MJJC Scavenger Hunt - We have a winner!

Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

As I'm never gonna win and am hopeless at keeping track of things, I'm just doing it for fun and not keeping links of them.

Three so far - terribly frustrating!
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

As I'm never gonna win and am hopeless at keeping track of things, I'm just doing it for fun and not keeping links of them.

Three so far - terribly frustrating!

:lol: Hey Dangerous_88 has won this game twice and he just posted he has only found 5 so far! ;)

Come on everyone, you can do it! The winner gets very cool benefits and extra's on MJJC.. Not to mention the shoelaces!

Wanna see a picture of them?

Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

So tired and frustrated now at this wonderfully annoying game! Grr... :lol:
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

This is impossible, I haven't found anything, not one.
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Haha you guys. Keep scavenging....:p
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Can someone explain the game to me? :bugeyed
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt

There are 20 of the same picture of MJ hidden throughout the forum.

First one to PM me with the correct locations (title of the thread and post number) of all 20 will be the winner and will get the Winner badge and I will personally send the winner Michael Jackson shoelaces! Gaz has also promised to place the winner into Donator's group, which gives the winner some extra benefits and extra's on MJJC.

Rules are simply, no cheating.

Time frame - All pictures were placed in posts made within the last two days (today and yesterday).

Locations - Pictures can be anywhere on the forum except 2000 watts, donators area and fan action. They can also be located in members signatures.

This is the picture you are looking for

PM me when you have found ALL 20 locations. Not one by one. Thank you :flowers:
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Going to bed now... Too hard and tiring!
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

nah, I'll pass - I had made the best spaghetti as a preparation for scavenging... halfway there,btw! :)
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Guys are you going to let dangerous_88 to win for the 3rd time? :D

How is everyone else doing?
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Yes, Reeta , they are! Cause he needs new shoe laces! :)

...and apparently a new chair, cause the one I am sitting on is about to break into pieces any time now. No joking. must have had too much spaghetti. Damn winter.
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Have you heard her singing songs about Michael all day long? ;)
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Do we have a winner yet? and please can someone tell me what pic we are looking for if this game is still active??
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

My eyes are burning!!! 7 so far...
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt

There are 20 of the same picture of MJ hidden throughout the forum.

First one to PM me with the correct locations (title of the thread and post number) of all 20 will be the winner and will get the Winner badge and I will personally send the winner Michael Jackson shoelaces! Gaz has also promised to place the winner into Donator's group, which gives the winner some extra benefits and extra's on MJJC.

Rules are simply, no cheating.

Time frame - All pictures were placed in posts made within the last two days (today and yesterday).

Locations - Pictures can be anywhere on the forum except 2000 watts, donators area and fan action. They can also be located in members signatures.

This is the picture you are looking for

PM me when you have found ALL 20 locations. Not one by one. Thanks! :flowers:
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

that brings my grand total to 2 . . .
Re: MJJC Scavenger Hunt - The Hunt is on!

Ohh man this is tough... my poor scrolling finger.. its taking a battering tonight :D