'My Friend Michael Jackson' (ITV 26/07). A message from Uri.


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
I contacted Uri Geller about the program called 'My Friend Michael Jackson' to be shown on ITV on Sunday 26th July. I asked him whether he had seen the final edit of the programme and told him I was concerned that ITV may use the show in order to protray Michael Jackson in a negative way. I also asked him whether he could confirm or deny the report in the 'Daily Star' newspaper that it would show MJ being injected with drugs while he and Matt Fiddes try to convinve him not to do it.

His reply was short and didn't really address the issues I had raised directly, but it was nice that he took the time to reply.
It read;

"Chris you will be very happy with the program. Please watch it next Sunday then email me and let me know what you think. Love uri"

Hopefully we can trust his word. Uri is actually a very nice person, so now that I have seen his reply I will be watching the show and if it's a good show I will contact him to say so.
I am a bit worried about this docu ;( I dont know why, but I dont trust Uri anymore ;(
I hope someone from the UK will be able to upload it to somewhere so that rest of the world can watch - and judge
I dont trust him. Sorry that is just how i feel
Uri needs to shut his piehole and stop acting like Michael was his homeboy. They were friends for a short period of time and Uri messed up and pissed Michael off.

Uri is so keen on telling the world he was friends with Michael, it makes me feel sick.
I will watch the program because of Michael but I don't like Uri very much. Michael and him were only friends for a short while and haven't been friends for years. It always seems like Uri always brings up Michael's name to get attention and airtime for himself.
Uri is boaaasting all the time it is so boring. Last year he was doing his show here...i went there with some friends (not for the actual show) we just went to the studio..i had his drawing for Invinicible album in my hand (i have to add that during that time our newspapers were full of his interviews and he kept saying "i designed the COVER for Michael Jackson`s Invincible album...yep cover..hah) so he took that paper from my hand, put it in the air and started to say it aloud " i did this for Michael Jackson..." so everyone can hear him...then me and my friends told him we are fans of Michael and what he said: "i talked to him on the phone yesterday".lol yep sure......:doh:
Uri is boaaasting all the time it is so boring. Last year he was doing his show here...i went there with some friends (not for the actual show) we just went to the studio..i had his drawing for Invinicible album in my hand (i have to add that during that time our newspapers were full of his interviews and he kept saying "i designed the COVER for Michael Jackson`s Invincible album...yep cover..hah) so he took that paper from my hand, put it in the air and started to say it aloud " i did this for Michael Jackson..." so everyone can hear him...then me and my friends told him we are fans of Michael and what he said: "i talked to him on the phone yesterday".lol yep sure......:doh:

LOL...just about says it all. You should have said that's funny, I thought you designed the cover?
I hope he is trying to make amends for the BaSHIT documentary. Not that he ever can.
LOL...just about says it all. You should have said that's funny, I thought you designed the cover?
yeah unfortunately i forgot to say this...but the story continued the following (i have decided now to write it down... )...so when he said he talked to Michael on the phone yesterday we asked him "and how is he" and his reply was "not good, not good" ...after this we decided to go next week again (he was here for months damn.lol) and we told him that last week he said that he talked to Michael and that he is not doing good and we worry (well actually we did not believe him, we just wanted to find out why is he talking again crap) and he got really angry and he asnwered very very rude: "i do not talk abuot Michael Jackson" ...lol then what did he do in the previous week, and what does he do all the time? he is a JOKE
Well if he's told you too e-mail him after the the doc airs then he must have some confidence it will portray Michael in the way he should have been.

I agree with you. He has asked me to get back in contact and he didn't have to do that, so I think he does expect it to be a good MJ show. I hope for Mike's sake that it is.
Hey bobmoo79

Thanks so much for sending that e-mail. Last thing we need is another ITV doco putting the boot in. Man, I'm a massive Uri fan, I know that sometimes he has said some silly thing but that doesn't take away the undeniable friendship and closeness he had with Michael.

You know what would be cool? Could you PM me his e-mail address, id just love the opprtunity to say thanks, it would really help with the grieving process.

Many thanks in advance.
yeah unfortunately i forgot to say this...but the story continued the following (i have decided now to write it down... )...so when he said he talked to Michael on the phone yesterday we asked him "and how is he" and his reply was "not good, not good" ...after this we decided to go next week again (he was here for months damn.lol) and we told him that last week he said that he talked to Michael and that he is not doing good and we worry (well actually we did not believe him, we just wanted to find out why is he talking again crap) and he got really angry and he asnwered very very rude: "i do not talk abuot Michael Jackson" ...lol then what did he do in the previous week, and what does he do all the time? he is a JOKE

Oh god...dude got issues!
Please watch it next Sunday
well that makes a change. normally all his emails end with please buy my book!. funny he didnt reply to the email i sent him touched a raw nerve probably.

geller is a media whore parasite who used mj for his own gains just like all the others. go to hell geller
:lol: maybe he will say that in the advert between the program

you can bet on that...

and Uri loves Hungary :) and being such a cool and close friend of MJ - now it all adds up...that dude with the conspiracy theory was right...if Uri is in Hungary now then he is with MJ :D
Oh no..I have just spilled the beans.....:D

nevertheless I hope I can get to see this "documentary" I would like to see it so that I can make up my own mind
I emailed Uri a few years ago, around the time of MJ's trial. He seemed like a nice guy and gave me some advice. Yes, on one of his emails he had a large amount of text about his book but nowadays loads of people have something at the bottom of their emails about who they work for?

I find it a bit harsh MJ fans are calling him all these names when they don't know him - how can you defend MJ but give loads of abuse to another celeb?
beacuse Uri wasnt even that good friends with michael. or even if he was it was for a very short period of time. then they fell out. Uri now talks about him NON STOP! he is making a career out of a short frendship and when MJ dies he was the FIRST person being interviewed.. making out like hes his closest friend. it embarassing for michael to be associated with this guy. plus if he had one ounce of decency he would reveal that they actually havent spoken for years. ive heard him countless times on tv and when the interviewer says "when did you last speak ".. he'll say ".. well i dont want to discuss that, its provate. but i did the artwork for his last album so..." UUURGH!! SHUP UP URI.. at least be honest and say you havent spoken in years. how much money has he hade the last 3 weeks? its revolting
beacuse Uri wasnt even that good friends with michael. or even if he was it was for a very short period of time. then they fell out. Uri now talks about him NON STOP! he is making a career out of a short frendship and when MJ dies he was the FIRST person being interviewed.. making out like hes his closest friend. it embarassing for michael to be associated with this guy. plus if he had one ounce of decency he would reveal that they actually havent spoken for years. ive heard him countless times on tv and when the interviewer says "when did you last speak ".. he'll say ".. well i dont want to discuss that, its provate. but i did the artwork for his last album so..." UUURGH!! SHUP UP URI.. at least be honest and say you havent spoken in years. how much money has he hade the last 3 weeks? its revolting

Totally agree with your post.
I should of been seeing Michael Jackson on the 26th July.. I'll be in London that day anyway...
Wasnt Michael best man or something at Uri's wedding?

Uri was a close friend of MJ, closer than any of us, give him a break.
yeah, i know what you mean - I'm not saying Uri is an angel or anyhing, just trying to find another side of the story (as there always is).

I just caught the end an advert for the programme and he was crying and I'm not sure if he said 'sorry'. So maybe he is looking back at his friendship with MJ and regrets what happened with Bashir.

At least he says good things about MJ. Still don't think we should attack him (or anyone)! Maybe I'm wrong?