MJ's hand writing

Hahah same... Chicken scratch is normal for me to read too, never found it hard to understand what it says..My bro. writes like that, I Like how it looks though :D
LoL i wonder if MJ actually had this tabloid burning? I don't know why this is funny but....I must sleep now:hysterical: idk i'm weird:ermm: this just made me laugh........
(i love the way he write in all caps, just like my dad LoL)
i wonde if he ever get his sleep that night lol he once said that he always heard the fans wherever in what hotel he was sleeping and they are always chanting and singing so sleeping sorry michael love i dont think so:D:D:D

story behind this

In May 2000 Michael was in London to attend the tribute to Elizabeth Taylor at The Royal Albert Hall. She had been made a Dame and this was one of the events celebrating this. After the show we went back to the hotel. About 10 to 15 of us decided to stay all night. We saw that the lights were on in Michael's rooms so we were singing and calling messages up to him. At about 2am he came out onto to the balcony to see us. About 30 minutes later we saw something being trown out of the windows onto the street. When we went to see what it was we saw a Harrods bag with 2 of these messages. Then about 10 minutes later another 2 were thrown down to us, this time wrapped in fruit, to weight them down. In total Michael sent 4 of these messages to us. I managed to take a photo of all 4 of them but as I dont have a scanner here is whats written on them, the exact way Michael wrote them, including spelling mistake!!

DesTRoy TABloiDs
BuRn THem
I Love you

(signature) Michael Jackson

I Must Sleep
Now, I TRuly
Love you All
Forever I PRom-
-se Love

(signature) Michael Jackson

I LOVe you anD
Miss you All.
LeTs DesTRoy All TABloids
BuT I Love you FoReveR
Love M. Jackson

The fans who managed to get to the messages first were the lucky ones who kept them and in case you are wondering, they are large dinner napkins from the dining area of the hotel suite.
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Thats pretty cool that you all saw MJ, how lucky!!!:D I agree with him.. Lets have a taboliod burning!!":clap:
Wow thanks everyone who posted. This is a great thread SWLPP.
lol imagine all MJ fans actually took what he said and went off and started purchasing magazines, etc and started burning them infront of Mike hotel. Imagine the headline the next day :lol:

I know what I'm sending MJ for his b-day present. One gigantic box of tabloid junk with a lighter placed on top :lol:
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THank you for the story behind!

I have this pic of the 3 messages:


but i`ve never seen this one. Could you probably manage to scan the pic of this message:

DesTRoy TABloiDs
BuRn THem
I Love you

(signature) Michael Jackson
I dont have a scanner, so Im sorry I cant scan the photo. The photos you have were taken the next morning after Michael had left. He left the hotel around 6amthe next morning to go to Heathrow airport. Only those of us who had been there all night saw him leave. The person who has the 4th message must have left before those photo were taken. I took the photos about 10 minutes after Michael had thrown them out the window to us. You could still smell the ink from the pens on them!!
sounds great!

does a friend of you probably have a scanner?? id like to see those pics soooo bad... cause i am the new owner of the Tabloid burning message:

I do that exact same thing. I always change in the middle of the word from capitol to lower case letter in my hand writing. And my hand writing is chicken scratch LOL.
I am also left handed.
yes i m lefthanded too (only when i was young the nuns at school would beat us really hard when you did not try to use your righthand )
when there was a tabloid burning outside his hotel in 2002 the fire brigade got called LOL its all mikes fault lol
when there was a tabloid burning outside his hotel in 2002 the fire brigade got called LOL its all mikes fault lol
i remember we also had a tabloid burning in 1999 in Munich in front of Michaels hotel...ahhh it was big, i could not see anything coz of the smoke.lol

Then about 10 minutes later another 2 were thrown down to us, this time wrapped in fruit, to weight them down. .

ahh he is so funny, in Berlin 2002 he was throwing out towels, and there was inside a peeled banana :D
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^^ maybe MJ threw down the peeled banana because he wanted to share his food with you guys..heheh J/K!!!:D :lol: thats funny though!!!
Agnes you were so lucky for being there wow! :wild: 'n all of you who were inthe different tabloid burnings, thank you guys forsharing your story :happy:
I LOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!! Thank you so much for posting those messages!! MJ's hand writing is all messy and cute!!
Please post more!! :D

LOL at the tabloid burning in front of the hotel!! OH MY GOD!! :lol: It was a good idea though! :devil: hehehe!

omgomg this is making me happy! :D im having fun collecting all the messages..what a good idea! thanks everyone...and to those of you where where blessed to see MJ thanks for telling us about it...you guys are sooo freakin lucky...

moremore pleease! :wild:

what about that picture that michael held a piece of paper out his window, and it said 'I LOVE MORE' lmao he forgot to put the 'YOU' in!!!!