eye contact you just don't get from an animal. It was like a person looking at me. Then it darted away. I felt it was a blessing, like my grandad in spirit saying hi, because birds are messengers.

It was only a few days after Michael's passing, I thought about that blackbird again. I mentioned it to a close friend who believes in this just like me. She says well, a lot of people have had "omens of [physical] death" by visits from birds. When she said that I got goosebumps cos I'd heard of that too.

There's probably people reading this wondering wtf and how do I know this is to do with Michael... lol - I can't say 100% it was. All you can do is go on your gut feelings. I believe it was a sign. But not to tell me "hey, you're about to lose someone, tough"- I felt it was more like "You are being watched over, hope you're ok".
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I saw on youtube that a pastor had a message for michael on father's day and I've read that Michael was on a lot of people's mind. I consider myself sensitive too and for whatever reason I had begun thinking about him more recently in the past two months than what I normally did. I had this sense of urgency to see him. When my husband asked me if I wanted to go to London to see one of his concerts, I jumped at the chance, because I felt it in my spirit that I HAD to see him.....

But I said all of that to say.... I think some of us are connected on a spiritual sense and we have this feeling sometimes. Maybe it depends on the type of energy we carry around, but I believe people with sincere hearts can sometimes feel when something is going wrong with another sincere heart....Either way it goes, I know MJ is in heaven too and let's pray for each other and ourselves that we can see him for ourselves. so let's do our best to move on from the sadness and move on to a better life so that we can all hang out together in the afterlife

Okay, there goes my two cents...I'm done :D
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Hi, fellas! ^_^ I'm new here, so PLEASE forgive me if this is the wromng forum for introductions....But, i've been watching this forum ever since MJ Died, and...i feel i should join, to offer my story as a sliver of hope to you all.

My name is Matt, and I'm 18 years old...i love music, and when it cae to michael, i allways thought he was Bad (no pun intended..) because of the media and thier lies...i allways thought he was what theey said he was--a pedofile--ect...but then....months ago...i got seperated from my girlfriend for afew months...and durring that time, i stumbled upon "She's out of my life".....when i head that, i cried, very hard....this man had a voice that just--ugh...blew me away....i was hooked, i discovered Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal (Which is my favorite, and it seems i neglected to put the "al" in my name! ^^* can someone fix that please?) and others....

i couldnt believe it, the man was a genius!!...right away, i felt i wrote mike a letter on his youtube page as an apology....a letter which i doubt he ever saw =*/ but from that day on, i was a fan...

but heres the rub:

after he died, i learned more about HIM, the man...i descovered his vitiligo/lupus beforehand, but not his charity work....

You see, i have cerebral palsy....a neurological disorder which affects the brain, causing the limbs to not work right. I cannot walk. i am a quadropligic...and so, when i learned of his legacy in neverland, helping all thoes kids...i...i was saddened that i'd judged this man all my life!! D*X why now?? why didnt i ever have the chance to ask his forgivenes....? it makes me angry...


here's the thing....

i believe i am also a pyschic...after i graduate, i will look into this..but i strongly believe.....


infact, i have had a paranormal experiance with him....i heard his voice, i closed my eyes, and whispered "Michael...?" and there was a flash of light, a white light...i opened my eyes because it frightened me, but then he started speaking to me.....he tells me tat he is greatly worried about you, the fans, and hopes that his passing will not do you any real harm, for he is alive. very much so--in heaven.

i doubt you'll believe me, but i have read that many of you here believe in ghosts/the supernatural....

so heres what i ask:

if any of you have any questions, i will try to contact him for you and give an answer...he has been very stressed as of late, ever since the memorial, over his children. so i hope you will not say anything offensive...

nice too meet you all, and thanks for listening! im glad i joined. :3
I believe and I'm a physic also when it comes to these kind of stuffs.... I had such encounter with Michael a couple of nights ago, however MJJC decided to delete my thread instead you can find that thread on MJJBoard... here's the link Matt...