MJ's Public Memorial wins NAACP Award

'Everyone's trying to control me
seems that the world's got a role for me'

How sad this is for a man who always thought so deeply about life, who never trivialised serious issues and was so respectful of others.

I was thinking about this whilst walking into work this morning, when I saw 2 grey wagtails fluttering and foraging on the road beside me. I have never seen these beautiful birds in 'darkest London' before...they reminded me of Michael's 'Two birds'. The NAACP haven't heard 'your song' Michael.
Was this award ceremony aired on TV? How did they present this award? Who received it? What did they say?
even in death mj still has the power

if google gives out awards it should be the L.O.V.E. we all feel for mj on 25th june.....how we all stopped the internet
I still think its wrong that the memorial was even nominated in this category. Its a memorial service, not an entertainment show.

Yes, I agree. It doesn't sit well with me to have a memorial service awarded as a "variety show". And sadly, This Is It didn't win as best documentary.