My Dad Is In The Hospital

Hi Dorothy Marie, you and your family are in my thoughts. I hope that everything goes for well for your dad.
Dorothy_Marie...You and your parents are in my thoughts and prayers.

Keep the faith,and know that you are not alone.HUGS
That's great to hear the good news! Let's hope now the doctors can find what's causing this! Let's keep sending positive vibes!
Hey everyone I had the scare of my life this morning. I was at work on my break and was gonna call my dad to see if he was okay when my phone rang and it was my dad's girlfriend crying. I was asking her what was going on and she said that she didn't know that he couldn't remember anything. She said that the nurses were trying to wake him up but he couldn't wake up and that when he did he was saying what are yall doing to me, where am I at. Then my dad's girlfriend was very concerned that he couldn't remember anything. Then the nurses started asking him questions like:What is your name? How old are you? Where do you live? He then started to remember things. I then told my boss that I needed to speak to her and told her crying that I didn't know what happened to my dad overnight that he was asleep from 8 last night until 8 this morning when they were trying to wake him up. She let me go and told me that my dad was more important that everything would be okay. My boss took me to the hospital because we are just 2 blocks down. I stayed all day and observed my dad to see what it could be that was going on with him. He was sleeping all day and would wake up once in awhile and talk to me. He then finally woke up and ate lunch and was talking to me and his girlfriend.
The dr dosen't think it was a stroke that he had but maybe he was given too much medication and he will have a cat scan done of his head to make sure he is okay. If everything is fine then he might be able to go home before Father's day. I just wanted yall to know what was going on and to keep my dad in your prayers. I am just glad that he is fine now and that hopefully everything of that cat scan will reveal nothing.

You and you parents are in my prayers.I am sure all will be just fine.
Keep the faith
I just talked to my dad and they just did a cat scan and his doctor came to check on him again and told him that it might have been the medication that gave him that state of mind. I will update you about the results of the cat scan. Please pray that it all comes back negative and he can go home.
Dorothy my heart almost jumped out of my mouth while I was reading your post. But I'm glad everything is ok now! Let's pray he'll get better soon and out of the hospital! :)
Thank you everyone for your concerns and prayers. Well if it isn't one thing to another thing it seems like something happens when you least expect it, but the doctors are saying my dad might have pneumonia. They did blood work because he began having fever also the last couple of days. He is on an antibiotic right now. We still haven't gotten the results back of the cat scan so I don't know what is going on there. Hopefully we will hear something soon about the cat scan and weather he can go home soon if he doesn't have pneumonia. I pray to the Lord that he makes everything all right. Lord please heal my dad so he no longer suffers.
Dorothy_Marie,i know very well how you are feeling now.Just know that you are not alone and please keep the faith as it is the best thing you can do for your and for your dad.
You and your parents are in my prayers.Try not to worry that much...your dad will be fine.
My thoughts and prayers are still with your Dad and you Dorothy!
My prayers with you, too, Dorothy. Hope your father will be fine.
Well everyone I have good news. My dad is now out of the hospital just in time for Father's Day.He is doing okay as of right now. I just want to thank everyone again for being there and praying for my dad. I do believe the power of prayer did indeed help my dad. The Lord works in mysterious ways. :yes: Praise the Lord!:angel:
Yessssssssssss.I knew everything was going to be well.
Have a great time with your father.Happy father's day.
Just breathe deeply,as the nightmare is over now.HUGS
Well everyone I have good news. My dad is now out of the hospital just in time for Father's Day.He is doing okay as of right now. I just want to thank everyone again for being there and praying for my dad. I do believe the power of prayer did indeed help my dad. The Lord works in mysterious ways. :yes: Praise the Lord!:angel:
