'My Friend Michael Jackson' (ITV 26/07). A message from Uri.

Wasnt Michael best man or something at Uri's wedding?

Uri was a close friend of MJ, closer than any of us, give him a break.

So you think it's ok of him to make stupid amounts of money off his and Michael's friendship? Even though they've not been friends for years? It stinks to me.
Funny how he didn't sell this footage when Michael was alive. Because he'd have looked effin stupid.
even if the doc is positive..

(which i suspect it will be. Otherwise uri wont be able to claim to be MJs best friend anymore and wont be able to get as much money and countless interviews)

.. i think its disgusting the way he has acted
actually i believe Michael has so many friends that have such private footage of him like Uri does...and yet they dont come out and sell it....
So you think it's ok of him to make stupid amounts of money off his and Michael's friendship? Even though they've not been friends for years? It stinks to me.
Funny how he didn't sell this footage when Michael was alive. Because he'd have looked effin stupid.

Because there is a massive amount of interest in Michael Jackson now? Even for non fans I know it is interesting. This documentary could show MJ in a positive light...I say we just wait it out and then judge.

Everybody has to make a profit too...it's just business.

I've also only ever heard Uri praise and talk nice of Michael, even if their friendship was cut short because of the Bashir doc...that was Bashir and his editing team, not Uri.
I'm not attacking the documentary, I don't even know what its like because I haven't seen it. However I do not think Uri is doing it out of the goodness of his heart, sorry but the man always seems to use Michael's name to get attention/airtime for himself and he was doing it still even when Michael and him weren't friends anymore.
Because there is a massive amount of interest in Michael Jackson now? Even for non fans I know it is interesting. This documentary could show MJ in a positive light...I say we just wait it out and then judge.

Everybody has to make a profit too...it's just business.

No, it was a friendship. I'm tired of people using Michael to get money and fame. It's pathetic! I hope it is positive...but still doesn't make it excusable for me.
To each their own, we agree to disagree then.

Still though, you gotta be a little excited to see new MJ footage?
Well, it will be nice to see a positive MJ programme on the TV for once. The amount of people making money from him and saying False and bad things at least this time someone is saying good things and making money. It would be nice to see Uri donate the profts to a charity but I'm sure if he announced this he'd get criticised!
I am hoping that Uri comes out with something respectful and positive
I am going to pass judgement until I get to see what his documentary is..I hope for the best but fear the worst..
However I do not think Uri is doing it out of the goodness of his heart, sorry but the man always seems to use Michael's name to get attention/airtime for himself...

Personally I don't really care as long as the documentary is a positive piece of PR for Mike. there's far too much negativity in the media lately and this should hopefully score some good viewing figures if advertised properly.

Has anybody seen it advertised at all?
i recon 3/4 of the programme will be uri talking crap,and then will have sum footage from the time mike was over
Uri needs to shut his piehole and stop acting like Michael was his homeboy. They were friends for a short period of time and Uri messed up and pissed Michael off.

Uri is so keen on telling the world he was friends with Michael, it makes me feel sick.

Amen to this post. :clapping:

While it would be good to see some unseen footage of Michael, I just don't trust Uri.
I will be in the US that day...

what time will be on tv? East time?

I will be in Boston...I think I won't be at the hotel until 10-11 pm..
Personally I don't really care as long as the documentary is a positive piece of PR for Mike. there's far too much negativity in the media lately and this should hopefully score some good viewing figures if advertised properly.

Has anybody seen it advertised at all?

Its being advertised a lot, I saw about 3 or 4 adverts today for it on ITV today.
Why is anyone even contacting this man?....once a snake, always a snake!
Why is anyone even contacting this man?....once a snake, always a snake!

Very true !

Uri Geller's documentary about Michael looks positive, but from watch the footage of Uri crying it looks more like a documentary about how guilty he feels for setting up Michael with the vile Martin Bashir for LWMJ. Hopefully this with by ITV's apology to Michael, his family and us fans for misreprisenting Michael. Because LWMJ caused a lot of trouble in Michael's life because Uri alledgely sold his contact with Michael to Bashir for £200,000 according to Michael's doctor Dr Klein, then Bashir gets money and international fame for interviewing Michael and ITV/Granada get the biggest cut of the money from LWMJ. And Michael is set up and faces a trial over false charges of child abuse etc.

I'm sure Uri is racked with guilt about LWMJ. And he's still using his friendship with Michael to as self-prmotion, but I don't see any need to email him and tell him how I feel that he's used Michael because I don't see the point in making him feel as guilty and he obviously feels.
Very true !

Uri Geller's documentary about Michael looks positive, but from watch the footage of Uri crying it looks more like a documentary about how guilty he feels for setting up Michael with the vile Martin Bashir for LWMJ. Hopefully this with by ITV's apology to Michael, his family and us fans for misreprisenting Michael. Because LWMJ caused a lot of trouble in Michael's life because Uri alledgely sold his contact with Michael to Bashir for £200,000 according to Michael's doctor Dr Klein, then Bashir gets money and international fame for interviewing Michael and ITV/Granada get the biggest cut of the money from LWMJ. And Michael is set up and faces a trial over false charges of child abuse etc.

I'm sure Uri is racked with guilt about LWMJ. And he's still using his friendship with Michael to as self-prmotion, but I don't see any need to email him and tell him how I feel that he's used Michael because I don't see the point in making him feel as guilty and he obviously feels.

i think what you have just written is so true, he definitly feels guilty.

the documentary looks like it is going to show Michael in the right light though - good light
I feel like throwing up just seeing his name... My "friend" Michael Jackson, yeah right... Uri spent more than two years (2006-2008) just making sure that the media knew for sure that he was no longer friends with Michael based on that admittedly edited and never verified audio tape Schaffel/Wiesner sold to ABC. Ugh.
Some why is he still claiming he is still his friend so? For media popularity? And he's a hypocrite... and two-faced and a snake etc... I couldn't watch this programme - it would make me sick.