MJ, the Snake, the Mouse..., and the lesson in Drama!

I can kinda understand people being a bit upset about this though, knowing that Michael did have rats and he cared alot for them. I used to have rats and i could never feed them to a snake, if i had to witness such a thing,i'd look away.
The following is a story I found (and reproduce below) that counters the concept of the cruelty of snakes feeding on mice). The story was related by Majestik (I don't know anything about Majestik although I've come across negative comments about him).

"One day in the spring, Majestik (a close Jackson family friend) and fledging superstar but not yet King of Pop Michael were at the compound at Hayvenhurst, the Jackson home, just hanging out together. They were headed down the driveway to the studio at the back of the property. They were headed down the driveway to the studio at the back of the property. They were bantering back and forth in conversation while walking along. Majestik was talking to Michael when he realized Michael was no longer next to him but was leaning down looking at the ground and crying.

He said "Michael, what are you doing?" Michael responded with tears streaming down his face. Look it's a baby bird and its dead!" Majestik not being of the same soft heart for nature as MJ and with his mind on where he was heading said "Michael, it is just a bird. There's nothin' you can do about it now. Man, it's dead. Come on, we got to go. Let's go." Michael stood up and looked at him and in his soft voice and from his huge heart pleaded, "Majestik, this was a living creature with a heart and a soul just like you. We have to do something." Majestik emphatically insisted, "What are you gonna do, Michael? It's already dead. There's nothing you can do now." As he was trying to convince Michael to just keep walking he realized that Michael is now down on the ground on his knees, digging a hole with his bare hands to bury the bird, while saying "We have to bury it. We have to bury this bird. We can't just leave it here and we HAVE to say a prayer for this bird." He then finishes digging the hole and covers it with dirt, as he finishes burying the bird he pats the ground gently with his hand, then stands and insists that Majestik stand right there with him over the new grave of the fallen bird while together they say a prayer. Michael leads the two of them in a prayer and asks God to bless the little baby bird and take it to heaven.

They are done praying and Majestik again tries to spur Michael on saying, "Ok, come on now. Come on, we got work to do. Let's go! We're done. Let's go now!" But Michael is riveted and ignoring his pleas instead looks up realizing the baby bird had fallen to its death out of a nearby tree. Suddenly he ascends up into the tree. Climbing the tree to the spot of the bird's nest, where he then carefully fixes the nest so no more birdie babies will fall out and die."

I don't know how true this story is but I would tend to believe it. Have you seen pictures of him kissing Louie the llama and Bubbles the chimp? He kisses them with such passion we fans look on with envy and sigh. Anyway, I just wanted to share this story after reading the article above.
The following is a story I found (and reproduce below) that counters the concept of the cruelty of snakes feeding on mice). The story was related by Majestik (I don't know anything about Majestik although I've come across negative comments about him).

Yes, the story is a true one and was posted on this forum.

He kisses them with such passion we fans look on with envy and sigh.

What a most strange comment to make. 0_0 'With such passion'?

I think the snake must've chimed in, figuratively speaking, because the turn this thread is turning is beyond unsettling and creepy. ..
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But i'm pretty sure that person didn't mean it in a creepy, unsettling way. I guess it just is what it is though. I loved my rats when i had them and could never ever feed them to a snake, i understand they need to eat too but personally i just can't. It's animal nature, and boy...it can be quite cruel at times, but i am sure Michael loved animals.
Have you seen pictures of him kissing Louie the llama and Bubbles the chimp? He kisses them with such passion we fans look on with envy and sigh.

WHOA!!! I'm trying to find the appropriate smiley as a response to this(cause words fail me LOL!), but unsuccessful so far...honestly!
yeah right, its less wrong because Michael wasn't the only one doing it. wow

Yeah, I agree with you. Michael should have just fed Muscles carrots, broccoli, and all other types of vegetables, because everyone knows that snakes are total herbivores. All that money he had to hire veterinarians and the such as well as all those years of having animals yet Michael Jackson still couldn't figure that out.

I'm so disappointed in him that I'm going to stop listening to him forever. =/
Yeah, I agree with you. Michael should have just fed Muscles carrots, broccoli, and all other types of vegetables, because everyone knows that snakes are total herbivores. All that money he had to hire veterinarians and the such as well as all those years of having animals yet Michael Jackson still couldn't figure that out.

I'm so disappointed in him that I'm going to stop listening to him forever. =/

No more sarcasms PLEASE!
Yeah, I agree with you. Michael should have just fed Muscles carrots, broccoli, and all other types of vegetables, because everyone knows that snakes are total herbivores. All that money he had to hire veterinarians and the such as well as all those years of having animals yet Michael Jackson still couldn't figure that out.

I'm so disappointed in him that I'm going to stop listening to him forever. =/

No more sarcasms PLEASE!

lool..i actually thought you were serious for a second. I was about to say..:)
But i'm pretty sure that person didn't mean it in a creepy, unsettling way. I guess it just is what it is though. I loved my rats when i had them and could never ever feed them to a snake, i understand they need to eat too but personally i just can't. It's animal nature, and boy...it can be quite cruel at times, but i am sure Michael loved animals.

I was replying to this post:

" Originally Posted by betseyby67
He kisses them with such passion we fans look on with envy and sigh."
I was replying to this post:

" Originally Posted by betseyby67
He kisses them with such passion we fans look on with envy and sigh."

Whoa, I didn't mean to make it sound creepy, maybe passion was the wrong word. He was just kissing his pets and showing his love for them and the fans were wishing they wouldn't mind being Louie and Bubbles. It was all in fun.
I don't believe this snake story for a second. Michael was far too sensitive to do something like that. All the lies that were told on Michael have made me question alot when things like this are said about him. I know he had his faults as all humans do. But I still have very serious doubts about this. Why is this coming out when Michael is not around to say anything about it? Can't people tell us anything they want, especially now that Michael is gone? How do we know when they're telling the truth?
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True or not, these stories are a pathetic derision from really significant things. They're subtly created so to puzzle folks, no matter how bannal they are (like this story is), they're adding their own twist to it, and boom, we get controversy. Like in this thread. The lesson in drama this topic is covering has magically produced its own drama, what do you know?

I also am sick of all the positive stories we're presently getting from various people, basically of many who are talking about him, and when he was alive, you'd be fishing for good news and stories and hardly ever find them. But yet again, only too few have got the class and dignity of Diana Ross. The rest of'em wana make money by just uttering those magical 14 letters and they're sold.
I don't see why you guys make a big deal out of this story? I find the story interesting.