Moonwalker Video Game being Released on Wii Virtual Console

I think Nintendo owns the licensing of Sega games (which Moonwalker is), so it's unlikley to appear on 360 or PS3. However, not that I condone it, but you could probably download it through a ROM/emulator:

So does this mean there's hope for one for my DS? =D LoL. If not, I'll buy it anyway and bring it over to my sister's or my best friend's to play it on their's, haha. =P (That's what I did back in the day with my Spice Girls playstation game =D)
lol to be honest i played moonwalker on sega before (even have the original game still at home) but i never made it more than two levels lol. then i lost interest somehow :p weird huh. lol. i dont get the sense of releasing it again on WII, as it seems its the old version and not an updated one...
:bugeyedDude I want it!

I played it on the Sega Genesis back in the day. I beat it I dunno how many times.. *no pun* In fact..I still have it! :D
Wow! It'll be like a revisit to childhood..but on the Wii!!! :bounce:

Can we play with ppl online? Like in Super Smash can play with other ppl...maybe we can all play together? Game on people!:cheeky:
This game is incredible! I spent many many hours playing it as a kid. The MIDI versions of MJ songs are a tad annoying though! If I recall correctly, this was the first game ever for a home system to feature an actual recording of a human voice. It was MJ's "owws".
I think Nintendo owns the licensing of Sega games (which Moonwalker is), so it's unlikley to appear on 360 or PS3. However, not that I condone it, but you could probably download it through a ROM/emulator:

It may still come out on ps3 or Xbox because there are quite a few Sega games on PS3 like Sega rally, Sonic and the Sega Mega Collection (of vintage games in the same vein as Moonwalker). Fingers crossed anyway! Perhaps they'll release it on Wii and once sales slow, release the rights to it to Sony & Microsoft?
Cool we just got a Wii! I hope it's an updated version though...
And also... what are Wii points and how do you get them?
I've got the sega mega drive version but I can never get any further than the second level hehe. It's a fun game though, I like it when MJ kicks sparkles at the bad guys.
That means I need to buy the game AND the console? Nooo way LOL The old school sega console will go to my x-mas list because I have the game for that console, but the console is kind of "lost" since I borrowed it to a friend a LOOONG time ago.
But I have to admit I nver played it till the end, the last level was just too difficult for me LOL

But anyway I like and prefer the old school sega... anyone feeling me? LOL