Mtv admits it is no longer 'music television' by changing its logo

I feel nostalgic, remembering how I spent hours watching MTV with a VHS recorder remote control in my hand waiting for videos I wanted to record.... :)
Yeah as bad as it has become, I feel as if its a part of my childhood memories. Michael and a select few of other artists were all I watched MTV for. But They're not in the music scene anymore, if there's even a music scene at the moment? LOL. There's no music anyways so MTV is moving with the times.
Kinda sad though.
you can thank this lady for MTV's music television demise.

The CEO of MTV herself. Judy McGrath.


MTV (Moron Television) is all crappy reality shows for the spoiled american teen girl. Im not being harsh here. Its actually quite true. Sweet 16 anyone? UGH.:doh:
Yeah lets teach our kids how to snap back at their parents if they dont get what they want. In the case of the show, a brand new Lamborghini and a hummer. Are you frikken kidding me??
you can thank this lady for MTV's music television demise.

The CEO of MTV herself. Judy McGrath.


For some reason, I always thought the person behind MTV was a man. Never pictured a woman running that kind of network...
I can't remember the last time I watched MTV. Why anyone would watch those god awful reality TV shows is beyond me! Its sad in a way as I remember watching MTV for hours when I was a kid, watching music videos on a Saturday afternoon.
I feel nostalgic, remembering how I spent hours watching MTV with a VHS recorder remote control in my hand waiting for videos I wanted to record.... :)

I remember those days! :wub:

I also remember getting in trouble for sticking tissue paper in the hole on VHS tape to record the Michael Jackson days cause I knew I could get over 2 hours worth of Michael! lol!
Well it's about time they did this. They haven't been music for years. But it's really sad to see what MTV has become. I remember them back in their "glory" years. Pathetic is what they've become.
Ok a new name? Can we call it “MindlessTV” or “MessyTV” as the channel is nothing but a glimpse into the embarrassing hot mess that is trying to represent the current pop culture generation. Are those people on that Jersey Shore show for REAL??? :puke: But honestly, the channel needs to change its logo altogether because that giant M still represents the word music for me, something the channel unfortunately refuses to stay loyal to. How about “MisleadingTV” then?

The way this once important channel has evolved is partly to blame for the current mess in today’s music. But I’m honestly not all surprised with the demise of MTV. Technology is to blame as well. People want instant gratification and are not going to waste their whole day hoping a handful of their favorite videos will air, when they can instantly access it on YouTube or on their ipod. Hence why the execs convinced themselves of why they had to go this route. Sure as hell doesn’t mean I’m going to watch this channel anymore though. It stinks but it is the reality (no pun intended). :smilerolleyes:

Talking about the MTV of back in the day, I remember in high school I used to always blast MTV when I got home. Those were good days. When reality shows were just starting to sneak in (Real World/Road Rules) and the internet hadn’t yet taken over the world; MTV was the outlet for watching music. Awesome simple days.
wow Mtv finally admits its gone from music to crap?? shocker. lol I havent watched MTV in years. I watch the VMA's and thats it. which makes me wonder will they even do the VMA's anymore? MTV has been dead to me for so long. i stoped watching TRL after Carson left and i would only watch it if anyone was comming on that i wanted to see that was very rare. like alot of you guys i would watch MTV for hours growing up espeacialy when they would show Michael all the time.I came home from school everyday and watch TRL and so many other shows like Daria, Beavis and Butthead,Say what Karokee, 2Gether, and so on. now its nothing but crap and whats sad is they honestly think that people want to see this crap. they dont even care about what we want at all just the money and the rattings. So MTV can F**k off.
I do have to admit, I do love the cartoons there but that's it.

And some people know how I feel about my super spoiled 16 (the girls are so unlikeable as hell on that show, uggg. You wish that thier party would burst into flames and ruin it!! Or Ruin thier slutty dress they they chose by falling or having something gross and nasty spilled into it.) :mat: And other stupid shows along with it like Made and Parental Control which is one of the most fake peices of shit ever! I wish MTV would be put out of it's Misery.
MTV died a long time ago. There was a time MTV was cool and played musicvideos from talented superstars of music. Now MTV is a shadow of its former self filled with talentless nobodies and mindless crap from unimportant people in thier lifes.

I feel nostalgic, remembering how I spent hours watching MTV with a VHS recorder remote control in my hand waiting for videos I wanted to record.... :)

I know, I used to do the same in the 90's. My parents didn't have cable, so whenever I went to a house that had cable, I was glued to MTV from the moment I arrived at the house.

I know for sure I wouldn't be switching channels to MTV nowadays so I could record the latest reality show they've come up with.:doh:
it's about time they admit it, I can't even remember the last time I saw a video on there. I watch 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom on there and that's it.
I would say something about how much I hate what MTV has become, but I can't deny how entertained I was by Jersey Shore. The thing I do hate, though, is that MTV2 was created to be the channel that went back to MTV's roots and primarily played music, and now that too has also become 90% reality TV.

FUSE is a good channel for what MTV originally was.
It's all just business, MTV has changed with the times. Their format not longer worked, so they changed it.

It's all just business, MTV has changed with the times. Their format not longer worked, so they changed it.
It doesn't work anymore because the Top 40 music in the 1980s is better than the stuff out today. Now it's just McDonald's and Starbucks instead of Whole Foods, lol.
And by playing all those Michael Jackson music videos after his death, this proved that that they can play music videos but won't (although I did'nt mind the music videos).

That's only because there was finally a demand for videos again (Michael's), not because they 'won't' play videos. The point is, they CAN'T play videos constantly anymore. With the advent of YouTube, people don't need 24/7 music video stations anymore, they can watch exactly what they want, when they want, for free. So less and less people were willing to pay to subscribe to stations like MTV because it was giving them something they didn't need. Music TV channels are pretty much redundant and HAVE to fill gaps in their schedules with reality shows and music documentaries unless they want to go bankrupt.