My diet/weight loss progress thread

Ya my diet is for ME.. designed for my body type, my weight, my hight, my body fat percentage, my goal.. lol!

Everyone is VERY different.. But when I was a fitness Trainer a part of my job was to write up nutrition plans for people according to there goals and body type..

But the basics I say, for example high protien.. That's for everyone.. The exact amounts is what will very..

On an AVERAGE universal plot line many people use the 40/40/20 rule.. where you have 40% both carbs and protien and 20% fat..

Me personally when I put into consideration everything that is ME.. I end up with 45% Protien 40% Carbs 15% Fat..

Carbs should be LESS than 50% at ALL times though.. Doctors recomend 40-45% carbs.. When you reach higher than that you become in danger to diebetes.. Diebetice infact are told to stay on 45% or lower carb intake diets ALL THE TIME..

Much of what I'm saying is somewhat hard to explain through thread posts.. lol! It goes really indepth to how the food breaks down into cells etc.. It's a true science..

In chat, or another form of back and forth is good.. But threads it's tough.. lol!

A website I recomend to everyone if they are trying to reach a goal in fitness is There you can put in your current information, and your goal and you update it weekly and it has a graph of how you're doing.. Also there is a forum where you can ask others like me questions and we answere them...
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