MJ Unreleased Song Titles (paper from inside his house) am I late on this?

There is a track registered with the tittle of H2O, is not the Cascio track, is other from other producer, Femster III:


It's produced by Theron Feemster AKA Neff-U.
The piece of paper to the right is interesting..."Ed Hardy", "MJ", "Jackson", "glove", "surgical mask", "boots"...they're so random lol.
the text under "too late to turn back now" says "vocals" not, "vocoder" in my opinion. I think he might be saying he has the music for it but needs to lay down vocals.

As for the other paper--that seems to be a rough list of ideas of stuff he wants to market. an ed hardy and mj line (as in clothing line), jackson (hotel?) and kids (something?), glove, surgical mask and boots covered in stones (rhinestones). Not sure if those were ideas of something he wants to make and market, or maybe ideas of what to wear on stage or something. kind of hard to say. or maybe it's just a comically stereotypical michael jackson shopping list :laugh:

as for coco butter--not sure if that's his hand writing or not. either way, maybe he just needed some moisturizer, haha

EDIT: ok, looking over pentum's list. i disagree with number 20. I think it says "don't walk away" below beautiful girl. the word above "walk" looks like either kelly (r kelly?) or riley (teddy?) or "riry" (which isn't a word). I can't make out whatever it says under that. just a thought, i think "breath" in the lower left corner is probably "breathe" b/c that makes more sense as a song title. michae'ls a certifiable genius, but lord knows he'll never win any awards for spelling
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the text under "too late to turn back now" says "vocals" not, "vocoder" in my opinion. I think he might be saying he has the music for it but needs to lay down vocals.

As for the other paper--that seems to be a rough list of ideas of stuff he wants to market. an ed hardy and mj line (as in clothing line), jackson (hotel?) and kids (something?), glove, surgical mask and boots covered in stones (rhinestones). Not sure if those were ideas of something he wants to make and market, or maybe ideas of what to wear on stage or something. kind of hard to say. or maybe it's just a comically stereotypical michael jackson shopping list :laugh:

as for coco butter--not sure if that's his hand writing or not. either way, maybe he just needed some moisturizer, haha

EDIT: ok, looking over pentum's list. i disagree with number 20. I think it says "don't walk away" below beautiful girl. the word above "walk" looks like either kelly (r kelly?) or riley (teddy?) or "riry" (which isn't a word). I can't make out whatever it says under that. just a thought, i think "breath" in the lower left corner is probably "breathe" b/c that makes more sense as a song title. michae'ls a certifiable genius, but lord knows he'll never win any awards for spelling

it could be Jackson hall maybe? and underneath I think it says bedding? :scratch:
the text under "too late to turn back now" says "vocals" not, "vocoder" in my opinion. I think he might be saying he has the music for it but needs to lay down vocals.

As for the other paper--that seems to be a rough list of ideas of stuff he wants to market. an ed hardy and mj line (as in clothing line), jackson (hotel?) and kids (something?), glove, surgical mask and boots covered in stones (rhinestones). Not sure if those were ideas of something he wants to make and market, or maybe ideas of what to wear on stage or something. kind of hard to say. or maybe it's just a comically stereotypical michael jackson shopping list :laugh:

as for coco butter--not sure if that's his hand writing or not. either way, maybe he just needed some moisturizer, haha

EDIT: ok, looking over pentum's list. i disagree with number 20. I think it says "don't walk away" below beautiful girl. the word above "walk" looks like either kelly (r kelly?) or riley (teddy?) or "riry" (which isn't a word). I can't make out whatever it says under that. just a thought, i think "breath" in the lower left corner is probably "breathe" b/c that makes more sense as a song title. michae'ls a certifiable genius, but lord knows he'll never win any awards for spelling
Oh yes, you're so right, that must be "Don't Walk Away" - another title added! :)

The "vocals" and "vocoder" one is really hard to make out but looking at it today, it looks more like "vocals".

So here is my list:

Left Note:
1. The Way You Love Me
2. The Loser
3. Best Of Joy
4. Is She Coming Back (Freez?)
5. D.I.E
6. Dark Lady
7. H2O
8. Bottom Of My Heart
9. Hold My Hand
10. Remember What I Told You
11. Can't Stop Lovin You
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the text under "too late to turn back now" says "vocals" not, "vocoder" in my opinion. I think he might be saying he has the music for it but needs to lay down vocals.

Don't think so. Even if the fourth letter is indeed an 'a' (although it seems to like just like the second), those signs you hold for 'l' and 's' are not only two letters, let alone 'l' and 's'. Is it 'vocoder'? Maybe. We need to hear the song. :)
7. Cornad M

that looks more like covered in to me :p and it also makes more sense:bedding, glove, surgical mask, boots covered in stones...well not that much sense but I guess to MJ it made some sense :lol:
Remember that Don't walk away from Invincible is produced by Teddy Riley.

Hope it helps.
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Don't think so. Even if the fourth letter is indeed an 'a' (although it seems to like just like the second), those signs you hold for 'l' and 's' are not only two letters, let alone 'l' and 's'. Is it 'vocoder'? Maybe. We need to hear the song. :)

could it be recorder? :scratch:

EDIT: and another thing I've just noticed, where we assumed it was Ed Hardy and MJ line...the e looks more like a p...I compared it to the p in 'Shut up and dance' and the looked very similar whereas compared to other e's it looks nothing like them... and the same thing goes for what Pentum assumed was 'kid's time'...
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that looks more like covered in to me :p and it also makes more sense:bedding, glove, surgical mask, boots covered in stones...well not that much sense but I guess to MJ it made some sense :lol:

The Ed Hardy clothing line?
The Ed Hardy clothing line?

maybe :lol: I don't know...as I said in my previous post, I'm not so sure it's line there cuz the e looks like a p...but if it's a p then I have no idea what word it could be...jeez...does EVERYTHING about MJ have to be intriguing and fascinating? :lol: even his damn handwriting :doh:
I'd say the exact opposite.
He already released the Riley Don't walk away.

you do have a point...I looked again and it does seem to be Kelly...maybe you're right
Amazing news, wish the Estate would let some fans work on this album with them.
He was listening The Ultimate Collection before he died (the boxset was on one of the tables). Now we know why! He was finishing some of the songs (Cheater, Scared of the Moon, The Way You Love Me, Beautiful Girl).
^^we should sign a million petitions and bug the MJJ Estate till they're sick of us and they'll release them just to get us off their backs :lol:
Maybe it says killer, not Riley or Kelly
Maybe it says killer, not Riley or Kelly
That's what I originally thought too...so it's either another song called killer or it's Just Kelly or Riley...I don't see any other way that would make sense
killer was my first impression too.
Maybe it's a title on it's own.

Also, the "MJ Nephew" reference could (like Barry Gibb and MJ song) mean a seperate song, or is referring to the one(s) above. So he did plan some kind of collaboration. No collaboration with Cascio to be found however. Now, who is going to be angry then, that MJ wouldn't work with him?

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I hope so :D The more titles, the BETTER. Adding it as an option!
killer was my first impression too.
Maybe it's a title on it's own.

Also, the "MJ Nephew" reference could (like Barry Gibb and MJ song) mean a seperate song, or is referring to the one(s) above. So he did plan some kind of collaboration. No collaboration with Cascio to be found however. Now, who is going to be angry then, that MJ wouldn't work with him?


I hope so :D The more titles, the BETTER. Adding it as an option!


EDIT: although now that I think of it...the song title, mj nephews and kelly/riley/killer were all put between braces so they are probably somehow connected...maybe it's a version od Don't walk away with his nephew/s which he considered a killer song :D
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He was listening The Ultimate Collection before he died (the boxset was on one of the tables). Now we know why! He was finishing some of the songs (Cheater, Scared of the Moon, The Way You Love Me, Beautiful Girl).

On what day was there any evidence of him listening to The Ultimate Collection? I'd love to hear him revisiting those songs, especially Scared of the Moon. His matured voice would've done wonders to it!!
There are pictures of the ultimate collection (white edition) on the Mj room in Carolwood.By the way, is not the nephew song the one with Corey Rooney?. i remember Corey talking about Taryll and a song with MJ.
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