Moonwalker... one of the greatest memories


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I really remember seeing moonwalker as a kid and I was just so obsessed with that movie. It was great in it's transition from a montage to an actual movie story and I love it. I was just wondering what you guys thought of it. What was your favorite part and all? I LOVED THE SPEED DEMON BUNNY DANCING! and what if there was a second?

Actually though I began work on a sequel and here's a preview? What do you think of that?

Love this movie. I wish it was on DVD. I just saw it recently for the first time in many years. Only thing I could remember from it was when he turned into a robot and saved the kids. Such an awesome scene.
The speed demon/bunny dance off was one of my favorites and then the bunny left Mike hanging when the cop came :lol: plus he was super cute on the motorcycle. Also the "BADDER" spoof with the kids and he asked what Bubbles was wearing and he said a Prince t-shirt :lol: and of course the Smooth Criminal and Come Together performances....when Michael yells "come together baby!" something goes through me :wub:
I remember watching ALOT when I was younger. For some reason we had the VHS, lol. We had that VHS for a loooong time, but it was lost a couple years ago so I had to buy one off of ebay, lol.
I love moonwalker :yes: My mom loves smooth criminal so much!! lol

My little cousin likes MJ's music, and I asked him about a year ago if he had seen Moonwalker and he didn't know what it was!!!!! So me, my parents and my sister bought pizza and took it over to my aunt and uncle's house and we all watched it!!!
The speed demon/bunny dance off was one of my favorites and then the bunny left Mike hanging when the cop came :lol: plus he was super cute on the motorcycle. Also the "BADDER" spoof with the kids and he asked what Bubbles was wearing and he said a Prince t-shirt :lol: and of course the Smooth Criminal and Come Together performances....when Michael yells "come together baby!" something goes through me :wub:

big ditto to ALL of that...his smile is so breath taking in the speed demon sequence, from when he steps out of the smoke all the way to the end with spike on the mountain.

as for come together, THIS is my :stretcher: moment
This was the first thing that made me love mj.
The leave me alone clip was my favorite, he looked amazing in that.
I just don't understand how the cutest thing I've ever seen and the sexiest thing I've ever seen wound up in the same movie. Speed Demon's bunny dance off makes me smile so much my face hurts. Come Together gives me.... um... some other feelings. :lol:

I hate that it's not available on DVD here. The best I could do was DL it and then put it on my own DVD.
My Dad wouldn't let me watch MTV. (around '93)
When I would visit my Grandma during the summer, I got to watch whatever I wanted on the t.v. in her bedroom.
MTV was showing Moonwalker, I was only 10, but I couldn't stop watching.
I love the *Do it and you're dead" "It's justa plug". Makes me laugh just thinking about the way he says that.
Moonwalker is amazing. Since he died, I keep getting flashbacks of that scene where he is in the field, playing with the kids...

It is avaliable on DVD. I got mine from HMV about two years ago.
OMG!!! I remember perfectly the first time I watch it. My mom rent us movies as a treat for the weekends. I pick up Moonwalker cause I bealive the cover was cool and I wanted to know what the big deal was about that Michael Jackson guy. It was love at first sight. His smile, his sweet voice, his great video clips. But the moment that my lifetime adoration for Michael begun was with the SmothCriminal video. From that moment on stoped beeing that Michael Jackson guy to MY MICHAEL.
I can watch that movie 1000 times and dont get tired :)
i adore MoonWalker!! I remmeber seeing it 1st time and i just loved it! I watched it as often as could. I dont know what i love most about it! the Badder spoof, The Speed Demon Bunny Dance, The Movie that follows after, or the whole chase that goes on leading to the bunny dance. Its such a amazing flim! I wanted so badly for Michael to finally do a squeal to it.
You can make almost every dvd-player region-free, just use google and type in your dvd-player's model and "region free" and you'll find it.
Most of the times it's a code you have to type on your remote to activate region-free.
After that you can play every type of dvd from any region including Moonwalker!

You can also just play the dvd on your pc with the program "dvd region+css free" running in the background which makes your pc's dvd-player region-free.
You can make almost every dvd-player region-free, just use google and type in your dvd-player's model and "region free" and you'll find it.
Most of the times it's a code you have to type on your remote to activate region-free.
After that you can play every type of dvd from any region including Moonwalker!

You can also just play the dvd on your pc with the program "dvd region+css free" running in the background which makes your pc's dvd-player region-free.
You could also use a program called DVDDecrypter (the programmer doesn't release it anymore because of the legal problems), but you can use it to rip a DVD to HD and remove the region protection and then burn to a DVD-R. has region free firmware for almost every DVD Player/Writer :)
i watched this soo many times as a kid, even the mj haters in my house had to grow up with it since i wore that tape out and i broke it because of it. now looking back at it, it brings back that nostalgia of childhood and among other things michael still being alive.
Looooove Moonwalker. And now my kids love it too. It's one of, and possibly my oldest daughter's absolute favorite movie.

I rented Moonwalker back in the late 80's and early 90's several times and for me, it was always a big event at my house. I still remember one of the few last times I rented it back then around 1990 or 91 or something, I had taken the liberty of hooking up our family stereo to the vcr and the experience was awesome. Especially I remember how awesome it was to watch (and hear on a HUGE stereo) Come Together. Never forget how cool that was. :)

Moonwalker was and is one amazing piece of film. It showcases Michael's superior talent and his wonderful heart.

Thank you for this thread. Talking about Moonwalker is always great. :)
I love Moonwalker :D The only thing I can remember from the first time I saw it is that I loved Leave Me Alone.. I was so sad cause it wasn't on my cassette and I tried to get my mom to rent the video again just so I could hear the song.. didn't work too well.. Damn it was hard being a fan before the days of internet :lol:
I LOVE Moonwalker! We watched it all the time when we were kids....I love the Speed Demon part too...I love the whole thing....We rented it from the movie store so much, along with making of Thriller that we just ended up buying them both from the movie rental still have them both, but don't have a VCR anymore...
I watched Moonwalker every time it came it on TV. I still watch it a lot now.
After he died, when I watched it I thought of how ironic it was that there were 2 boys and 1 girl in the movie and in real life he had 2 sons and 1 daughter :)
I love moonwalker just when it started everytime i watch it the magic starts for me. I was hooked on moonwalker. used to rent it out in the video shop untill i bought the movie, just loved watching the movie and get hyped with the songs.
he was soooooooooooooooooooooo cute in Moonwalker!!!!! Bad era FTW!!


I still have the original release VHS. Man, did I watch that thing to DEATH when I was little. My favorite part was Speed Demon, lol so random with the bunny danceoff. I think its time to take ANOTHER walk down memory lane...

*leaves to go watch Moonwalker*
Heck yeah! I LOVE Moonwalker. Pop it up on my dvd player every now and then. I love his Smooth Criminal act, especially when they do that awesome leaning move. Woot! Incredible and ground breaking. I also loved the dance off with the bunny. hahaha.

And my favorite part of all as a typical BOY that I am... when michael turns into a missle launching robot yeaah!! Hahaha. So cool. :dancing:
Heck yeah! I LOVE Moonwalker. Pop it up on my dvd player every now and then. I love his Smooth Criminal act, especially when they do that awesome leaning move. Woot! Incredible and ground breaking. I also loved the dance off with the bunny. hahaha.

And my favorite part of all as a typical BOY that I am... when michael turns into a missle launching robot yeaah!! Hahaha. So cool. :dancing:

heheh..that part is cool....Michael loved that kinda stuff....He always had such an amazing imagination