Movie characters that reminds you of Michael

Simba, easily. Right down to the personality and voice. I remember how the older Simba didn't want to grow up, plus he was falsely accused too. Timon and Pumba's home away from Simba's tribe = Neverland.

I always see this as the evolution of young MJ into adult MJ:

gee, I almost cried with that video because I forgot Simba was falsely accuse too. It's been a long time since I watched the lion king :)
Willy Wonka :)

I still think Michael should've played him.

Oh yeah! I agree. God, how I would like to see MJ played Willy!

And the Spider Man reminds me MJ too. His story on the three films looks like Michael's life so well! He just want help the ppl, he has fans and the press (Clarin Diary) always try to make to distort him!
The only movie character that I can think of that reminds me of Michael is Kalpana from the 2005 Tamil movie and the 2008 Hindi movie remake of Ghajini. She was like Michael in a way she was always very helpful and loving to other people in need. Especially to children. And just like Michael Kalpana was murdered in the movie. But not in the same way Michael was. And in the Hindi movie version she died near the June date that we has lost Michael on but about 3 years before him.
Will put that on the "to watch" list, thank you.
I'm with kasume, Willy Wonka always reminded me of Michael, especially since the Ebony photoshoot.

Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka really annoyed me and i found him to be nothing like MJ.
I think that Johnny Depp's version is Willy Wonka is simular to the way the media potrays MJ but he's nothing like the real MJ
Prince Akeem from "Coming to America" :p

Thanks to other thread that was about this movie, I could realize some similarities with this character.
Like MJ wondering about the “normal life”, how would it be, and always wanting people (and women) to get close to him for the person not for being a celebrity, etc.
It was kind of sad to think about this part of his life, so I’ll post this scene for a laugh :D
Really interesting how many Johnny Depp characters are mentioned here....
lucilla;3009708 said:
Prince Akeem from "Coming to America" :p

Thanks to other thread that was about this movie, I could realize some similarities with this character.
Like MJ wondering about the “normal life”, how would it be, and always wanting people (and women) to get close to him for the person not for being a celebrity, etc.
It was kind of sad to think about this part of his life, so I’ll post this scene for a laugh :D

Hehe, I love that movie. Priceless. :hysterical:
Wasn't Edward Scissorhands character loosely based on Michael? I remember reading that some where. Don't know if it's true or not, but the similarities from the personality down to his attire makes it seem believable.
Spider-Man reminds me alot of MJ. Both try to do good for the world but the tabloids always try to twist it into something sinister
Wasn't Edward Scissorhands character loosely based on Michael? I remember reading that some where. Don't know if it's true or not, but the similarities from the personality down to his attire makes it seem believable.

I don't know if the character was based on him, but initially Tim Burton wanted Michael to play Edward Scissorhands, but Michael declined it.
"I'm A huge fan of Edward Scissorhands I see some of myself in his character, I would have loved to have been Edward Scissorhands. But then again I am him in a way" -Michael Jackson-

I don't know if he really said that?...

And according to Wikipedia:
“Although not publicly known, Burton's first choice for the role of Edward was Michael Jackson, but there were circumstances that made this impossible.”

I don't know if these claims are true though... :scratch:
The character "V" from the movie "V for Vendetta": poetic, intelligent, and compassionate and also very tough! I know that vengeance was not Michael's way, but when it comes to his music and his message, he is also very tough!
And also the Beast from the movie "Beauty and the Beast" and how all the village wants to kill the beast at the end of the movie just because he was "different"!
Michael reminds me of John Coffey from The Green Mile. I watched that movie last week and cried so hard i was practically hyperventilating. Coffey reminds me of Michael because of his pure, beautiful and innocent soul :)
I cant watch that movie no more makes me to sad it reminds me of MJ too much.......:(