My trip to Forest Lawn


There's a lot of talk about Forest Lawn and what it's like these days... I've been reading all the threads about it and decided to share my experience with you.

My friend and I visited Michael in April. We spent 4 days in LA and during that time we went to Forest Lawn twice. I had been planning this trip since last November but I couldn't imagine what it would be like up until the moment I saw the Forest Lawn gates. It had always been my dream to meet Michael and for some reason I always believed that some day it would happen because if you want something strong enough it just has to happen, you know? But last June proved me wrong... And there I was at the gates of the memorial park and it was still hard to believe I was there to visit MICHAEL. It felt very very wrong... But I needed to do it, to pay my respects and say thank you to the person who meant so much to me for so many years, who had been my biggest inspiration and helped me become the person that I am today. Going there was the least I could do for him...

Prior to our trip to the USA I posted some info on Russian forums so that fans could give me cards for Michael if they wanted. People responded and even participated in the "flowers fund", so there were quite a lot of cards we brought with us to Forest Lawn... We also contacted the Forest Lawn flower shop about the flower arrangement we wanted to order to make sure they had enough flowers when we got there.

But when we arrived the arrangement was not ready yet, so we had to wait for an hour. While waiting we went up to the Great Mausoleum, but we didn't want to go to the Holly Terrace with empty hands so we just sat on a bench on the other side of the building. It was a very emotional and difficult experience for me. Even though we were there it was still unbelievable that Michael was there as well...

An hour passed and we returned to the flower shop to find out the arrangement was too big and heavy - we ordered a basket of 50 red roses.... The flower shop people were extremely nice to us and offered to deliver the flowers in a van. They didn't ask who the flowers were for, but they didn't have to because I was wearing an MJ T-Shirt. Later we noticed that the receipt for the flowers said "recipient Michael Jackson". It was heartbreaking to see... :(

We walked back, this time right to the Holly Terrace. The area at the door turned out to be quite small comparing to what it seemed like on the photos... We were the only ones there. There were no flowers, only a small note from Romanian fans... I was relieved to see no one was there for I hoped to have some privacy there for a while. I love MJ fans, but I didn't want to be a part of a huge gathering during this private moment because I had no idea what it would be like for me and what I would feel.

The van arrived about 10 minutes later and the flower shop lady gave us her phone number so that when we were ready we could call her and she'd be back to take everything inside. It was so very nice of her to do that for us. People who work there are truly amazing and understanding.

We spent about five hours there... We sat there remembering all the Michael moments we had in our lives, the concerts etc... We cried, we smiled, we talked to him... I had this feeling that he was all around me, I don't really know how to explain it.

Some other fans arrived - two American girls from Maryland and Texas and left their flowers at the door as well. They told us about the Last Supper presentation at the Memorial Terrace, which was open to the general public, and later after saying goodbye to Michael we went there to see what the Mausoleum looks like inside. It really looks like a museum, a very beautiful and grand place.

Before leaving the Holly Terrace we called the flower shop. The lady came back and took all the flowers, cards, candles, drawings and teddy bears inside. There were quite a lot of things so she had to come outside several times to take everything in. We didn't try to sneak a peek inside because it didn't feel right, we actually kind of turned away when she opened the door. Maybe because of that she decided to do what she did - when she took a second portion of our gifts she left the door open for us to see... We didn't step inside, we didn't take photos but we saw Michael's resting place... And when I saw it I had this feeling... I can't even describe it properly... It was like for a moment I found peace within myself...

We came to Forest Lawn again, the day before we were due to leave for Las Vegas. We spent there a couple of hours, sitting at the Holly Terrace and walking in the park. Forest Lawn is such a quiet and peaceful place. To me it didn't seem dark and depressing. Quite the contrary. It's very very beautiful, with lots of trees, birds, butterflies and squirrels. And even though when I came there it finally hit me, I finally fully realized that Michael is gone, but at the same time that place helps you feel that life is eternal. And Michael is always always with me. At least, that's how it felt being there for me... It was very sad, it hurt like hell but at the same time it was somewhat comforting... Forest Lawn is a very special place and now that I saw it I think it fits him perfectly. It just feels right. And it's a good thing people are not allowed into the building. Michael was always in the spotlight, so at least now he can finally have some privacy...

Here are some photos I took in the park. They are arranged in the order as if you are walking from the gates to the Holly Terrace, just to get an idea of what the park looks like for those who haven't been there.







the flower shop






























from the Russian fans





Thanks a lot for sharing your story with us and for the beautiful pictures. :cry: :hug:

"It had always been my dream to meet Michael and for some reason I always believed that some day it would happen because if you want something strong enough it just has to happen, you know? But last June proved me wrong... And there I was at the gates of the memorial park and it was still hard to believe I was there to visit MICHAEL."

This just broke my heart. :cry:
Thank you so much for sharing this! So touching, so beautiful and I cried my eyes out. :cry::wub:
wow :( that was lovely and heartbreaking.
made me cry .. :cry:
thank you for sharing...that made me cry..:boohooo:....its so final...but you are right..Michael would like is him.
Such a touching account of your trip :( I really wanna go and pay my respects but money is preventing me from going there anytime soon :(
Thank you so much for sharing your story and photos :huggy:
I had tears in my eyes all the time while reading :cry:
However it was wonderful to hear you found some comfort there, too, and kind of felt Michael's presence..
How I wish to go there one time myself...
Thank you so much for sharing this. It was really touching. I hope I can go one day.
thank u so much .this is such a beautiful story ,i was literally holding back my tears while reading it.:hug:
Thank you for your beautiful recount, the photos, and sharing.

I L.O.V.E. MJ fans!!!!!!
Thanks for sharing. I wish I was there myself.
Beautiful. :cry: I'm so glad you were able to go and find comfort. I, too, always dreamed of being near him and never thought it would be like that.
Thank you very much for sharing this! and thank you very much for the photos.

I cried, I still cry after reading this but also feel comfort and peace in a way you described.

Michael will always be in our hearts.
And even though when I came there it finally hit me, I finally fully realized that Michael is gone, but at the same time that place helps you feel that life is eternal. And Michael is always always with me. At least, that's how it felt being there for me... It was very sad, it hurt like hell but at the same time it was somewhat comforting... Forest Lawn is a very special place and now that I saw it I think it fits him perfectly. It just feels right. And it's a good thing people are not allowed into the building. Michael was always in the spotlight, so at least now he can finally have some privacy...

:cry: :cry: :heart:

Thank you so much for sharing these moments with us and for posting these pics from there....:flowers:
Thank you JMie... :heart: Thank you for sharing this with us.
OMG, this hurts too much... :weeping:
I hope someday I'm able to visit him too... :cry:
Thank you for sharing your story and pictures. I'm crying now, but I still feel comfort in knowing that he rests in such a beautiful and peaceful place. I feel I need to go there someday. I love him so much.
Beautiful. :cry: I'm so glad you were able to go and find comfort. I, too, always dreamed of being near him and never thought it would be like that.

Thank you for sharing this touching story, it made me cry so much. It's just the finality of it all hits me again. It sure does look beautiful there, refined and elegant, it just makes me so sad... :cry:
I just want to give a hug to every one of you guys :hug: :hug: :hug:

thank god for the MJ fan family, I don't think I would have been able to survive this year if it weren't for MJ fans :hug: :heart:
Thank you for your lovely and touching story about your visit. The pictures are very much appreciated, they give a bigger perspective to Michael's resting place. The pics from the back of Holly Terrace, looking up to the windows/alcove where Michael's tomb is, that must have been a very emotional but peaceful place to stand and reflect.

I'm so glad you were able to go and experience/see Forest Lawn and Holly Terrace first hand.

(The roses were beautiful!)
Thank you for your lovely and touching story about your visit. The pictures are very much appreciated, they give a bigger perspective to Michael's resting place. The pics from the back of Holly Terrace, looking up to the windows/alcove where Michael's tomb is, that must have been a very emotional but peaceful place to stand and reflect.

We saw those windows when we were walking up to the Mausoleum when we weren't sure yet where the Holly Terrace was exactly. But when we saw those windows we somehow knew that they were Michael's.
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and your memories. The walk up to Holly Terrace must be the saddest in the world.

the tributes were beautiful..the cherub embroidery was lovely.
thank you for sharing this here :hug:
You made ma cry, I actually can't stop crying now... it's just like you've written my story, just I didn't mange to get there yet, I haven't found this peace yet... :cry:
Thank you, thank you very much :(