My Ten Sense: Michael Jackson would be in Haiti if he were alive(Good Article)

Great article. I disagree that he would have been in Haiti, he'd be on his second leg by now, but he would have done so much for these poor people.

This is breaking my heart :cry:
If Janet does do some Haiti relief, maybe someone has been reading my posts; because, I "called her out about it" on as many online sites as I could. :better:

The Jackson brothers, Janet and other Jackson family members have given a lot for Haiti.

In the first day Austin was even donating on behalf of fans who said they weren't able to text to Wyclefs Yele Haiti charity...he donated his money for those fans, how sweet is that.

They just aren't shouting about it.

The brothers are helping to raise awareness also on Twitter and their radio interviews...and in the early moments of the quake told people safe urls to donate to.
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Oh no doubt in my mind that he woud've donated lots of money and probably made a song for it as well. But no way would he have those people being picked up with planes and flying them somewhere, i them where? That's just not how it goes.

:agree:Yep, plus with tight national security, it would have been impossible to fly some people who don't have passports and stuff to other countries. And some countries have red tape on who they allow in their countries.
No offence to anyone here.Whatever you think gets you through the day i am happy for you.But seriously Michael would not have been in Hiati.Yes he would have helped out financially and given ALOT but seriously guys there have been disasters in the past and Michael has been in the same country...9/11 comes to mind and i never read reports of Michael there with the FDNY digging people out of the rubble.

Again not trying to step on anyones toes just giving my opinion.
Michael Jackson would have chartered a airplane and personally evacuated as many out of Haiti as he could.

If Janet does do some Haiti relief, maybe someone has been
reading my posts; because, I "called her out about it" on as many online sites as I could. :better:

The first red part SO TRUE, Michael would be THERE, NO DOUBTS

Janet, Janet, Janet, i dont know what is it about her..., well she wasnt there for Michael either...
May she change her selfish ways and make his late his brother proud... God... that family... idk, if i was them i would be soooo ashamed, but in their cases is like, lets make the reality. Michael's dead, so???, who cares...
i have seen aweful families, but this one is up there between the baddest ones, sorry i went off topic.

Michael Jackson would have chartered a airplane and personally evacuated as many out of Haiti as he could.

If Janet does do some Haiti relief, maybe someone has been
reading my posts; because, I "called her out about it" on as many online sites as I could. :better:

I sincerely believe Michael would in no way have gone there unless he were going to land on the side the cruise ships land on. He would have done a 'song' and helped with donation efforts possibly; though even that would have been difficult at this time because of the concerts.

As far as 'pushing' Janet, thats her business and I would never impose my will on anyone. I simply feel that we as fans have no right to impose our will on them. Thats just my opinion.
Just because we havent heard of a big donation from Janet doesn't mean she hasnt given something privately. Michael didnt always publicisize his charity work, only did so to draw attention to special causes/dire situations every so often, so maybe she's just taking the private route like him? A lot of celebrities don't talk about their private donations.
No I don't believe MJ would be there cos that place is in chaos now, they certainly don't need any superstar to go there and add to the mess. But I do believe he would help any way he could, like many generous people do. One thing I don't get is why people keep asking 'where was he during (insert disaster here, Katrina, Sichuan earthquake, etc)'. If people keep asking celebrities questions like that, I guess none of them would want to make anonymous donations anymore, they will do it out of 'necessity' or pressure from the public. Why are some people sceptical that MJ would help any way he could? Heck, even I donated to those disaster relief funds. Why wouldn't someone generous like MJ do the same? Just because he didn't publicize it doesn't mean he never did it.
I'm sure the Jacksons have done all they could privately unlike the other celebs who are all doing this for show and promotion...

Michael never did anything for show, he'd go to places people wouldn't even suspect he would go just to help others in suffering.

I miss him so much.

Pure love, indeed.
I believe Michael would be there right now if he was alive. if he couldnt be there he would have most definetly done the hope for haiti fundraiser by eather doing a live via satelight performance of Heal the world or he would not just only donated his own money but also everything made from his tour to the haiti relief fund. Michael cared so much he would be doing everything he could to help.