My First Christmas In Heaven...from Michael to us this year....

wow... I kind of wish his kids could see this.

First thanks to all of you for what you said. It meant a lot that you all liked that poem so much, and it moved you. Sorry to those of you who it made cry, the first time I ever read it I cried too-I'll get to that in a second-but really what the poem hopefully will also do is make us all feel a little more at ease knowing just where Michael spent his Christmas this year and how happy he is now.

My Dad died in 2005, just two weeks before Christmas. And the irony was that my Dad LOVED Christmas. My friends called him "Father Christmas". So needless to say I was really mad that he was taken from us at Christmas time of all times of year. I never wanted to celebrate it again....

Then a week after my Dad died, my sister-in-law showed me this poem. It did the same to me as it did to all of you. It moved me so much, that it was like my Dad had actually written it, and sent it to me. Basically saying please don't stop celebrating the Holidays because I am gone. I am having the best Christmas you could ever imagine, and I am still with you, now just in a different way. Just look for me. Me and my Dad, our favorite thing to do each year was always to watch together Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. We never missed it together. (Did I mention I am 35 by the way?) In fact, it was the very last thing he and I ever did together. We watched it together in his hospital room. He was gone the next day. Every year since he's died, when I watch I swear to God, something happens where I know it's him letting me know he's there with me watching.

Trust me Michael is doing the same for all of us. And on top of that he is so pain free and happy now. Same for my Dad. As much as I miss them both, that thought warms my heart and gives me soooo much comfort. Espeically this time of year.

As far as hoping his children see this.....

The stuff that was sent with members from here to Forrest Lawn had this poem from me in it. I saw to that. I also mailed the poem to The Jackson home in Encino too. Now who knows if they got either, but hopefully they did. I know it helped me, and I hope it helps them..

Thank you again all so much...

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a great New Year....

Don't feel bad for celebrating either by the way....

It's what Michael would want for us all you know...
