MJ won't tour?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've heard that Michael Jackson is not going to tour anymore like we saw in the past. It has nothing to do with his age or health or anything like that, it's just his decision. Actually he is so fit this time around, he could do anything.

He WILL perform but not "tour-like". He also believes if his music is just perfect enough and promoted well, he doesn't have to promote it especially with a world tour. But I believe he is going to have "tour-like" concerts in UK much sooner than we think. So we will see him promoting his album by performing.
Well, I don't know what to say... a part of me believes that he would be serious after saying that (cause we know how serious he is). But, there's also that part of me that says 'opinions can change', so I don't know if he still has the same feelings for touring or if he;s seen the brighter side of things.

Personally, I don't care if he does a tour, in the sense of 'world tour', cause I can see how tiring it can be to go from country to country, continent to continent and not really stop to get that valuable rest. Cause I care for what he wants to do in his heart, and if he feels like he has done that enough, for the reasons above and many others, than I'll be alright with that.

But anyway, yeah he may do smaller areas and all that, just for promotion and stuff.
And may I ask where you heard this? :)

He did say in the Ebony interview "I don't care for long tours anymore". So that we already kinda knew. :flowers:
I don't doubt this. Just think. He's toured for years, long drawn out tours that left him not knowing what town, let alone what STATE or COUNTRY he was in. Each night, probably sweating bullets on stage....now he has some really needed down time. Time to rest, to recollect. Time with his children. Some time, maybe even going somewhere private where people aren't poking, prodding or taking pictures of him. And he probably enjoys it now. He needs this down time. If he doesn't do any big tours again, I'd understand.

Also wanted to add. I have performed in front of others for quite a while....not anywhere near at MJ's level (could just imagine all of those THOUSANDS of fans screaming at the same time - would scare me half to death, LOL!) Anyway, trying to muster up the energy to do that night after night must have been totally exhausting, especially on those nights when your mood just isn't there.
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Just a heads up to everyone. Topflux is known to post random posts such as these without providing any sources whatsoever, then flee the thread leaving people wondering.

Damien will happily back me up on this one.
Just a heads up to everyone. Topflux is known to post random posts such as these without providing any sources whatsoever, then flee the thread leaving people wondering.

Damien will happily back me up on this one.

and so will i lol..with this bein sed i will now moonwalk out of this thread and never look back..*moonwalks out of thread*
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I is going to have "tour-like" concerts in UK much sooner than we think

In UK ONLY??? Why do almost everybody always mentions ONLY UK? Other countries are also exist in the world. Everywhere in Europe he has strong fanbase not to mention the Asian countries.

If he would do some concerts for promotion I hope he'd make it worldwide!!! Some concerts or performances in every continents.
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Topflux is just telling us what we already know or have heard rumour wise anyways. :yes:
What useless thread this is really
considering we have a massive thread on the go at the minute about MJ touring
Nobody knows what MJ is planning other than himself and people close to him so its pointless speculating all time
Just a heads up to everyone. Topflux is known to post random posts such as these without providing any sources whatsoever, then flee the thread leaving people wondering.

Damien will happily back me up on this one.


he has even PMed me before making it sound like he knows a whole lot of stuff, which he clearly doesnt.

none of us on mjjc know what mj is going to do. including topflux.

he will also claim knowledge to the new album,singles, videos, and more, but not explain it. we will give you the impression he knows all, and will never prove it.
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Alright maybe something is true about this. BUT michael is going to do somethin very very very BIG. So it can be everything like performances in Shows and stadium or small tour or World Tour we will see but he will come back with a huge Album
He is old....=(
He must perform !!...
The way I see it is that IF he does Tour, it will definitely be smaller than the HIStory Tour IMO.....maybe one show per country.

I still doubt that he will :)
topflux is a well known spammer been around for years. cant see mj doing a standard world tour only gigs on a smaller scale.hes been there done that as as hes said himself he doesnt like doing huge tours.he should do the one night only type shows or unplugged. something totally different that no one has seen before not the same old big style shows were he will be attacked for doing what he did 25 years ago
topflux is a well known spammer been around for years. cant see mj doing a standard world tour only gigs on a smaller scale.hes been there done that as as hes said himself he doesnt like doing huge tours.he should do the one night only type shows or unplugged. something totally different that no one has seen before not the same old big style shows were he will be attacked for doing what he did 25 years ago

Yeah, I think what Mj is focusing on now is trying not to live in the past. Thats why he's been remaining quiet and all that with his projects, like you've stated.

I think this thread is useless to begin with, cause its simply a rehash of the same 'touring' topics thats been coming up for a few months now. I mean, we don't really KNOW at the moment, so... you know?!?!
I think he should not tour because it takes too much energy to be dancing and singing his biggest hits.If you think about it touring to make people happy he would have to start all over because some people were not born yet.It's not fair to michael jackson to have to be touring because he's obviously not hurting as far as fortune because he would do more.On top of that he was in the business actually entertaining for 30 years but in the business for about 42 year.
I don't think he'll do a major tour..

a concert set in selected places..
It's all just speculation, we don't know what he's going to do. He's said things in the past and then changed his mind. I would be incredibly shocked if he did another big world tour though. I can see (and I hope for) performances taking place or a small tour of some sort. Since we found out on this board that he was contemplating something at the O2 at some point, it at least means that he's open to the idea of performing again.
^ well a little more the 'open to the idea' since MJ went to THEM..

which is good news for us
I'm not a "spammer".. I'm here raising conversation, speculation and opinions. Just like any of you.
My posts have never been "in vain". So they have had their place. And I'm not trying to provoke anyone. If some of you think Michael will have a huge world tour again and I say he won't, it's your problem if you don't believe. Actually it would be much better for you to believe.

I don't understand either why some of you say I want to be "mysterious" and just leave people hanging. This whole board is about speculation. If you say "Billie Jean" is the best song, and someone says it isn't, it's as much speculation as my posts. If there's something new about Michael in news, it just starts speculation, what might be true actually. Like 1% said about Michael is true. First, so much is completely made up. Second, so much false rumours and mistakes. Third, Michael changes his mind quite an often, so something that was meant to be true yesterday, could be false tomorrow..

I have hardly never said anything as a 100% fact. How could I, I'm not living with Michael hand in hand every single moment and I can't read anyone's mind either..
well MJ's peeps contact O2.. O2 said that MJ is shopping around, and nothing was set...

But in defence if some made that thread it wouldnt be speculation that would be someones 'opinion'
just thought i'd point that out :)

Well, it's also my opinion if I believe in some things I hear (not inside my head but outside).
And one doesn't always have to argue, why. For example if I'd say I heard it from Akon, you probably wouldn't believe it either. It's like an endless cycle, "why" after "why", so why to start the reason even for the first "why" in the first place. You don't have to believe in the same thing than I do if you don't want to..