MJJC's Pregnancy/Baby topic

tell me about i t. it feels like he's trying to claw his way out....so annoying yet freaky cuz im feeling a tickling kick a lot lower than ive ever felt before so im sure he's dropping....the sooner th ebetter imo
That is a touching video....

I dont think i will be able to sing (shouting will come to mind though)...

Anyway...doing fine here.
I have some pain in my legs because we went to see the Thriller live show last evening and the seats werent really comfortable.
I'll try to upload some pics of the kids tonight.


Uploaded, taken today after we went to MJ Thriller Live






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tell me about i t. it feels like he's trying to claw his way out....so annoying yet freaky cuz im feeling a tickling kick a lot lower than ive ever felt before so im sure he's dropping....the sooner th ebetter imo

So you know it is a boy by now? I would love to se pictures when he is born...
Soso Def, you are about to give birth now...everything going okay?
It is early for contractions, i hope your baby will stay where it is for at least another 4 weeks girl...

i have an appointment for a 3D/4D echo in may, cant wait!
well even braxton hicks can set off real contractions but when that happens around week 30, which is where I am at, :eek: Not good.

I'm about..ohh 31 weeks. That is what my ultrasound put me at. She sleeps during the night and is awake during the day. She is busy fisting my pevlic bone right now..OUCH. That nad the cervix.. I don't get what fun that is lol

There are even times when I swear, she's trying to make a run for it. :mello: I feel her stretch then kick and freak out, kinda jolt a lot lol

I start having my 2 week check ups, now. This is my second, my first is named Jakob. :) This little one I will name Isabel. :yes:

I wish I could look as calm as that one lady above :mellow:
yep they said it's a boy so im betting on a penis....cuz it'll really suckfor a little girl to wear all those boy clothes we bought!

i feel like just finding that special magic tea (more on that later) and just being done w/ this preg....it's so damn hard, y y y did i get stretch marks so late in the game? i was so happy thinking i wouldn't fall prey only to find one then the rest of it's friends a few days later....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

my boss told me about this green tea that causes labor to happen! u should only drink it when you're about as far along as i am, but she had a cup and started having contractions three hrs later....im so thinking about getting it NOW!

i wonder what my feet look like, i wouldn't know b/c i can't see them....can't seem to keep any meat down for longer than a few hrs and i went to a buffet and left hungry b/c i couldn't sit comfortably....i really thought i would get wider than i did...there's no room for him AT ALL! so when he moves, everyonecan see it...it's a little disturbing when u th ink about it.
Moving ahead to 33 weeks now.

I dont feel too well, a friend of mine who was also due around august had her baby after 26 weeks of pregnancy, 14 weeks early.
She had to let her little girl go last tuesday...

not fair :'-(
Sorry about your friend janena. :( Where has the last 8 months gone? I can't believe you only got 2 months to go! Are the boys excited?
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They are quite exited yeah!
Esp. Moussa...Dilao doenst realise what is going on...he talks about the baby though..

Here are some shots of the babyroom and the BIG belly!






WOW Janena! That's one Huge baby bump! lol
Looks like you're about ready to pop. I hope everything is going according to plan.
I wish you the best.
The room, all ready for a new baby, and You look beautiful.
awwwwwwwww. U look great Janena! I love the baby room. It's adorable. U are well organized. Why does that not surprise me? :) Best of Luck to you girl.
Best of luck Janena, the baby room looks adorable! :)
i love the pics of your kids! they are really cute, little MJ fans! did they enjoy thriller live? i know i did i went twice lol
I'm sorry about your friend Janena. :(

I love you baby bump! And the room looks so cozy!
Thanks everyone!

Unfortunately my bones are hurting a lot ( not tyo mention the swollen fingers and feet....you could put me in between the elephants in our zoo and you wouldnt even notice me) so i am hardly online right now but i do have a few pictures of the belly (and 1 of dialo) that i wanna share:

Beautiful... I can't believe you are almost due already! Only 2 weeks to go?!?!?! I bet you are all so excited. I am. lol
You had your baby?!! Aww He's Beautiful!! :D What a blessing!
I hope the birth went well? I can't stop smiling! Beautiful beautiful baaaby :wild:
Welcome to the world little one..
newborns :wub: Mine turned a month old yesterday!! She was born 7 pounds, 4 ounces but then 2 weeks later she weighed NINE pounds and gained an inch!! :O

She went through a major growth spurt.. but she seems to be doing good now.. her little chubby cheeks :wub:
Congratulations! :)
Beautiful newborn and siblings(?)
Congratulations Janena! Love pics as always. Send me some close ups! Hope everything went smoothly.

Much Love

Congrats Janena!!! What a beautiful little boy!
*giggle* now it should get interesting finally... more kids than the mommy has hands! GOOD LUCK to the whole family!:D