Motions to exclude certain topics at Katherine Jackson vs AEG Trial

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And as for that judge, why would aeg sue murray? They didn't suffer any damages. They got all the mj production costs back from the estate, sold the tii footage for $millions, i think half of the ticket receipts didn't need to be returned because people wanted to keep the tix as sourvenirs. So as phillips tactlessly admitted at the time, they were quids in.

Bubs;3794711 said:
During arguments, the question arose of why Katherine Jackson did not sue Murray. Attorneys disclosed that Jackson’s son Prince and his daughter, Paris, testified in depositions that they believed Murray was “a good person” and didn’t want him sued. But Katherine Jackson, who had the decision, testified it was financial, they said.


To the children Muarry is a good guy because I guess he smiled, talked to them nicely, etc., but they did not use the horrible treatment Muarry gave their dad in making their decision. That is why you cannot use the decisions of children to make extensive decisions, not that Katherine was going to listen to the kids anyway, if Muarry had money.

Bubs your comment: This should make it clear for all those people who had 101 explanation why KJ didn't want restitution. $$$$$$$$$$$$ which CM don't or will never have, but AEG have plenty

EXACTLY. I bet you that by the end of the trial we have these 101 explanations again--about the symbolism of the restitution, about it not stopping Muarry from Making money off Michael, and on, and on.
Seeing as the judge allowed the allegations in i presume shes allowed the speculative argument to stand aswell and they can go for 40 bill
I believe if PPB knew that both sides will argue that MJ was a Drug Addict and a Drunk, I believe that they would ask that their names be with drawn from the law suit.
I believe if PPB knew that both sides will argue that MJ was a Drug Addict and a Drunk, I believe that they would ask that their names be with drawn from the law suit.

I'm not so sure. The jacksons right now have almost coerced them to this suit.
They really don't have much of a choice.
I'm not so sure. The jacksons right now have almost coerced them to this suit.
They really don't have much of a choice.

^^Interesting. What I find alarming is the comment Paris made that she found out a particular information about Michael from the internet. I know the kids will learn a lot about Michael from the internet, but it is alarming that on crucial issues they do not have someone that can sit them down & explain everything. If they rely on the internet how are they going to filter what is the right information & what is wrong. They have an estate that can provide them with reliable people to get sound information, but it seems they are staying away from the estate as much as possible. This makes me think that if Paris resorts to the internet, there is no way the family is giving them the truth about anything, so right now I believe they believe in the validity of the family case.

Mdiegee I agree with you that if they knew the extent to which AEG & the family would portray their dad as this weak, druggie, who was unable to make much money, who was a liar, etc. the kids would not be willing participants. However, in 09 when they are young, grieving, & had no one to love them, they would think the family was FOR them & Michael. Most likely they are told as underage children Katherine will go ahead on their behalf, and as underage children how many no's can they say. Further, I keep remembering the summer kidnapping, which shows these kids LOVE that woman a great deal, so they may think she is doing all this for them because it is the truth. Let's face it, if you think your grandma is a deceitful woman who does not care much for you & your dad, has drawn you into a nasty lawsuit to shakedown innocent people, and her kids took her away and grandma did not call, would you be shouting for your grandma? Most likely you shrug and say "if she wants to stay away let her I don't care," because you know your needs are going to be met.
I was hoping granny-gate would open the kids' eyes to the ulterior motives of their family, but that was not to be. Their loyalty and love for Grandma has them going along with all her sinful plans even if it means throwing their father under the bus. It was the same way Michael made sacrifices to keep Katherine happy.

I for one am disgusted.
Bubs your comment: This should make it clear for all those people who had 101 explanation why KJ didn't want restitution. $$$$$$$$$$$$ which CM don't or will never have, but AEG have plenty

EXACTLY. I bet you that by the end of the trial we have these 101 explanations again--about the symbolism of the restitution, about it not stopping Muarry from Making money off Michael, and on, and on.

I guess that people forgot that CM instrument sold recorded message from CM to his instrument to get rent money. There is more to come from CM when he get out, and it is not going to be his pains or about him, it will be about MJ, and if TMZ is ready to pay for what he has to say, there are plenty of other tabloids to do the same.

Yeah, it is ok for Jackson's sipping cocktails by the pool and ignore what CM says about MJ, as long as they have money in the bank. Never mind that we now know Paris is reading info from the internet regarding her dad and she will come across with posts from CM.

^^Interesting. What I find alarming is the comment Paris made that she found out a particular information about Michael from the internet. I know the kids will learn a lot about Michael from the internet, but it is alarming that on crucial issues they do not have someone that can sit them down & explain everything. If they rely on the internet how are they going to filter what is the right information & what is wrong. They have an estate that can provide them with reliable people to get sound information, but it seems they are staying away from the estate as much as possible. This makes me think that if Paris resorts to the internet, there is no way the family is giving them the truth about anything, so right now I believe they believe in the validity of the family case.

I'm sure they have been brainwashed to believe the estate is crooked and that might be the reason they do not participate to any of their projects or even reply to Spike Lee's query about what they thought of the documentary. I think what Jackson's are doing is very wrong so many levels as in the future, they have to be more hands on with the estate issues. To Jackson's, is has always been "It is us (family) against others", they have no clue how to work with people.

When kids grow up a bit, they are going to find hard way what this "family" is about. I was hoping that they could skip that part from their lives, but seemingly there is no short-cuts for them, and it looks like they are going to learn the same way as Michael did in his time.
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If cm is trying to get his medical license back, how can he give interviews talking about Michael?
Don't the kids know the basic FACT that CM was found GUILTY of involuntary manslaughter??? Doesn't that impact their opinion of him as a nice guy??? something does NOT add up here.

Sorry to hear they did not respond to Spike Lee--that is a real shame. MJ made his mother 1st choice guardian--that is the basic problem, but since it was his decision, we have to accept it IMO.

Prince did say he was shocked (or words like that) how KJ had been lied to after the Granny napping, so maybe he can see she is not the best at discriminating fact from fiction and he will take what she says with that in mind. I hope so anyway, and that PPB will think for themselves--they are smart and had a good grounding with a loving and educated person for a dad, so maybe they can discern the BS (?).
-they are smart and had a good grounding with a loving and educated person for a dad, so maybe they can discern the BS (?)

Well, MJ was the last person on earth to educate them on how to discren the BS, nothing especially in the last 15 years of his life testify to his ability to distinguish shady people from honest ones .
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I really think this is out of context or have we seen any documents with such quotes?

"During arguments, the question arose of Why Katherine Jackson did not sue Murray. Attorneys disclosed that Jackson’s son Prince and his daughter, Paris, testified in depositions that they believed Murray was “a good person” and didn’t want him sued. But Katherine Jackson, who had the decision, testified it was financial, they said."

Paris said "Her father told her that he trusted Murray and thougt Klein is a friend" , but it is sure not the opinion of the kids now and I really doubt that Kathrine testified it was financial. Kathrine is for sure not so stupid or should I say honest to say something like this in a deposition to AEG.
I'm sure they have been brainwashed to believe the estate is crooked and that might be the reason they do not participate to any of their projects or even reply to Spike Lee's query about what they thought of the documentary. I think what Jackson's are doing is very wrong so many levels as in the future, they have to be more hands on with the estate issues. To Jackson's, is has always been "It is us (family) against others", they have no clue who to work with people.

When kids grow up a bit, they are going to find hard way what this "family" is about. I was hoping that they could skip that part from their lives, but seemingly there is no short-cuts for them, and it looks like they are going to learn the same way as Michael did in his time.

So well said. But the good thing about hard learned lessons, they stick with you longer.

Don't the kids know the basic FACT that CM was found GUILTY of involuntary manslaughter??? Doesn't that impact their opinion of him as a nice guy??? something does NOT add up here.

Sorry to hear they did not respond to Spike Lee--that is a real shame. MJ made his mother 1st choice guardian--that is the basic problem, but since it was his decision, we have to accept it IMO.

Prince did say he was shocked (or words like that) how KJ had been lied to after the Granny napping, so maybe he can see she is not the best at discriminating fact from fiction and he will take what she says with that in mind. I hope so anyway, and that PPB will think for themselves--they are smart and had a good grounding with a loving and educated person for a dad, so maybe they can discern the BS (?).

This is why I think we can always have high hopes for PPB. MJ was Jacksonized since birth, but in his early 20's he separated from his family professionally. Even though he continued to live in Hayvenhurst until he was nearly 30 and they still had immediate access to him, he never looked back professionally. And when he finally secured his Neverland, he distanced himself more personally.

MJ had clear vision about his family. He was a very smart man, and I do believe he loved them and accepted them for who and what they were. That's why he kept his distance, even though he always felt a strong emotional attachment to them.

PPB had MJ as their foundation. I think they will always love Katherine and some other family members strongly, no matter what, but they will one day clearly see them as MJ did, and make choices that will best serve them rather than the family. They'll have to for their own sanity.
I think once the kids move out and are on their own they may see things differently. Get more independent like Michael did. I hope so anyways. When you hear like Prince especially speak you see so much of Michael in him. They spent most of their lives with him and hopefully that will stay with them. The kids love katherine and I see why they would support her.
Thing is, even once the kids move out and try to live independently will the family allow that? They will be at the door constantly feeding them lies, begging for financial support and everything else that Michael had to endure.

The Jacksons live by the mantra, family first and familial ties make you entitled. Even the third generation - PPB's cousins who they are so close to, seem to have that ingrained in their heads by their lazy as$ parents.
When they are adults they can do whatever they want and they seem strong and confident at a young age already. You can see it now that they are thinking of their future. Michael was stuck with that since he was a little boy but I think it can be different for his kids.
When they are adults they can do whatever they want and they seem strong and confident at a young age already. You can see it now that they are thinking of their future. Michael was stuck with that since he was a little boy but I think it can be different for his kids.

Yes, but they also appear to be emotionally dependent on and as a result influenced by certain family members, who don't have their best interest at heart. Latoya for one. You can't fault the kids for either of these, as they lost the only parent they knew at a young age and were thrust into an extended family and living situation they had little say in choosing.

Paris and Prince acknowledging Latoya's tacky beverage launch, but not the anniversery of one of their father's biggest albums says a lot. They were 14 and 15 when they decided to shun Bad25 and even unfollow their father's official twitter account shortly after, in Paris' case.

It is obvious that Paris is a strong-willed girl. Her family doesn't seem to have any control over her choice of style, adulation for and contact with older rockers and social media life. When she ignored Bad25 and Spike Lee - it was her decision, albeit one influenced by family. It was still her decision, and 4 years from now at 18, I don't see her suddenly changing her stance when it comes to Michael's Estate and the work they do to carry on her father's legacy if the current family situation and relationships prevail. Of course if they, PPB, have a major falling out with all the family members they are close to now, and cut-off all contact, yes, there is a chance they will see things differently. However, until that happens, whether they turn 18 or 21, I believe they will continue to be influenced by the lies they are fed by their bitter and greedy family.
I didn't know they unfollowed the twitter account. I was disappointed they ignored bad25 and Spike Lee. I don't get that. I hope things will be different for them as they get older.
prince still follows michael's official twitter account and some mjfans accounts, but paris already unfollowed .
Well, MJ was the last person on earth to educate them on how to discren the BS, nothing especially in the last 15 years of his life testify to his ability to distinguish shady people from honest ones .

What I had in mind was MJ was beaten as a child and had his childhood taken from him, so his childhood was far from being a secure, loving one with responsible parents, whereas PPB had had a much better foundation in comparison ( a loving (not abusive) parent who took good care of them)--so I am hoping for that reason they have a basis for seeing thru the BS. Also Prince said MJ warned him about some people--implying some family members.

Also, I disagree with a blanket statement that NOTHING he did in the last 15 years showed he could select honest from shady people. 15 years back=1994. He produced a lot of music and some short films, the HIStory tour, in that time period so at least in that realm he chose good people to work with.
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Thing is, even once the kids move out and try to live independently will the family allow that? They will be at the door constantly feeding them lies, begging for financial support and everything else that Michael had to endure.

The Jacksons live by the mantra, family first and familial ties make you entitled. Even the third generation - PPB's cousins who they are so close to, seem to have that ingrained in their heads by their lazy as$ parents.

So maybe we should hope they win this lawsuit and get the $40 billion so they will drop PPB??? Will that satisfy them??
Thing is, even once the kids move out and try to live independently will the family allow that? They will be at the door constantly feeding them lies, begging for financial support and everything else that Michael had to endure.

The Jacksons live by the mantra, family first and familial ties make you entitled. Even the third generation - PPB's cousins who they are so close to, seem to have that ingrained in their heads by their lazy as$ parents.

They'll too have to fend off their useless relatives from their doors as much as Mike did in his time, and then all sort of stories will appear on tabloids.
What I had in mind was MJ was beaten as a child and had his childhood taken from him, so his childhood was far from being a secure, loving one with responsible parents, whereas PPB had had a much better foundation in comparison ( a loving (not abusive) parent who took good care of them)--so I am hoping for that reason they have a basis for seeing thru the BS. Also Prince said MJ warned him about some people--implying some family members.

I too hope that kids will remember what MJ taught to them
-Paris says Michael told her "you need to be tough or people will take advantage of you".
-"As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways."

I truly wish when they are applying these quotes to any people, they start with "family", although we know Prince's tweet was about certain"family" members.
^^ I think we'd better leave subject of DR:)

Anyways, keeping my thumbs up Katherine coming to her senses and cancel this mockery trial.
It looks like AEG is not going to offer settlement, so it is either trial or Katherine withdraw the case.

I think neither KJ or AEG are willing to cancel at this point. KJ because the cubs are sucking at her breast for green milk and AEG because they are not willing to allow the Jackson's to trash their reputation and strong arm them for cash. I think this trial is a go and it's a real shame for MJ and the kids.
prince still follows michael's official twitter account and some mjfans accounts, but paris already unfollowed .

That is a shame :(
But all is not lost as she unfollowed Randy, Jermaine and Janet, and for reason too, and started following:
KatherineJaxson ? @KatherineJaxson
I birthed the King of Pop. Worship me, bitches. #mjfam #paroady

I hope she read this tweet:
KatherineJaxson ?@KatherineJaxson 14 Mar
Dear the real Katherine: Stop this AEG drama and let's celebrate Michael's life. I'll even bring pie, mmkay?
I keep thinking of how the Jackson's say how AEG was pushing Michael and forcing him to do things he really wasn't ready to do. It makes me think of Katherine and Joseph pushing a young Michael and asking him to do things he really wasn't ready to do. Reminds me of the lady in the Spike Lee doc who said what made Michael would be illegal to do now.
^Talk about it...smh...what they put little Michael through was way worse, and illegal by today's standards. Even till the very end and under the influence of Murray's cocktail, it's all Michael complained about. Yet Katherine and Joseph, along with many of his siblings have the nerve to downplay the abuse that haunted him to the end. They all disgust me.
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