Movie Clichés

Well movies wouldn't be entertaining if they were completely realistic and didn't have impossible escapes, people surviving deadly blows, the hero beating the bad guy no matter what etc. But nonetheless I get that it's fun to point out these movie cliches. As someone who is into sound, I've become very aware of some of the cliches that are used in movies when it comes to sound design, sound effects etc.

- You always hear the sound of screeching tires when a car takes off. No matter if the car is on gravel, dirt, grass or whatever.

- Where there is a full moon, there is also an owl or a wolf howling in the background. Especially in horror films.

- All bicycles have bells.

- An approaching helicopter or plane won't make a sound until it is directly over the character(s). When's the last time this has happened to you? Usually I can hear one come from ages away.

- Whenever someone speaks into a microphone, their first words will always feedback.

- Of course, explosions in space always make a sound.

- The speed of sound always matches the speed of light when a big explosion or something happens in the distance.
*Closing montages.
*Villain is revealed after victim's 2nd glance in the bathroom mirror
*Protagonist & Antagonist duke it out in "final duel" (after killing every other character with guns)
* Gang of 5+ men (w/weapons) take on hero in one-on-one battle
*Police Departments don't operate in horror movies until the proper body count is compiled. (and the killer is "dead")
In every action movie there's always a scene were The Boss calls the hero into his office and says that if he don't drop the case he's fired
Another movie Cliché is if a Gay Character is in the film they just have to make him camp!
in order to save one persons life, 100 have to be killed as collatoral damage in car smashes and shoot ups
Thriller also had it's list of dumb moments

Despite the fact that Michael knew he was a Werewolf he took his girlfriend to the middle of nowhere on a full moon night and to top it off he didn't make sure that he had enough gas for his car

When Mike is in the middle of changing into a Werewolf his girlfriend just stand there screaming. She should have took Mike's advice and ran away

And despite knowing he's a Werewolf Mike asks his girlfriend to be engaged to him. Somehow i don't think that engagement will work out in the end

This had me :lmao:

I was thinking about this a few days ago. Why would Michael take the girl out in the middle of nowhere when he knew what was going to happen. :doh:
This had me :lmao:

I was thinking about this a few days ago. Why would Michael take the girl out in the middle of nowhere when he knew what was going to happen. :doh:

well..why do most people take their girlfriends out in the middle of nowhere, when they know exactly what's going to happen? lol P
This had me :lmao:

I was thinking about this a few days ago. Why would Michael take the girl out in the middle of nowhere when he knew what was going to happen. :doh:

That full moon really threw a monkey wrench into Mike's plans that night. The "outta gas" thing was pre-meditated lol
--Talking babies
--Talking animals
--Movies that are stupid for the sake of being stupid
I love how whenever something really bad or important happens in a movie based in like New York and the characters need to get somewhere quick, they ALWAYS just jump in an available cab. Like, the cabs are ALWAYS just there. it's so convenient :p They never have to wait haha
OMG! This thread is hilarious....and so true!! :lol:

These are all SO hilarious! And very true.

I guess I also hate when women wear makeup when going to bed and then waking up looking like they came off the runway!"

Exactly....that annoys me too! I wish I could wake up looking like that. It takes me an hour to put my makeup on, so I wish it was that easy to get out of bed and look great. :D
in order to save one persons life, 100 have to be killed as collatoral damage in car smashes and shoot ups

Lol.. this isn't a movie - but this post reminds me of Prison Break - though I am in love with that show!
That if you hit someone over the head with a glass bottle, the bottle smashes. I've seen it..... they don't usually break :p

OMG and what is up with stupid chicks getting chased by some serial killer/serial rapist/serial nutcase in a car while she is running and the chick always runs right down the center of the road??? Seriously we aren't that stupid!!! :lmao:
If you're a man from Russia or Ukraine you're a criminal. If you are a woman from Russia or Ukraine you're a hooker.
I just have to bump this thread.

The hero getting shot at repeatedly by dozens of bad guys, without actually getting injured (see Die Hard or Commando).
Their's always a happy ending (99% of the time)

Oh course their is always a misunderstanding in the middle but then at the end they make up and so forth

But if we're honest wouldn't it be boring without any of these