My Unique relationship with the king of pop.

Jul 25, 2011
Hi, fellas! ^_^ I'm new here, so PLEASE forgive me if this is the wromng forum for introductions....But, i've been watching this forum ever since MJ Died, and...i feel i should join, to offer my story as a sliver of hope to you all.

My name is Matt, and I'm 18 years old...i love music, and when it cae to michael, i allways thought he was Bad (no pun intended..) because of the media and thier lies...i allways thought he was what theey said he was--a pedofile--ect...but then....months ago...i got seperated from my girlfriend for afew months...and durring that time, i stumbled upon "She's out of my life".....when i head that, i cried, very hard....this man had a voice that just--ugh...blew me away....i was hooked, i discovered Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal (Which is my favorite, and it seems i neglected to put the "al" in my name! ^^* can someone fix that please?) and others....

i couldnt believe it, the man was a genius!!...right away, i felt i wrote mike a letter on his youtube page as an apology....a letter which i doubt he ever saw =*/ but from that day on, i was a fan...

but heres the rub:

after he died, i learned more about HIM, the man...i descovered his vitiligo/lupus beforehand, but not his charity work....

You see, i have cerebral palsy....a neurological disorder which affects the brain, causing the limbs to not work right. I cannot walk. i am a quadropligic...and so, when i learned of his legacy in neverland, helping all thoes kids...i...i was saddened that i'd judged this man all my life!! D*X why now?? why didnt i ever have the chance to ask his forgivenes....? it makes me angry...


here's the thing....

i believe i am also a pyschic...after i graduate, i will look into this..but i strongly believe.....


infact, i have had a paranormal experiance with him....i heard his voice, i closed my eyes, and whispered "Michael...?" and there was a flash of light, a white light...i opened my eyes because it frightened me, but then he started speaking to me.....he tells me tat he is greatly worried about you, the fans, and hopes that his passing will not do you any real harm, for he is alive. very much so--in heaven.

i doubt you'll believe me, but i have read that many of you here believe in ghosts/the supernatural....

so heres what i ask:

if any of you have any questions, i will try to contact him for you and give an answer...he has been very stressed as of late, ever since the memorial, over his children. so i hope you will not say anything offensive...

nice too meet you all, and thanks for listening! im glad i joined. :3
Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you came around and realized that the media is full of it and Michael's the greatest. You've made the right choice and you certainly have good taste in music. Smooth Criminal is unquestionably one of Michael's best songs.

And I wish you luck in developing your psychic talents. I don't believe in any supernatural phenomena so I won't ask you to contact Michael, but I wish you luck anyway.
Thank you hardcastle. my one hope is that people will not judge me for this. i cannot help what i experiance, so i hope people will atleast bare with me, as this sensation is still relativly new to me. im just starting to look into it now.

But i am sure i can talk to michal. and it would be wrong of me since this forum is in a rather saddened state, if i did not let thoes who would believe me go unaware. =)
Thank you.
That is very interesting to know.
I will contact you personally on the matter as there are a few things I would like to know for my own personal reasons.

Also your very welcome to the board.
The MJ fans are amazing people.

Im very glad you also got to find out what an amazing man Michael really was.
Welcome to the fourm. Glad you realized the good of Michael. I have Cerebral Palsey aswell to a certian degree. Good luck with your abilities but be careful.
Welcome to the family. Thank you for your honesty and love for Micheal. And i've heard about what you have, and I'll pray for you. I hope someday all the people who judged Michael would be like you. I also want to know somethings and I'll contact you. Thank you again.
Welcome to the board! :D

Yes, Michael is the greatest. I believe in the supernatural or how they call it again. Its interesting to know that you can contact Michaels spirit. I wonder how he's doing. But be careful. I wish you luck too.
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Welcome to the family. Thank you for your honesty and love for Micheal. And i've heard about what you have, and I'll pray for you. I hope someday all the people who judged Michael would be like you. I also want to know somethings and I'll contact you. Thank you again.
as mike would most likely say....Thank you more. =)
Will you ask Michael if he is happy even though he worries about his family and fans? Does he miss being on Earth? Tell him he needn't worry about his fans too much because we know he is alive forever!
Welcome! I believe in an afterlife too! So you're not alone! Thanks for sharing! :)Hmm... maybe ask him for an MJ concert in heaven later on! LOL
I'm glad you've introduced yourself and glad that you have come forward with what you've said, I didnt want to say anything before now in case people didnt believe me.

But I know exactly what you're talking about, and I also sensed him the hours following his passing. I do not grieve as much as others do because I know hes at peace and without tension there is a relaxed feeling about him.
Welcome Matt. 'She's out of my life' was one of my first MJ songs too, right after my soul mate & children's dad left us. :cry: I can't listen to the sad songs right now.

I really appreciate you sharing your experiences, & don't judge yourself too harshly. It is easy to fall prey to the intense brain programming that occurs from the media, especially when it is repeated by parents, friends, etc. I am sure the Michael holds nothing but forgiveness & love for you in his heart, and eventually you'll feel that for yourself also. But gotta feel the sadness & anger first.

I don't really believe in ghosts/spirits, not even in God! I'm pretty pragmatic myself!
But ever since Michael.......left us alone I must confess I NEED TO BELIEVE THERE IS A GOD! I won't elaborate because it's such a complex point but I 'm glad you discovered the amazing in Michael , for that it's never too late!:flowers:
Thank you everyone for your nice comments...i've recieved afew PM's from you all and i feel extremely welcome here ^^ i encourage you, please contact me if you begine to miss mike too much, i will do my best to cheer you all up. =p
Welcome, thank you for stumbling upon us, you will love it here :)
welcome! its never ever too late to love michael it makes me feel good knowing that people can and do overcome the media brainwashing..more power to you!!

As for the pyschic not sure what i beleive, like Butterflylady i find myself really needing to beleive that michael is still aware like intact somwhere like a heaven type place and that he is at peace. I guess i just dont wan him to be gone totally you know, but ive always been very skeptical of the whole god scenario deoesnt seem to me to be a satisfactory reason for the exstence of everthing, but i guess its impossible to know......oh i hate not knowing.....thats why faith in sometihng is so tempting.....
well, all i can say is from where i stand, michael is VERY much alive, and if you should ever have any questions for MJ, PLEASE pm me, hes such a kind guy, he would love to chat. ^^
I hope you're not capitalizing on people's grief and vulnerability bro. Not cool, not cool.

welcome ... if you are genuine. personally, i dont believe in ghosts and the paranormal etc. but if it helps people feel better and let's them cope with ish ... more power to them.

If you are not genuine and here for your own entertainment... messing with some fragile emotions and looking to get your jollies off. All at the expense of Michael Jackson fans. Do us all a favor and just leave now.

Our quota of trolls has been filled for the year ... come back next year :zformation:
what CNN article?

Here's an excerpt:

"When this is no longer possible because this person is gone, it creates a vacuum within us, so people need to maintain a psychological or even a spiritual stability by creating a fixed image of Jackson," he said.

Rourke said he fully expects people to come forward claiming to have communicated with Jackson, but that any credible professional psychic or medium will not attempt to connect with Jackson for at least six months to a year and will only do so at the behest of a family member or an intimate friend of the singer.

In the meantime, Conner said fans can still reach out to the singer's energy in a simple way: "The greatest way to connect with Michael is through listening to his music."
First of all welcome.
Your story is very interesting but with those things i never know what to believe. I know there are people with those special abilities you can't really explain but I just dunno. I liked the program Uri Geller did here but sometimes it was like is this just a magic trick or does that person really have such special abilities to do such things.

If it's true what you say it's good to know MJ is still out there and alive.
Very interesting. I believe in spirits and ghosts and the is just hard to believe it all sometimes when it gets to a certain degree. I hope that you are being honest!! =]
It IS possible for spirits to communicate even early on. Some have connected as early as their day of death. Depends on the spirit and how quickly it adjusts to the other side.