MJJC Daily News Thread [July 9 2009].

Re: Neighbors of Jackson family say they are fed up with Michael Jackson memorial disruptions

Why ya'll cussing and carrying on? Agrees with Chi they don't like the media there. I can't blame em course in my neck of the woods peeps show up on my property with cameras they'll not like what they find but this is a developement with close neighbors. They can't move without some media van being in the way or someone with a camera wanting a comment. Get real. They have a right to complain and I don't blame em. I doubt the fans paying respects are bothering any neighbors.
Re: Neighbors of Jackson family say they are fed up with Michael Jackson memorial disruptions

I think you're being a bit harsh guys. It sounds like the residents are complaining about the media being there and saying they should be leaving the family alone (as well as not disrupting the neighbourhood in general).

I agree, in my opinion the neighbors are concerned by the media.

I mean, you have SEVERAL different media outlets set up out there. I'm sure it's overwhelming. Just think, there is probably media there from the USA and other parts of the world, trying to see who comes and goes from the Jackson compound.
Re: Neighbors of Jackson family say they are fed up with Michael Jackson memorial disruptions

I live in Oklahoma. I have loud ass neighbors. Their always shooting off fireworks or guns. Their dogs bark all night long. We have a stop sign at the corner that people just stare at as they speed pass. Kids are always screamin' and yellin'. Had a guy O.D. last month.
Buncha f*ckin' rednecks.
You get use to the noise and people around all the time. I'm sure the neighbors will get over it.

That depends if there's deed restrictions or not. If not, then it's pretty much anything goes. If there are deed restrictions, there's a neighborhood patrol giving out tickets for everything like playing loud music, running a business out of your home, having too many cars in your yard or having non-running cars out period, painting your house odd colors, etc. Rural areas have no deed restrictions. It's more common in the city, especially in well-to-do areas.
Re: Michael Jackson reference cut from 'Bruno' film

Its nice but really anything that is not appropriate now Michael's dead should not have been appropriate while he was alive.
Re: Michael Jackson reference cut from 'Bruno' film

That's good.
Re: Michael Jackson reference cut from 'Bruno' film

It's a good idea to go to search before posting a topic. There is already a thread about this.
Re: Neighbors of Jackson family say they are fed up with Michael Jackson memorial disruptions

^^ We have restrictions on that stuff.
Our cops just don't care.

I think the media needs to take a long walk off a short pier. Let the family and fans have some peace.
Re: Michael Jackson reference cut from 'Bruno' film

so the joke was on Latoya and not Michael?
Re: Neighbors of Jackson family say they are fed up with Michael Jackson memorial disruptions

I have some understanding for the guy although then again where's the sense to support the media circus in giving interviews.
Still honestly I wouldn't like to have a crazy number of world media around in the streets around my house with all those lights and noise.
Also I wouldn't even like to see fans camping or hanging around for too long. I've seen enough in front of the 'Bayerischer Hof' in Munich... some male fans not even going to the toilet but just around the corner or hiding behind a friend etc.
I'm sorry not all of us are really able to behave all the time.
So I honestly have my own imaginations and that's why some understanding and then again... is it really worth to even talk about all of it?! sheeesh what am I doing in here... lol
Re: Neighbors of Jackson family say they are fed up with Michael Jackson memorial disruptions

If i was a Neighbour i too would get pissed of at people and media constantly going round to the house and i totally see where there comming from, theres no need for fans to attack them put yourself in there shoes wouldnt you get annoyed aswell at the constat fan and media presence?
Re: Michael Jackson reference cut from 'Bruno' film

Either way, we don't wanna hear it, glad they cut it out.
New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

'No rush' for new Jackson songs
By Rodrigo Davies
6 Music News reporter

New music recorded by Michael Jackson before his death is likely to be released - but not yet, the president of his record label Epic has said.
"We just want to pay our respects to Michael," Amanda Ghost said: "We don't want to be seen to be jumping on any bandwagon associated with his death."
Jackson had been working on new music for several years with hip-hop and R&B stars like Will.i.am, Ne-Yo and Akon.
"The appetite is definitely there" for new material, Ghost told BBC 6 Music.
"If we do release anything of unreleased material, it has to be fantastic and it can't damage in any way his legacy or his legend and I won't let that happen at Epic.
"I have no idea when it's coming out, but it will come out on Sony/Epic. We haven't made any decisions because we just want to be respectful for his memory and not be seen in any way as trying to cash in."
The release of new music is also likely to be delayed as legal negotiations over his estate.
Earlier this week, a Los Angeles judge gave control to his lawyer John Branca and music executive John McClain, rejecting a claim by Jackson's mother Katherine.
Instrumental album
Bruce Swedien, a producer and engineer who worked on Off The Wall and Thriller, has said he believed Jackson was working on instrumental music as well as a pop album.
Ghost, best known for her work as a producer and writer with the likes of Beyonce, Shakira and James Blunt, is the first recording artist to be appointed head of a major label.
She first met Jackson in February this year when presenting him with an award for being the label's biggest selling artist.
"I walked up to him and said 'Hi, I'm the president of Epic,' and he said 'Wow, things have changed since I was there,'" Ghost said.
"He knew my work and he thought it was fantastic that a creative had been put in charge."
US music sales tracker Nielsen SoundScan has revealed that 800,000 copies of Jackson's albums were bought last week - almost double sales for the previous week.

Story from BBC NEWS:
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

wow, very respectful from their part. serious decisions must be made though cause as they said they can't damage his legacy.
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

I knew they'd have to wait cause of the lawyers making sure they get the money due Michael.
An instrumental albums sounds very peaceful. I bet I could fall asleep listening to it. I've always liked the sounds he uses. He is brilliant at picking what sounds go where. Even using his heart beat or car horns.
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

Respectful being the correct thing to do. Don't damage his legacy.
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

Thats what I was worried about most. I was always sure there was music there, I was just praying it would be handled with respect.

I for one am not looking for 5 CD compilations of every unreleased snippet of Michael's musical life.

I think there should still be a 11-15 track album, just like Michael would have wanted to release or was aiming for when he was recording.
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

Oh yeah baby, MJ's music never dies. I hope it turns out as they say so:D
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

I really hope they don't do it Tupac & Frank Sinatra style and make a bunch of "duets" albums
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

What matters most to me is firstly that they are being wholly respectful to Michael's legacy.

Secondly that THERE WILL BE new music as first mentioned a week or so ago.
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

Im glad they're not putting any urgency into releasing new stuff. As much as I want to hear it, Im not really ready for it. Besides, the legalities will possibly drag this out anyway.
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

Ghost, best known for her work as a producer and writer with the likes of Beyonce, Shakira and James Blunt, is the first recording artist to be appointed head of a major label.
If I'm not mistaken, Quincy Jones & L.A. Reid were recording artists that were made the heads of major labels.
Re: New Jackson songs to be released but with "no rush"

I am incredibly excited for new music and I know it will be a massive hit. I just hope that his new album was near completion which I do believe it most likely was.
Sony might ask whether there is much material unpublished​