HAHA...I looked at your profile just to get on your signature...how vain..lol. But it worked! How funny to see me there, but funnier poem.
Wishful Thinking
Would that I could stop the world for just one day
and oh how I wish that I could for then I would be
so compelled to create something beautiful a much
better place for all of us to inhabit a place without
sorrows where everyone can smile and anything
your heart desired you could close your eyes and
wish for and it would suddenly all come true giving
all the joy and happiness that was always missing
I'd fix the broken ones who have cried themselves
to sleep each night feeling that no one heard such
deep and non-relenting pain a healing would occur
someone would always have someone who loved
them pure and without reservation with true Love
A child would never ever cry again in the night from
pangs of hunger tearing them apart from the neglect
neither would they have to die from terminal diseases
they would have anything they dreamt of come to them
no more hurt no more belittlements from those uncaring
their eyes would glow from the smile brought from inside
where their heart mended to bursting full of delight
toys and candy overflowing without end and games played
endlessly and no one had to go to bed and sleep again
no more war or poverty and abuse would cease to exist
Kisses would be given never ending with abundance
and everyone would get a hug or even two each day
and they would feel cherished and there would be no hate
or prejudice brought forth from cold minds and hearts
Everything would be free and nobody would have to pay
But I know its all wishful thinking and a vast dream coming
from a heart full of wishes and caring full of loving hope
Oh if Only.....
Michael jackson awesome rad
beat it thriller billie jean bad
used to be cool then went mad
michael jackson awesome rad.
I spy with my little eye,
Something beginning with T
And no matter where they post
They'll never fool me....
Infact I think there's already a few eagle eyes on this forum that would know exactly what I'm talking about.