Movie Clichés


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tons of movies always seem to have the same Cliches. So just for fun i'm gonna make a list of them and see if anyone else on here reconises them. You can add your own to if you want

1. The car won't start - Whenever someone in a movie is in a rush to get somewhere or get away from something their car never starts right away

2. Friends arguing - Whenever there's a movie that involes two friends they always seem to have a massive argument in the middle of the movie and then they make up towards the end

3. The 360 camera shot - In alot of movies, and it's happening more and more in this day and age, there's always a clip were the camera rotates 360 around the actor. Is the director thinking ''Ohh i know i'll be artisy and spin the camera all around?''

3. Waking up after a nightmare - Whenever a charcter in a movie is having a nightmare they always wake up by sitting straight up

4. Stupid people in horror movies - Whenever the killer from a horror film enters someone's house, that person always runs up stairs or does something just as stupid to get themselves killed

5. Whenever something tragic happens to character they always seem to yell ''Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo''
This is my type of movie thread. The part in romance movies where the couple gets into the fight over a misunderstanding and by the end of the movie they kiss and made up.
In most romance movies the nerdy akwardly social guy ends up with the hottest girl by the end of the movie and vice versa

You can tell who the nerd in the movie is because he/she is the one who wears glasses
The man and a woman who just can't stop bickering at the beginning of a movie will surely have fallen madly in love by the end of it.

After having sex, the couple always finds time (and feels necessary) to put on underwear or cover their bodies neatly with the sheets.

If you're the hero of the movie, it does't matter if you're outnumbered by dozens, you're still likely to win with a fashionable scratch at most.

The bad guys have crappy aim when it comes to shooting the hero.

When face to face with a killer, women always fall over and start to slowly crawl backwards instead of getting up and running away.

Silly movies.
One bullet left - Whenever the hero needs to take someone out with a gun he/she only ever has one bullet left and they usually always say something like ''Gotta make this shot count''
ROFL @ this thread!

When the main character of the movie thinks he just shot the bad guy, they turn around with their backs towards the bad guy. And save the victim or whtvr.. But obviously the bad guy isn't dead yet... So they get into another "fight".. So lame.
The Male or female nerd (who are usually already attractive) of the movie always gets a makeover by the climax of the movie with the popular guy or girl falling for them by the end.
I have one!

people don't say "bye" when they end a phone conversation in either movies or tv shows. Instead, they just hang up just like that...... why is that?
If you're the main character, it doesn't matter if the most evil wizard is after you, aliens have come to fight you or that the world is ending-- YOU WILL ALWAYS WIN IN THE END!

And it pisses me off so much.. LOLS! xD
Having a minor character show up as the bad guy part way through the movie, with it being obvious the whole way through that it's him.

The main character having to avenge someones death.

The ending setting up perfectly for a sequel.

"I lost the first battle and because I'm the good guy I'm definitely going to win the second one"

Montage. Another montage. Another montage.

Including a cheesy lovey-dovey scene in a comedy movie.

Bleh :mello:
Theres always that one rude and mean character in a thriller/monster movie who is pretty much marked for death later. (The meaner he/she is, the uglier their death).

In disaster films like (The Day After Tomorrow), the main characters are always able to outrun natural disasters like HUGE tidal waves and earth cracking up behind them like in the film (2012). While cars and others run at 3 miles per hour.
well, i have never seen a woman walk alone, in real life, even in the daytime, on the streets. but in all horror movies, the first of the victims is usually a woman. and of course, she makes certain that she is walking alone, in the night.

i would like to think that horror movies are supposed to have an element of surprise.
So many movie trailers use the same old formula. Suspenseful build-up of music and then, a short dramatic silence. Whooooo....

Boring. Try something different.

Man, I'm becoming such a negative old fart.
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Theres always that one rude and mean character in a thriller/monster movie who is pretty much marked for death later. (The meaner he/she is, the uglier their death).

In disaster films like (The Day After Tomorrow), the main characters are always able to outrun natural disasters like HUGE tidal waves and earth cracking up behind them like in the film (2012). While cars and others run at 3 miles per hour.

Twister did this too as much as I like the movie, there was one tornado movie that had them surviving a tornado in their car. :/
I always root for the bad guys in movies! Not because they're bad, but because they put an effort in what they wanna do. However, the good guys will just simply win no matter what!

Like when the bad guy catches the protagonist and aims a gun at them, the bad guy will just start talking on and on just enough to create an opening for the good guys to flip the table! Just shoot the dude already!
These are all SO hilarious! And very true.

I guess I also hate when women wear makeup when going to bed and then waking up looking like they came off the runway!"
If you're the main character, it doesn't matter if the most evil wizard is after you, aliens have come to fight you or that the world is ending-- YOU WILL ALWAYS WIN IN THE END!

And it pisses me off so much.. LOLS! xD

I guess ur talkin bout Chuck Norris movies here! :lol:
Whenever the hero and the main villian have the final fight in the move the hero will always get his/her ass kicked through most of the fight and then at the very last moment he or she will turn the tables and easily beat the villian
XD Lol at this thread!

OK, in action movies when there is a MASSIVE explosion and everything is on fire.. you think there is no possible way anyone could survive it but low and behold the hero walks out from the flames, with some kind of victory music, possibly in slow motion, and all they have wrong with them is a small graze on their forehead.. which heals in no time.
Thriller also had it's list of dumb moments

Despite the fact that Michael knew he was a Werewolf he took his girlfriend to the middle of nowhere on a full moon night and to top it off he didn't make sure that he had enough gas for his car

When Mike is in the middle of changing into a Werewolf his girlfriend just stand there screaming. She should have took Mike's advice and ran away

And despite knowing he's a Werewolf Mike asks his girlfriend to be engaged to him. Somehow i don't think that engagement will work out in the end
These are all SO hilarious! And very true.

I guess I also hate when women wear makeup when going to bed and then waking up looking like they came off the runway!"

Dang I wish it was like that in real life.

And Sex in movie cliches are so unrealistic sometimes too. (I don't know anything from expearance to confirm this though. Because I'm not married yet. :blush: ) like when the vigin couple makes love for the first time it always goes right like they have been doing it for a long while.

I hope my post was'nt inappropate.:(

And Teen movies are the worst with cliches with the nerd girl falling in love with the Jock or Popular guy and there would be one Bitchy popular girl to make sure that the romance never works and then the mean girl will get humiliated in the end.
Bad guys always have to have a monologue before delivering the death blow to the hero, allowing the hero just enough time to get out of his situation.

If I were a bad guy (and I'm not :angel:), I'd not talk. Just shoot for goodness sakes! lol
^ That's it, just shoot damn it! What I hate the most is that being the hero apparently makes the hero all knowing! Maybe the hero is a simple person, but all of the sudden he shoots guns, drives tractors, operates planes, operates ships, ect!
^ teehee too true

and i agree with whoever said the couple bicker in the beginning and end up being in lurrrrve by the end of it

you always know who the love interest is going to be, who ever the star hates and doesn't get along with in the beginning is gonna be the recipient of a big sloppy tongue kiss in the end.
Today I've watched Final Destination 4 and I had to think of all of these cliches! :lol:
Because there in this movie are a lotta cliches, too!