Monday, March 16, 2009

Fixed link:

Great report...

"Fans old and young are thrilled enough to have bought around 1 million tickets, snapped up in just hours. 50 sell-out shows in one city. The promoters say no other performer in the world could achieve this. They're probably right."

I cant watch the video

Youtube plz
fuck nancy grace. I'm not gonna forget the shit she got up to. Gonna take more than playing some song. Lord. Makes me squirm.

Meh that nancy disgrace....god she annoys me
So im guessing she hasnt crawled in a hole yet?
It's actually Tuesday now but I like this article. Interestingly it talks about the possibility of adding more dates. Of course they don't specify where.:D

Michael Jackson’s Summer Tour Breaks All Known RecordsOrganizers are already talking of adding more dates By Elena Gorgan, Life & Style Editor

16th of March 2009, 13:40 GMT

The greatest comeback in the history of music is upon us come summer 2009, as also is one of the most-anticipated and highly-mediated music events of the decade. Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” summer tour – his last series of gigs in the UK, as the singer himself said – has managed to sell out for all 50 dates in a matter of just a couple of hours, thus breaking all known musical records, a BBC report informs.

While for regular people it is more than enough to simply state that Michael’s 50 shows have sold out within hours, BBC has added up all the numbers and has come with several pretty impressive figures.

Aside from the speculation that the singer stands to make between $50 and 70 million off the entire tour, BBC informs that more than a million fans will have seen the King of Pop on stage by the time the 50th show ends. If this is not convincing enough, it also reports that all tickets have sold at a rate of 11 per second – faster than those for any other concert ever held.

Michael Jackson is reportedly “thrilled” by the fans’ wonderful response to his announcement, but organizers AEG Live are positively through the roof with joy. In fact, they have been so surprised by the magnitude of the event, that they’ve already asked the singer to add more dates to the show, a proposition Michael has not been completely opposed to, as a spokesperson confirms for the same media outlet.

“That wasn’t anticipated.” Randy Phillips of promoters AEG Live told BBC Radio 1 about the fans’ response. “We never thought ‘50 shows’ and frankly based on the queues on Ticketmaster, plus the 300,000 registrants we still haven’t issued codes to, we could spend two years here [at London’s O2 Arena]. Mike asked me how long he would be in the United Kingdom for and I told him, probably long enough to get a British passport. Michael’s already pretty much put together a list of the dancers he wants. Michael’s very engaged now.” Phillips added.

Ticketmaster was equally surprised by the heavy demand from fans looking to see the King of Pop on stage, as Director Chris Edmonds also shared for BBC. “We often talk about unprecedented demand, but this week we have witnessed a live entertainment phenomenon. This was undoubtedly the busiest demand for tickets for an event which we have ever experienced.” Edmonds explained.

As of now, the only tickets still available for Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” series of shows can be found on sites like eBay, retailing for anything between £170 and £10,000. Initial prices were up to £75.
The man sure can collect expensive junk.

Michael Jackson's Off-The-Wall ***** Purchase
Monday, Mar. 16 2009 @ 6:41PMBy Lina Lecaro in Main

Tabloids and gossip blogs had a field day with reports and pics of "***** at *****" last week, but all we could think of when we heard about -- and then saw this video of -- the King of Pop popping into our favorite Silver Lake chotchkee haven and art gallery -- also known as Soap Plant/La Luz de Jesus -- last week, was, what did he buy? Well, thanks to some sources inside the store, we've got the exclusive scoop and it's weirder than we might have imagined.

He purchased several books from the store's vast selection. Taschen tomes, non-fiction on China and architecture, the human body and soul music, and some children's books (of course). Interesting but not exactly shocking. Had the surgical mask-covered star seen the Pop Up Book of Celebrity Meltdowns they stock (which features a scary caricature of him and his baby "Blanket,") his reaction might have been. Though the shop was given only 15 minutes notice to clear out customers before he entered, someone had the good sense to hide it before he came in. A vintage MJ pillow stayed on display, but he didn't notice it during the 2 hour private shopping spree.

The purchase de résistance was found in the adjacent gallery, where the shop's popular group show "Everything But the Kitschen Sync" is the current exhibit. Michael apparently had to have a sculpture called "Freudian Fortune Teller," the work of local artist and La Luz fave Brian Poor (not so poor anymore). The old-timey looking piece, made from found objects had a recording device inside that spewed strange and offensive Sigmund Freud inspired psychosexual comments to those who fed it coins.
Sample "fortunes":

'You want to kill your father and sleep with your mother."

"You like the smell the of dog poop."

"You dream about going outside without your pants on."

The piece's price was $7500, and despite Jackson's attempt at haggling for a discount, he paid the full amount. Though the gallery's usual practice for show purchases is to keep them up (with "sold" stickers) until the exhibit's close, we hear they made an exception for
Jackson. He took his Freudian friend home right away, which surely made
his Id very happy. He sure seemed in a good mood while signing LPs for fans afterward.
The old-timey looking piece, made from found objects had a recording device inside that spewed strange and offensive Sigmund Freud inspired psychosexual comments to those who fed it coins.
Sample "fortunes":

'You want to kill your father and sleep with your mother."

"You like the smell the of dog poop."

"You dream about going outside without your pants on."


:huh: wtf!!?