MJJC and Michael's Legacy. Let's Play Our Part.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dear Team MJJC and members,

As one of the largest (if not the largest) MJ forums on the internet, I feel we have a duty to build and conserve Michael's legacy. As Jamaican reggae star Buju Banton says 'organise, centralise, come as one'. For me this means that we take many approaches to achieve the primary goal - protecting Michael Jackson's Legacy.

Some naysayers may question why this is necessary. After all Michael Jackson was just a pop star and a public figure. This does the man a dis-service and emphasises why our work is crucial. Michael Jackson was the most exceptionally talented man of our times. He was also an outstanding philantropist and humanitarian. It would be a disgrace for his contribution to world culture and civilisation to be reduced to 'scandals', 'controversies' and unsubstantiated speculations.

I have given this matter some serious thought and if I may I would like to make some suggestions/recommendations for us to consider and discuss.

I recognise that there are varying and seemingly conflicting views on how to move forward. Some fans feel that is necessary to uncover who and what contributed to Michael's death. Others are concerned with the mis-information emanating from the media. Others want to concentratre on building an archive of documents recording his work, his process and his humanitarianism.

There is no reason why these approaches cannot work towards the common purpose.

I would like to suggest that we form action teams that people can sign up for (depending on their particular interest). Each team could be supported by a MJJC Board member.

Of course, the Investigative Unit continues its important work.

I feel that those who are frustrated with the media need to be pro-active. Instead of just posting stuff on the board for others to get impotently over-heated about, there needs to be a call to action. We need to respond, with emails that point out the error and why this error is a dis-service to Michael and the viewing public. It is important that our responses are not histrionic. We will end up being dismissed as 'those crazy MJ fans'. We need to be articulate, factual and diplomatic. :cheeky: On the other hand we must also express gratitude to those who treat Michael fairly. If we have an action team who co-ordinate our responses it might better serve our purposes (I don't think we can and should respond to everything!).

I know there are quite a few projects on stream as it relates to Michael's legacy. I think it would be great if these could be kept in one section of the main board (as is the case of the Investigative Unit). Members of this action team could also be responsible for producing 'fact files' that dis-spell any frequently held misconceptions about Michael and could share the responsibility of amending Michael's official biography on the forum. There are alot of people who are discovering or re-discovering Michael and they look to MJJC for information to combat what they hear from other less informed sources.

Also, we are still grieving and as more tributes are made and TII is shown in cinemas our pain, regret and anger may grow. Perhaps we could have the support forum also in the section where the Univestigative Unit is, M where another action team can be there to help those fans who are really struggling to cope.

I know this was a long post, so thank you for sticking with it. I look forward to hearing people's thoughts on this.

Thank you.

I agree with you
I'm very happy that you started this thread
and I think ppl should stop posting weired made-up stories from the media like ET/the insider on the GD forum its getting really annoying
Edit: and I would also like to add that lately there have been a lot of disrespect on this forum to Micheal,his family and even members
we are here to celebrate Micheal not trash him there is no point in discussing if he was a drug addicted or not or other topics like that
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As one of the largest (if not the largest) MJ forums on the internet, I feel we have a duty to build and conserve Michael's legacy. As Jamaican reggae star Buju Banton says 'organise, centralise, come as one'. For me this means that we take many approaches to achieve the primary goal - protecting Michael Jackson's Legacy.

I agree :)
Thanks for responding. I have encountered at least 3 people here in Barbados who have 'found' Michael and have spent hours surfing the net looking for Michael information. It would be great if MJJC could become their first stop.
At last it seems that people are willing to take part in something like this.

Years ago, the MJ fan community did stand up for Mike. They did write to the media to correct poorly written, non-factual articles and reports about Mike. Sometimes the effort even paid off and these things were corrected!

I have often tried to get some motivation from the online fan community to bring this level of support back, but in recent years people would rather put their head in the sand and hope that all the negativity goes away, which of course it won't. WE ALL need to stand up for Mike. EVERY TIME we see a innaccurate or biased article or report we need to write to them!

Without this support, the legacy could be ruined forever and how would we all feel if that happened?

I support you 100%
I'm in! Where and how can I join the support group of choice ? I want the world to know what a great, wonderful, caring, sensitive man MJ was and to stop all the rumors and BS stories floating around.

This is a wonderful and very important initiative!
I agree with you
I'm very happy that you started this thread
and I think ppl should stop posting weired made-up stories from the media like ET/the insider on the GD forum its getting really annoying
Edit: and I would also like to add that lately there have been a lot of disrespect on this forum to Micheal,his family and even members
we are here to celebrate Micheal not trash him there is no point in discussing if he was a drug addicted or not or other topics like that

or if they post these ET reports...they have to take action or encourage others to contact ET to pinpoint those lies.

Just posting those lies here to get posters all worked up should no longer be acceptable.
I agree that the facts should be out in the public eye to dispel the lies and misinformation about the child abuse allegations. Lets not mess around, that is the most important and damaging thing out there that people actually believe - how do we do it though? how to we build a strong enough presence that everyone will come across the information?

Really celebrities who support and love Michael, who have been speaking about him and paying tribute to him should be speaking out more directly about certain misconceptions. Thats what people listen to. But of course, Diddy isn't going to stand there and go into detail about certain things. So if its going to change its down to us to get the hidden truth out there. All the information we have should be put together, with sources if possible.. and then we can do something with it..?

I feel like making a t-shirt with 'michael jackson innocent' written on it and walking around the world haha.. not very likely though!
Thanks everyone for your support! I guess to move forward we need to get permission from Team MJJC and then we could have a 'call out' for action team volunteers.
It would be great if we could make possible a movement to vindicate Michael, I hope we can do it..
support you 100%. I am soooo sick and tired and angry about the sh-ts made up by media now. I feel I need to do something to help protect his reputation. enough is enough!
I support this 100%. Protecting Michael's legacy has always been a top priority for me. After his death there are literally millions of new fans all around the world. I have got to admit, that since Michael passed away public opinion has risen dramatically. Although there are still haters, the amount of fans has risen which is a very good sign. I never hear people talk about the negative stuff nearly as much as before. The media has generally been talking about Michael in a positive light. This is all very good news and we should be happy things are moving in this direction. Our job should be to continue to momentum and we can show our love by making This Is It a huge global success with earnings in the hundreds of millions of dollars and give MJ his first #1 movie at the box office, we can take the soundtrack album to #1 and the DVD to #1. The more this stuff happens, the more we force the media to highlight Jackson's huge popularity and it allows the masses to think "Wow this guy was really amazing, maybe I should buy it". I already know many people who have came to me and said "Wow they just won't let up on this guy. He was really a genius and I never seen it before. I am going to buy an album". We as fans need to keep the faith and keep Michael alive for future generations to come.
Thank you I am in, How do I join, I Have look at DVD that was put after his passing that have alot of missinformation on it so count me in
I would love to be a part of this! Keeping Michael's legacy alive is what we have to do now and I would love to be pro-active in making this happen.
This is wonderful! I would be grateful if any member of the MJJC staff can advise the best way to go forward.

In the meantime it would be great if people could say which area they are interested in working.

I will start - I want to work in the archive action team.

Once we get teams together we can work out the nitty gritty details.

Holler back!
