My Dad Is In The Hospital


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello everyone I just came back from the hospital from seeing my dad. He was taken via ambulance last night when I got a call from my dad's girlfriend saying that he was having chest pains. I was about to go to sleep when she told me this and got dressed really quick and picked her up to take her to the emergancy room. Upon arriving there he was having real bad chest pains and even with morphine it still wasn't helping. They then ran an ekg and gave him some nitrone. He still was getting alot of pains with all those medicenes they gave them, but he was finally able to rest for awhile before they came back to admit him. He finally got admitted and I was able to go home at 2 in the morning to rest. I called in to work and told them my situation and went straight to the hospital. They were doing stress tests on his heart when I got there and I went for lunch and they ran a cat scan and xrays to figure out what was going on. Still no word so hopefully this evening I will know something. Please pray for me and my dad as he is in a lot of pain still. Thank you for your support.
My goodness gracious...sending our thoughts and prayers to you and yours...

Thank you Sdeidjs it's much apprecitate it. It is just so important to always tell your family members that you love them everyday because things like this can happen at anytime, but I have FAITH in Lord that He will make my father better and make him more stronger.
Thank you Sdeidjs it's much apprecitate it. It is just so important to always tell your family members that you love them everyday because things like this can happen at anytime, but I have FAITH in Lord that He will make my father better and make him more stronger.

Marie,what you say is so right...Life is so umpredictable.I've learned it the worst way possible.Please keep the faith and if you want to talk,pm me anytime.
You and your parents are for sure in my prayers
dorothy , my sincere prayers also , :prayer::angel:
huggs tight .
Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. Prayers are very powerful indeed as my dad is doing a little bit better and has gotten his appetite back, so all is okay for right now. Thank you friends once again.
my thought and my pray go out to you and your family I hope your dad will be ok if you need anything I am here for you
My prayers go out for your dad! and also for you Dorothy!
May God guide him into a fast recovery!!!
Thank you Sdeidjs it's much apprecitate it. It is just so important to always tell your family members that you love them everyday because things like this can happen at anytime, but I have FAITH in Lord that He will make my father better and make him more stronger.

And I do. Tell them I love them. Even moreso now than ever.

Only positive vibes to you and your fam Dorothy.
I'm also wishing your Dad a strong and speedy recovery.
Take care of yourself as well.
i wish ur father a full and speedy recovery. i hope it was just stress that caused his chest pains and its nothing serious. keep us updated :heart:
Praying for you both, Please update us with his current condition.xxxx
Dorothy my prayers are with you and your dad. I sure hope that this is nothing than a bad scare! Let us know when he's better as soon as you can! Keep your thoughts positive! *hugs*
Oh Dorothy Marie - I am sending you out some powerful prayers to you! Please let us know what is going on ok?
Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. Prayers are very powerful indeed as my dad is doing a little bit better and has gotten his appetite back, so all is okay for right now. Thank you friends once again.

thats absolutley wonderful news hun ,
and il keep praying also :angel:
Hello friends I just got off of work and I visited my dad for awhile after work and he is doing okay. He has a different pain medication and he had to go to the cath lab to do an angiogram so we should get the results back later and from other tests to see if it wasn't his heart. I hope to God it isn't his heart. Yesterday when I was gone from work a co worker of mine had her father-in-law pass away suddenly. He was fin one minute yesterday and had a massive heartattack. I also would like to pray for her and her husband for their loss. I just thank the Lord my dad is doing better than expected and am praising Him that he has his arms around my father. Thank you for all the termendous love and support friends. :)
Hope your Dad continues to improve and that it's only something minor that is wrong. At least he didn't have a heart attack, they would have known by now surely. U and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you so much cass! I surely hope they have him out before Father's Day. :( Would hate to see him stuck in the hospital all that time. :no:
I'm glad to hear everything is better now. I'm hoping it's not nothing serious now. Keep us posted and keep the faith! :)
Well all results came back negative that he had a heart attck so I am thanking the Lord that wasn't the case. Now I have to pray for another hurdle that my dad is about experince and that is surgery. Last year he had similar pains and they did same thing to see if he had a heart attack but it came to be it wasn't that so he was relesased from the hospital. He was seen by a nuerologist and they said he had 2 ruptured dics on his neck. He was given injections on the neck and it seemed to work for a few months but here we go again it's the same problem. A nuerologist came to see my dad today to wade out the options of possible neck surgery but I am not sure what my dad is gonna do. I hope and pray that the Lord will guide him in the right direction. In my opinion I hope he doesn't do the surgery and hope there is another alternative. Keep praying folks as it's not over.