Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor"

TMZ picked up the story

NBC is 'Morally Culpable' For Conrad Murray Documentary

TMZ has obtained a blistering letter sent to NBC and MSNBC execs from the co-executors of Michael Jackson's estate, attacking the networks' ethics for giving Conrad Murray a platform in an upcoming documentary.

In the letter John Branca and John McClain grouse that Murray has no qualms about "smearing the reputation of his 'friend,'" even though he refused to testify under penalty of perjury in his trial.

In the letter, the co-executors doubt that Murray got paid only $1 for his participation in the doc. In fact, people connected with the documentary hedged when TMZ asked about Murray's payment.

And the co-executors say, the networks are using "moral loopholes" -- claiming it was shot before Murray was convicted -- "in order to boost ratings at a struggling cable network."


'Disgusted' by Decision to Air Murray Documentary

The Michael Jackson Estate is lashing out at MSNBC -- saying it's "disgusted" with the network for planning to air the Conrad Murray documentary this weekend.

The Estate issued a statement ... saying, "Like so many of Michael’s fans, the Estate is also disgusted by MSNBC’s irresponsible and inexplicable decision to air a Conrad Murray 'documentary.'"

The statement continued, "The Co-Executors, John Branca and John McClain, are sending a letter to the top executives at Comcast, NBC Universal and MSNBC to express their disdain for their actions."

The MJ fans are predictably up in arms as well -- in fact, the group, "Justice 4 MJ" is trying to organize a global boycott of the documentary, "Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship" ... saying, "The only documentary we want to see is the one of Murray enjoying prison life."

10:40 AM: Jermaine Jackson just tweeted, "I hear all upset/frustrations re Murray doc. It's shameless & sickens me too, but I choose not to give it attention/controversy it craves."
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

We've bigger battles to fight than against the meaningless words of a liar whose version of events was unanimously rejected by a jury

46 minutes ago

indeed AEG is more important$$$$$$$$

its like fighting a loosing battle when the Jackson's THEMSELVES wont help fight against this injustice, I atleast thought that Katherine Jackson would come out and say how disgusted she is by this,,,,but woopsss.....was wrong again. Michael Jackson NEEDS his family to stand by HIM...what the hell is the matter with this dysfunctional ass family.....damn
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

Weird isn't it? How we who have never met mj can be so upset by such a horrible invasion of his privacy by the man who killed him than his own brother. I'm not even being facetious, i am genuinely puzzled.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

The only way Murray has 'earned' this money is because of Michael's name. So - not only do his actions kill the man, Michael ends up theoretically paying for his damned defense with the majority of the cash going to his defense team. Where is the justice? Praying that karma catches up big time.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

Re: the documentary about to be aired, Erin Jacobs who's been on a lot of TV shows as a fan talking about Murray posted this:

I just got a phone call, The Jackson family is supporting us. That was the message I was told to pass on.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

When did the jacksons ever give a dam about mj. the get all pissy about some fake songs but it comes to things that really matter and dont involve $$$$ they dont give a dam.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

Re: the documentary about to be aired, Erin Jacobs who's been on a lot of TV shows as a fan talking about Murray posted this:

I just got a phone call, The Jackson family is supporting us. That was the message I was told to pass on.

well it is nice to know they are supporting the fans,,,,BUT what good is it if THEY dont make THEIR voices heard.....NONE.
Re: the documentary about to be aired, Erin Jacobs who's been on a lot of TV shows as a fan talking about Murray posted this:ejacobs29Jst4MJ I just got a phone call, The Jackson family is supporting us. That was the message I was told to pass on.
which means they will sit back while once again those that love mj fight for him. i dont want those ppl support. ppl who crap on mj every chance they get.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

they have been very helpful to murray in the court of public opinion. every single post on the internet blaming MJ for his death states his own family called him an addict who refused all means to be saved.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

We have to separate Mr Murray words from those getting paid by the tabloids to say whatever.

Rebbie Jackson flew to NY the other day to be live on the today show. Praying she did not foolishly tape an interview for that documentary to make NBC/MSNBC look fair and balance.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

The estate will do little to prevent this by itself. The viewers (us ) have to take action and continue relentlessly. I have emailed channel 4 , msnbc, and channel 9 multiple times.i have to say channel 4 have been the only one to reply to my original emails and my multiple replies to their responses. I'm impressed.whether or not they actually pull the plug on this show they have a good system in place for dealing with complaints. It seems they may be listening. Keep emailing them.
Last edited:
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

they have been very helpful to murray in the court of public opinion. every single post on the internet blaming MJ for his death states his own family called him an addict who refused all means to be saved.

Exactly! I'm seeing that all over the internet!

Thank you Rebbie & Tito for your BS!!!! Thanks for feeding the haters with more effin lies!!!! Thanx for NOTHING!!!
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

We've bigger battles to fight than against the meaningless words of a liar whose version of events was unanimously rejected by a jury

46 minutes ago

indeed AEG is more important$$$$$$$$

if youre gonna post one tweet.. you should post the rest of them also... jus sayin

stole from another site.....!/jermjackson5

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
We've bigger battles to fight than against the meaningless words of a liar whose version of events was unanimously rejected by a jury
29 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

jermjackson5Jermaine Jackson
I hear all upset/frustrations re Murray doc. It's shameless & sickens me too, but I choose not to give it attention/controversy it craves
48 minutes ago

i understand where he is coming from but i still think they need to send out letters and such. They do have to do it on twitter or hold a HUGE press confrence but they need to atleast send out a letter like the estate did.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

if youre gonna post one tweet.. you should post the rest of them also... jus sayin

stole from another site.....!/jermjackson5

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
We've bigger battles to fight than against the meaningless words of a liar whose version of events was unanimously rejected by a jury
29 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

jermjackson5Jermaine Jackson
I hear all upset/frustrations re Murray doc. It's shameless & sickens me too, but I choose not to give it attention/controversy it craves
48 minutes ago

i understand where he is coming from but i still think they need to send out letters and such. They do have to do it on twitter or hold a HUGE press confrence but they need to atleast send out a letter like the estate did.

no matter how it is posted....this family just sucks...and I can see WHY Michael kept himself and his children away from them...they are going around STILL calling him and addict,,,fits right in with their AEG why would they want to come out with a public statement saying they are against it??? That would serve NO monetary value for them. I am willing to admit I am wrong if they DO come out and say somthing
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

But he has bigger fish to fry like hoping for a settlement from AEG
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

Jermaine said on Ellen show this week that Michael was no addict (ALWAYS defended that) Is he with his mother on the AEG lawsuit?
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

It's shocking that the estate who looks after the business side of mj has tried to come to help the situation with a letter from its lawyers, whilst the family with all its access to the media and who has guardianship of the children who are the real victims of murray's betrayal of confidence along with MJ, just make ineffectual signals to fans. I can't think of any other family of a manslaughter victim, famous or non-famous who wd not be outraged at this documentary.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

Jermaine said on Ellen show this week that Michael was no addict (ALWAYS defended that) Is he with his mother on the AEG lawsuit?

probably he is. last chapter of his book seemed to blame them. I'll check it when I go home and have access to my kindle
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

I emailed Channel 4 in the UK and received this response.

Dear Mr ________,

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the upcoming documentary, THE MAN WHO KILLED MICHAEL JACKSON. The trial of Dr Conrad Murray for the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson has dominated headlines around the world. Now that the verdict of guilty is in, this observational and independent documentary provides an insight into Dr Murray's relationship with Jackson and how events unfolded on the day he died.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate all feedback from our viewers; complimentary or otherwise.
Regards, Jack Gladney Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries

For information about Channel 4 have a look at our FAQ section at
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

We've bigger battles to fight than against the meaningless words of a liar whose version of events was unanimously rejected by a jury

46 minutes ago
indeed AEG is more important$$$$$$$$

Soundmind I really do not believe he said that. Lately has been saying OK things and I thought he was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Well I guess I was wrong again. To them it is off to get at AEG time. May they lose, lose, lose.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

if youre gonna post one tweet.. you should post the rest of them also... jus sayin

stole from another site....

what was so different about the other tweet? he basically says he has no intention to waste his precious time going after Murray
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

I emailed Channel 4 in the UK and received this response.

thank you for sharing, Unfortunately it seems as though they are STILL going to show matter WHO disapproves. Guess we should just continue flooding their e-mails and phone lines.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

As I said before, the family is not helping. majestic claims Latoya is trying to get a lawyer and the family is behind us. Let them do their own work!!! Now Jermaine can't be bothered. I wonder if Majestic got that tweet from Jermaine after he wrote about the family's involvement.

The estate and us are the only ones fighting.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

Jermaine, Jermaine.... And I was beginning to like you. I should have known....
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

I think I will write in to Channel 4 again with the letter from the Estate.
Re: MSNBC to air Murray Documentary "Michael Jackson and the Doctor" / Estate letter @pg18

Channel 4 even try to mislead in the letter they write. According to them this doc is showing the events of the day he died. How can that be when on clips we hear muarry talking about michael's room having mildew and smelled and how he never had a manicure and pedicure. How is that related to the events that unfold on the last day. Please.