MJ video project.. please participate :)

MJstarlight, what are your plans for the instrumental intro and the instrumental bit before the closing part? Are you just going to show fan pics without signs, or pics of Michael?
For the introduction, I had an idea for to show pictures of candles and fans holding candles maybe pictures of Michael thrown in. Would that work?
Wow hun that sounds great,so we dont need to record anything then? i have been stuck for ideas as my head is just numb,someone here kindly said an idea just got to get rd and do it so hard to get motivated when ur really low :-( grrrrrr just want to make it special,cant wait to see it though going to be great xxx
See your answers are already been given. :cheeky: I know what u mean, it took me a long time to actually come up with something...guess it helped I'm very creative & also doing a study in that..haha.
Goodluch with yours, it'll be great!
I No what im doing iv got it in my head :)
But it just keeps raining and its bloody hard when its something to do out side Lol ...
Hows everyone doing with theres?
I'll participate! I'd love to! I'll take "will you be there?" I'm not all that creative either, but I'll figure something out...
i sent you a pic :) but the words didnt come out clear, so i am afraid i have to think about something else.

i wrote it on a candle, lit the candle and took a pic of it. but as i said the words are not that clear... just tell me if its good or not!
For the introduction, I had an idea for to show pictures of candles and fans holding candles maybe pictures of Michael thrown in. Would that work?

Sounds good to me :)

I'm really looking forward to seeing this, thanks so much for doing it, I wouldn't have known where to start, I'm not very technology minded!!
Im sure the end result will be great! :)
Im still waiting for like 50 more pictures though so its going to take some time.

And the words
"when wrong" and
"will you scold me"

have not been taken lol
maybe we can just take a picture of Sneddon or something for that jk lol.
Im sure the end result will be great! :)
Im still waiting for like 50 more pictures though so its going to take some time.

And the words
"when wrong" and
"will you scold me"

have not been taken lol
maybe we can just take a picture of Sneddon or something for that jk lol.

I know someone who just joined here, they might be interested, I'll let them know.
Im sure the end result will be great! :)
Im still waiting for like 50 more pictures though so its going to take some time.

And the words
"when wrong" and
"will you scold me"

have not been taken lol
maybe we can just take a picture of Sneddon or something for that jk lol.

LOL Sneddon could do 'Will you scold me' :clapping::D
Hopefully you'll get two fans instead!
We have a taker for 'will you scold me' - this is for clairebear, who is a new member and still waiting for a joining confirmation email.

So that's just one left!!
oh oh oh, I just had another idea for the end. You could use the closing footage from the WYBT video (the footage rather than a still), just as the bird/angel thing swoops its wings around him and written on it, you could have something like 'the angels came for you, but you'll always be in our hearts'. It's fitting for the song and the circumstances. What do you think?
oh oh oh, I just had another idea for the end. You could use the closing footage from the WYBT video (the footage rather than a still), just as the bird/angel thing swoops its wings around him and written on it, you could have something like 'the angels came for you, but you'll always be in our hearts'. It's fitting for the song and the circumstances. What do you think?

Wow!!!! :agree:I really like this idea. I have been thinking of a way to end this too. Im sure I could find that footage on youtube somewhere. The footage where the angel wraps its wings around Michael is a perfect way to end this. :yes: Thank you for the great suggestion :flowers:
oh oh oh, I just had another idea for the end. You could use the closing footage from the WYBT video (the footage rather than a still), just as the bird/angel thing swoops its wings around him and written on it, you could have something like 'the angels came for you, but you'll always be in our hearts'. It's fitting for the song and the circumstances. What do you think?

I really really like that idea! The Sneddon "when wrong will you scold me" had me laughing. I think this just gave me an idea for a parody Youtube video. My friend and I were talking about bathrooms at Neverland, and how for woman's it should be Gloria Allred's face and for men's it should be Tom Sneddon's.
hey everyone I have these words left:

When Wrong
told me
need me

Spread the word!! If you have a friend that wants to participate that is ok too :)
I REALLY can't wait to see this!!!!! I am so excited!!! I am going to burn it to a DVD maybe if I can figure it out...lol I would love to keep it in my collectibles =]
oh oh oh, I just had another idea for the end. You could use the closing footage from the WYBT video (the footage rather than a still), just as the bird/angel thing swoops its wings around him and written on it, you could have something like 'the angels came for you, but you'll always be in our hearts'. It's fitting for the song and the circumstances. What do you think?

I also have to agree, I think that this is PERFECT!!!
sounds great I added you to the list! :)


she's not 2 yet but she LOVES Michael :D

gets crazy every time they show the Smooth Criminal video on tv...once she said to me " auntie...I wanna do this ballet!" in her baby manner

sooo sweet! :D

and she will turn 2 next month :D

she's not 2 yet but she LOVES Michael :D

gets crazy every time they show the Smooth Criminal video on tv...once she said to me " auntie...I wanna do this ballet!" in her baby manner

sooo sweet! :D

and she will turn 2 next month :D

awww soooo adorable. :wub:
My nephew is only 3 and loves Michael too, especially Jackson Five songs like ABC :)