Must Read -- Article from Santa Ynez newspaper

That was great (and sad at the same time *sigh*) to read. I wish there were more articles like that. More people could read about how beautiful person Michael was. I believe that most of the haters are people brainwashed by media. Thanks for posting.
I've saved it in my PC :yes:
Great, great - GREAT article.

The end about innocent untill proven guilty was sooo right.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. I have posted it on some other forums too. This kind of positive, emotional, wonderful articles are for all to read.
Such a truthful and beautifully written article. Thanks for posting. I have already sent this artcle on to someone I know. I think everyone should send it on to know that this message of Michael's love will reach more and more people. I really feel such pain in my soul for what the allegations did to Michael. Its like they thought ok what will hurt him the most, what will destroy him? What people did to Michael was evil and cold. He deserved to receive so much love for he said in his book My World that he didn't just love his fans but all people - why couldn't that love be given to him in return. My soul and my heart breaks for Michael every day.
:2cents:Ok, honestly, after reading the title of this thread"Santa Ynez News paper"(Since i associate that place with a negative event), I didnt wanna read it and passed this thread without reading for the past couple of days. But then today, there was something heavy in my heart like most days these past few months...and after reading the comments and how positive they were, I started to read it.

And, Ohhh my God!!! This article should be read by EVERYONE!!! I was crying when i read all the charities and $$ he donated and how he did in 1 year what other ppl. try to do in their life time. Artists like P.diddy and other rappers should do something about this cuz they're wasting their $$ on their Ferrari's and Huge Mansion Houses...And they give credit to Angelina and Brad pitt, Right? WTF? Michael Has done MORE than Them! I dont have anything against *Branjelina But DUDE! Thats just not right!!! The real Charity is the one you do from your heart,(Michael Said that), Not when you tell cameras to come and record how much $$ they're giving or something...

I feel soo ashamed/ EVEN Sick :puke:right now of the ppl. who actually tried to destroy him. After all, they were humans too and since I'm human, I feel some guilt in that. But Most of all. I WANT TO Kick their Areses SOOOO BAD!!!:mat: Why does Humanity NOT KNOW when A GOOD, Loving, Amazing Human Being is among them? Mannn.....:no:

And when I get all wrapped up in all this Negativity, I ask..."What would Michael do? :D and then The answer always is...I Need to :angel: for this EVIL World with all these ppl. who try to beat *Satan* in doing the worst things that ever existed. The devil, I bet you was down there having a party. THE Truth is, GOOD ALWAYS WINS! And Michael is a winner right now. What ever ppl. think, let them think the worst but we, fans, know that he's now whit his maker, and some think thats Losing, thats failing*to die* that is! But we know, Mike Has won what NO ONE has! He is home in peace with his maker and now the good things comming out. That tells me God Is working right now!

By losing Michael, We've gained so much knowledge and so Much love and caring for other people. Well at least i have. And As Jakie said "I'm not afraid to die anymore, cuz I know Mike is up there"...He's waiting for us Y'all. All of us, with Jesus at his side...:yes: Ohhh mannn, He's really there y'all. All we have to do now is Try to live our lives the best way we can, one that would make Michael Proud...This is an amazing opportunity...

*enlightenu*.... Thankyou sooooo Much for this article...and I'm sorry for babbling so much...:cheeky:

And remember Y'all, Lets do it all for L.O.V.E.!!! :)


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I'm so glad someone took the time to research his charitable acts and giving, as well as point out that Michael was innocent. In time I believe there will be more and more articles like this. :yes:
mike is a saint. his God thinks so. that's all that matters. the way God blessed him, certainly says it.
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DAPHNIEAS, you are right. I too had forgotten what a true journalist was like.

This is a beautiful article and the ending paragraphs are so sad. They sum up how humans destroy other humans by their thoughts, words and actions.

The author mentions that the reports after his death mentioned M----. This really made me remember how after his death I bought magazines because they had titles like "A Tribute....." However, after a few good paragraphs they focused on negative trash and the allegations as though they were proven. Sadly, these magazines were also from Time and GQ. I quickly stopped buying these so-called "tribute magazines" and stayed away from the ones on the TV as well.

Thanks for sharing this article.
Re: Must Read -- Article from Santa Barbara newspaper

In Michael’s case, he was innocent, and found not guilty in a court of law of 9 felony charges, yet in the brutal court of public opinion he has somehow been tried and convicted. He experienced the worst character assassination of any celebrity of our generation. He has been ridiculed and scorned. He was made a public spectacle. He was a very private person humiliated by a very public trial. He was called names in the media and by the public and even now as we mourn the loss of this incredible man, the word “molestation” appears in almost every article or story about him. What a disgrace.

For such a sensitive artist and beautiful person with a kind and gentle heart this alone might have been enough to kill him.

-Linda Grasse, Santa Ynez

Source: d-tragedy/?print

Great Article!

The bolded part says it all. :cry:
I've been in the Los Olivos and Santa Ynez area a couple times since Michael passed away (including just last week), and everything I've ever heard the locals say about Michael has been positive.

Like anywhere, when you get opinions from many different people you will get many different opinions. But from what I've heard from the people Michael lived closest to for much of his life, those who saw him out of the spotlight, they thought he was a good person. It's really nice to hear :)
Yeah, the locals only have nice things to say about him!
Here's an article from 2008!
When a rattlesnake would get into a classroom at The Family School, Morrison said, a call to Neverland would bring the snake handler over to dispose of it. If a child got hurt on the playground, the ranch doctor and Neverland's own fire department would arrive sooner than the local paramedics."

Here, you could find the testimony of ppl who've been there and some photos.
Wanted to share this great post from the above link..
Michael never bleached his skin he had vitiligo and there a photos to prove it he wore heavy make up and body makeup to hide it. nobody knows what happened michael had money and he was a nice person and people and oppurtunists around him felt they should take advantage of him by telling lies and making it turn into something big. there were jelous people also. mad because he was the only artist who ever in this whole entire world to ever sell out more albums than anyone, mad and jeleous because he is the first artist in this world to ever from the age of 5 being the best music performer and artist til his 40’s nobody has ever been a big artist from age of 5 til 40’s if the osmonds were to put out a new record now they won’t get no play.
When you have sold more records than anyone in showbusiness history then they just have the tendency to try to pull you down.
He was a very powerful, influential and rich Black Man who
pissed some Whites off. Hurt The Beetles and Elvis, they didnt like that did they now you get it.

When District Attorney Tom Sneddon smugly announced that Michael Jackson was to be criminally charged, and that Neverland was being raided, he was so blinded by greed, jealousy and vengeance that he could not see that the degenerate family he had sided with, the Arvizo family, in order to try and take Michael Jackson’s freedom from him, and ruin his reputation, all so that Sneddon could bask in glory, would actually bring Sneddon the ultimate humiliation. Sneddon’s case against Michael Jackson was built on lies, and was created by liars, and Sneddon got exactly what he deserved, failure!!!
When Michael Jackson was put on trial, accused of having molested Gavin Arvizo — who had learnt from his family how to extort people — the media refused to tell the truth. The media refused to acknowledge, or discuss, what was actually going on in the courtroom that was favorable to Michael Jackson. The testimony that pointed to Michael Jackson’s innocence, the success Michael Jackson’s attorneys had in exposing the prosecution case for what it was, sham, was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth.

When prosecution witnesses who desired to fill their pockets with Michael Jackson’s money, who hoped to become rich by selling false stories, who falsely accused Michael Jackson, and who made up as many lies as possible, as horrible as possible, to extort as much money as possible from Michael Jackson, were exposed, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth.
When the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and his family, mother Janet Arvizo, and siblings Star Arvizo and Davellin Arvizo, stumbled over their lies, contradicted themselves continually, became argumentative when presented with facts that proved they were liars and extortionists, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth.
When Michael Jackson’s young cousin testified that the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and Gavin’s brother Star tried to get him to masturbate in their presence, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth.
When it was revealed that Michael Jackson’s former employees only claimed to have seen inappropriate behavior by Michael Jackson AFTER THEY WERE OFFERED MONEY AND PAID BY TABLOIDS/THE MEDIA, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth. (Michael Jackson successfully sued these former employees many years ago, they still owe him money.)

When Michael Jackson’s current employees testified that the accuser, Gavin Arvizo, and his family slept in guesthouses at Neverland (and not in Michael Jackson’s bedroom), that they caused a great deal of trouble at Neverland, left a huge mess at Neverland, damaged and defaced property at Neverland, attacked the animals at Neverland, pulled knives on Neverland employees, stole from Neverland employees, stole from Michael Jackson, extorted Neverland employees by lying about their financial circumstances, extorted the government by lying about their financial circumstances, extorted other celebrities by lying to them and falsely accusing them, caused trouble wherever they went, and to whoever was unlucky enough to befriend them, overall having been shown to be users, liars, thieves, troublemakers and criminals, it was ignored by the media, the media refused to tell the truth….. until now.

Aphrodite Jones, a reporter, ashamed of her behavior during Michael Jackson’s trial, having realized that she was wrong, has written this book – “Michael Jackson Conspiracy” – which is pretty much a compact version of Michael Jackson’s trial. It details exactly what happened in the courtroom at Michael Jackson’s trial (using actual trial testimony), the facts that were revealed and exposed, the witnesses and what they stated, how Michael Jackson’s defense team managed to successfully destroy prosecution theories and witnesses on a daily basis, how the media did not want to report anything that was favorable to Michael Jackson or his defense team, how some media reporters had already secured deals to have access to Michael Jackson if he was to be found guilty and imprisoned (which is disgusting, because this behavior implies that these jerks preferred that a child had been molested so that they could profit), and how Michael Jackson was found NOT GUILTY by a jury that saw right through the lies, right through the Arvizo family, right through District Attorney Tom Sneddon and his sham case, and right through the media garbage that has been circulating for years about Michael Jackson.

So, if you want the truth about Michael Jackson, how he has become a target for liars who want to become instant millionaires, and the victim of a media that promotes and prefers lies, read “Michael Jackson Conspiracy”.
Re: Must Read -- Article from Santa Barbara newspaper

I discovered I made an error in the title of this thread. It should have read "Must Read--Article from SANTA YNEZ Newspaper"---not SANTA BARBARA. I tried to correct the title, but I ended up causing a second thread to appear...which is also on this board. Sorry.

Tbh it's worth reading twice anyway.
I've been in the Los Olivos and Santa Ynez area a couple times since Michael passed away (including just last week), and everything I've ever heard the locals say about Michael has been positive.

Like anywhere, when you get opinions from many different people you will get many different opinions. But from what I've heard from the people Michael lived closest to for much of his life, those who saw him out of the spotlight, they thought he was a good person. It's really nice to hear :)

Thank you uptome,that was so nice of you to share!