MJ won't tour?

Well, it's also my opinion if I believe in some things I hear (not inside my head but outside).
And one doesn't always have to argue, why. For example if I'd say I heard it from Akon, you probably wouldn't believe it either. It's like an endless cycle, "why" after "why", so why to start the reason even for the first "why" in the first place. You don't have to believe in the same thing than I do if you don't want to..

I never said that I didnt believe you infact I don't really know what believe surrounding the whole issuse about Michael touring , all I know is that i'll know it too be true if ever there is an official annoucement etc but till then I stay open minded
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i personally dont think he will do big tours, i'd like to think he will do some concerts tho, hopefully in UK haha
At the time of Bad, he said THAT was gonna be his last tour. Then came Dangerous, then came HIStory. He is known to change his mind. However I dont expect to see him travelling the world for 50 concert dates. I do believe he will be back onstage performing in some way again though. Thats just my guess.
U know we say MJ wont tour because he does not like it..

well we just found that out somewhat recently.. in 2003... Well he did not like it, WAY before that and still did it.. SO!! We cannot say never..

I don't PREDICT a large world tour.. Concert set.. FOR SURE... small tour maybe.. large tour.. We'll see.. Don't count it out yet!
Besides the fact that Michael's pushing 50, he's stated he doesn't like touring. IMO, there's no reason to. I do see him performing at award shows and such. If he ever decided to tour though, more props to him.
I think he will end up doing that O2 Arena thingy.

But I also think that he will be doing some sort of small tour across the globe.
Michael may do once off gigs but he wont do large tours. He has done large tours before and they have burned him out in the past. Now he has children to care for so maybe he is not so interested in touring. Although I would love it if he toured again. Look at Prince and Madonna they will turn 50 this year and are still touring imagine if Michael toured just once more. That would be amazing.
Michael may do once off gigs but he wont do large tours. He has done large tours before and they have burned him out in the past. Now he has children to care for so maybe he is not so interested in touring. Although I would love it if he toured again. Look at Prince and Madonna they will turn 50 this year and are still touring imagine if Michael toured just once more. That would be amazing.

I don't mean to argue but Prince and Madonna didn't start touring when they were a little kid like Michael. I'm sure it's the last thing he wants to do and I don't blame him.

I'm probably one of the few fans who understands if he wants to do Vegas because he can perform and make big $$ and stay in one place and be comfy :)
I have said this so many times but the way I would like Michael to pull out a concert set is:

* Start the concert sets a little after the new album's released

*14 concerts spread throughout a year
* 2 on each populated continent
* one on the east side of the continent, and one on the west side

The last concert would be an HBO special with JANET as an opening act, and the JACKSONS as the suprize guest durring the Motown Medley..

After the HBO special airs it would be released on DVD in a package set with the new album to put a boost in album sales.

Purpose in doing it this way:
* Not a big tour (Michael does not like to tour)
* There will be approx. 2 weeks in between each concert, that way Michael could do what he wants in between the time.. (Extra rehearsal/spend time with kids/special apperances/music videos etc...)
* Everyone will get a decent chance of seeing Michael, yet keeping it a rare chance. Also meaning ticket sales could be a bit higher ;)
2 concerts on each continent? nah that would give vertually no one a chance of seeing him
^ umm! that's the fairest thing I can think of.. Otherwise there will be sections of the world that would get NO chance..

People living in North America, South America, Africa, China, Europe, Australia, and Asia would get the chance to see Michael..

because you know, aside from die hard MJ fans.. NO American will travel to Europe to see Michael, and Europeans wont travel to the U.S, Australians would not travel to Africa etc........

Some of us would.. But MOST would not.. and some of the biggest fans would not get the chance because of MONEY or work wutever.. And others that are casual fans would never travel out of the country to see Michael.

Unless we forget about MICHAEL and make him go everywhere around the world and do the largest tour he has ever done.. lol!

He has children at an age that need him, we would not get many other apperances and videos, promotion would lack because he would always be traveling and performing.
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Some of us would.. But MOST would not.. and some of the biggest fans would not get the chance because of MONEY or work wutever.. And others that are casual fans would never travel out of the country to see Michael.

not sure what u mean then cause i thought u ment 2 concerts in each continant ie 2 in the usa two in europe etc. if thats the case many would not see him because they have to travel and the small amount of tickets availalbe compaired to the population

i have no idea what or if mj will do tours or how they will be planned.tbh id rather have more concerts in one place rather than very few spread out because it gives u more of a chance to c him and its not like ppl havnt had time to save lol
^^ 2 concerts in one place with no or small travel, is easier for ONE person than 10 concerts across the world..

leaving the country alone costs so much money compared to flying to another state.. Travel costs alone would cost thousands of dollars..

Traveling from the U.S. to north Africa costs nearly $1000 where as if I were to fly to Florida I would pay roughly $300... And that is JUST the plane ticket..

Also think of currency in one country is not the same value somewhere else.. your change in your pocket could be worth 5 times more than the money in my pocket or vice versa..

The the time out of work would be more.. it would take a day or two traveling just ONE WAY.. While you could just take the day of and day after OFF work.. (if needed, that would be possible)

there are so many factures that a concert or 2 on each continent would be benificial for ppl.

Also think of kids too.. a kid could convince parents to do a 5 hour drive over a flight accross the world. I mean so many things would have to go into consideration
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yeah i get you but tbh id prefer say 20 c0ncerts in one place rather than 5 all over the world.just because of their being more shows. if there were only 2 shows in europe even if it were in stadiums it would be crazy getting tickets. so its quanity for me
^ well those people that could not get the tickets, could travel then..

Otherwise something like 70% of people would have to travel. Instead of those who just could not get a ticket in there area..

Your more focused on the amount of concerts.. Me, it's WHERE it is..

the amount I came up with considering that Michael does not like touring, but still gives us all a chance to see him.. Either by travel or not.. Plus, that traveling would effect his promotion A LOT..

Also MJ pushes himself.. towards the end of the tour, he usually has to cancel several concerts.. Those fans that PLANNEd to go to those canceled concerts would have gone somewhere else to watch MJ if they KNEW in advanced.

small tours are better at this point.
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Yep! If he does small tours and just hits all the right places, it will still be COOL!!

Just a few days ago, MJ said with his own mouth, "Come on out. I'm coming. I'm coming."

This sounds like the words of a recording artist that IS planning to tour.

Mike, if you do decide to do a small-size world tour, just remember to have your tour travel in the direction of the "sun" so you won't get wiped out by the changing time zones so much.

Remember, the "sun" rises in the "east" and sets in the "west." Travel in the direction of the sun while you are having your fun.
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Just a few days ago, MJ said with his own mouth, "Come on out. I'm coming. I'm coming."

This sounds like the words of a recording artist that IS planning to tour.

you are very optimistic girl:hysterical: how did you take those comments as Michael touring?