My trip to Forest Lawn

Thank you for posting your story. I saw the pictures and it looks so beautiful. But I feel a lump in my throat every time I think about it. To me this still isn't quite real, I'm still unable to process it. He shouldn't be there, he should be enjoying the success of his concerts with his children planning his next day. He just shouldn't be there and I can't quite accept it yet.
Thanks for telling your story JMie, that was sweet and sad. I'm so glad to hear how nice the Forest Lawn people are to the fans.
The pictures are beautiful and everything looks so peaceful and serene. The flowers and all the cards, etc. are so touching. Much love is shown here for MJ. I'm sure he knows it and loves you too.
Oh my gosh...I am still crying! But it's a good cry...a cry I needed, if that makes sense at all. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your beautiful photos. I'm sure I will never be able to go there, and the way you described your feelings for Michael and how this visit was for you, it's how I feel and would feel if I went there, I'm sure. This really touched me. Thanks again, so very much for sharing this. And your flowers--they were breathtaking!
These pictures show just how truly beautiful Forest Lawn is. Someday, I hope to take a trip to California and pay my respects to Michael in person.
The pictures are beautiful and everything looks so peaceful and serene. The flowers and all the cards, etc. are so touching. Much love is shown here for MJ. I'm sure he knows it and loves you too.

Oh gosh.. You just made me imagine how much stuff there will be around June 25th :cry: The place will be flooded with gifts and will look beautiful...and heartbreaking.. :cry:

There will be lots of people going and also bringing things from those who can't be myself unfortunately :(

But I think it's wonderful how fans help other fans, like JMie among many others, making it possible that your greetings for Michael are right there even though you can't be personally... And then, by sharing pictures and the feelings they went through, make you feel almost as if you had been there yourself :angel:

Michael really has the very best fans :flowers:
wow the pictures are beautiful!! :wub:

Yeah i hope to someday travel from Ireland to LA. it would be a dream come true.
Thank you for your story it was emotional and touching to read. I also like the pics you took and the ones of the flowers and gifts that you left there :)
Forest Lawn is such a quiet and peaceful place. To me it didn't seem dark and depressing. Quite the contrary. It's very very beautiful, with lots of trees, birds, butterflies and squirrels. And even though when I came there it finally hit me, I finally fully realized that Michael is gone, but at the same time that place helps you feel that life is eternal. And Michael is always always with me. At least, that's how it felt being there for me... It was very sad, it hurt like hell but at the same time it was somewhat comforting... Forest Lawn is a very special place and now that I saw it I think it fits him perfectly. It just feels right. And it's a good thing people are not allowed into the building. Michael was always in the spotlight, so at least now he can finally have some privacy...

I wish I coul put down in words my emotions now.
And I wish I was on my own to cry the tears I am holding now.
I have read several accounts of visits to FL and each one of them is so special, so full of love and so emotional. I thank you very, very much for all you and your friend did, for the pictures (amazing and beutiful), for your words, for each flower and for each card you and the Russian fans sent to Michael.

I relay 100% to your comments. I wish, from the bottom of my heart, one day i will have the chance to pay my respects to Michael there, and most of all, that some day I will find that peace you so clearly describe. I know in my heart MJ is in no pain, no hurt, no suffering, but only resting after all he gave us. It is not him suffering, it is us, the ones he left behind, who miss him and suffer so much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for loving Michael this much. This really warms my heart, thought it breaks it a little bit more too

Crying again!! I wish so much that i could go there. I seem to be finding it hard again - maybe because the anniversary is coming up? Does anyone else feel the same?
Thank you so much for sharing this with us..
Cried through the whole post for some reason.
Probably didn't help that I had the song "Broken Vow" playing in the background.
Hope I can visit him someday..seems like everyone who has gone finds peace within themselves somehow.
Hope I can visit him someday..seems like everyone who has gone finds peace within themselves somehow.

I hope the fans will still be able to visit... I really think it's important to let those who need it go there to pay respects. because it really does help somehow..

I hope the fans will still be able to visit... I really think it's important to let those who need it go there to pay respects. because it really does help somehow..


I hope this will be so, JMie.
I hope so.

Thank you for sharing your story and photographs, like others I cry looking at them but at the same time it is good to see that people make the journey, I believe in the spirit world and he knows how much he is loved and missed, and always will be.
Thank you for your post, I've actually moved to CA a few months ago but I couldn't go to Forest Lawn yet.... I don't know if I can yet, it would make it too real I think.
Thank you for sharing your story and photographs, like others I cry looking at them but at the same time it is good to see that people make the journey, I believe in the spirit world and he knows how much he is loved and missed, and always will be.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience.
Michael will always be remembered for so much.

:better:Yes, he will always be remembered and he will always be alive in the hearts of those who love him. And I really really hope that wherever he is now he can feel our love and he is smiling...

Thank you for your post, I've actually moved to CA a few months ago but I couldn't go to Forest Lawn yet.... I don't know if I can yet, it would make it too real I think.

:better: Take your time... You'll go when you're ready... It's a difficult experience. Although I was planning my trip for a very long time, it was still very hard to wake up that very morning and realize where I was about to go.. It was like my legs were refusing to go.... :(