MJ's new choreographer? - Cey


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i donno if anyone knows him.

but this guy is AMAZING.
many people told me that he is in contact with mike (doin' some choreographies for him)

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if this bloke is the same fan who used to be called "Ceyload" then, no, he isn't Mike's new choreographer. though from those YT vids he seems to have come a long way since. good on him, and it's refreshing to see MJ-fan dancers moving without 100% imitation.
it's a fan that teaches people to move like MJ combined with hip-hop street dance

and yes, this is the same person who calls himself "Ceyload"

but he is NOT in contact with Mike ;)
Thank goodness! Theres a million choreographers better than this guy. He's dry. Plus those camera effects were unnecessary, maybe masking the suckyness?
this guy, is one of most talented "mj style" dancers

and yes, it's ceyload

he did very much in the past for mj
Thank goodness! Theres a million choreographers better than this guy. He's dry. Plus those camera effects were unnecessary, maybe masking the suckyness?

well, there are many choreographers, but everyone is doin the same thing.

imo his style is really GREAT! and those clips are brilliant

I've never seen some dance clips like this
it amazes me what people call amazing now days..
i think with all the dance impersonators and the attractiveness to give into MJ impersonation, you'd have to at least commend this lad for not going at it full-on like so many.
True. But the videos nearly gave me a fit, like that banned episode of Pokemon!
Well, i don't know if you've checked his website.

A few years ago, he did very much for the mj communities!
remixes, videos, shows for european jackson event - mj party in london

now he is VERY PROFESSIONAL I think

michael needs someone like that.
did you checked his hip hop show? Young people are performin, but just imagine, mj style mixed up with some modern elements like this

At the end of the clip you can see him dancin like crazy. so powerful and clean

a big WOW

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That was nice, aside from the unnecessary sound effects and butchering of the Smooth Criminal routine at the end, but again, nothing special. There's just better people to walk with MJ.
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Well, Jabz! It's your opinion

i thhink he's doin a nice job as a choreographer and director for his 22years old
So is it true or not?
Is he really mj's new choreographer?
Nobody knows - he is in talks with them and could be the choreographer for some new show concepts

I wish him good luck, i'm sure they will create nice performances, cause michael needs a fresh choreographer

michael has his own style. we all know!
simply imagine: MJ doin NEW moves, cause what we saw until now is just everytime the same routine. He WILL release new tracks and WORK with a fresh choreographer.
Yeh that would be great to see some new mj moves :)
Go mike! :)
That Smooth Criminal routine a few posts up was awesome.

MJ, hire the man!
He's pretty good, a little sloppy, but I guess that's just in comparison to Michael, so not really a fair comparison. But he can dance. But it's untrue that Michael does the same routines over and over. Each video Michael's ever put out with a choreographed routine has featured new steps. Anyone will do, truth be told. Michael can make the simplist steps look mind blowing.
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