Moonwalker Video Game being Released on Wii Virtual Console

YAY my wii I haven't used for a year will be getting a dust off!
Can't wait to kick away those jumping zombies, with the bullets coming out of their floating upper bodies. :D
THIS MUST be coming for PS3 too! The graphic would be soo good.
the graphics would just be HD.. it wouldn't really effect the game.
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker arcade game (HD)

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This is good news! Thanks for posting. Can anybody explain what they mean by virtual console? Is that something different or is it just going to be a general release (meaning you can buy the game in stores) for the Wii?
It's where you go online using your Wii to the Wii Shop Channel and buy it using Nintendo points.
This is great!!! I can't wait!!! :D I haven't been on my Wii for awhile lol!!
I am 100% sure I read that a new MJ game is also coming for ps3, pc, wii etc for christmas..
I really want a Wii now, i dont think i can get one for christmas either seeing i've already got a new phone on my christmas list. Arrgh man :( Alot of saving up is needed!