MJJC Podcast EP 05 - Do You BeLIEve? Is Michael Jackson alive?

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Whoever did that... I pity them. ...But most of all those that are hurt by such false and ridiculous claims. I'd understand it if they were kids or young teens doing this, but I'm afraid they're mostly adults.

I agree, and I worry that some may think this 'must be true, because it is discussed on a respected Board'.
oh no. :cry:
this is hurting me to death. the whole "beLIEvers" concept here in facebook.

i do not judge them. because maybe it is so hard for them to accept the truth. i understand. on the other hand, ican't believe there r people out there who thinks that way about :heart:Michael. not right, just not right. :no:

couldn't it just NOT happen. :cry:

Michael past away!!

People will always find ways to make people stay alive its human nature to do so.. it's too hard to let go and our every wish is to keep the people we love.. Then when we hear things that sound credible many fall for it very easily because of the vulnerably spot they are in emotionally.

Michael does not have it in his heart to heart his fans that would believe he's dead if he wernt.. he knows many MJ fans basically worship him and knows how many people would turn suicidal.. I remember going to many forums and hearing fans talking about killing themselves after his death.. u think Michael was not aware that his death would have that impact?? Come on please!!
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